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Half-Life 2 (PC)

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    Half-Life 2 (PC)

    At the risk of sounding like a screaming fan boy, its only 30 days until this game gets released !!!!

    barring any last minute delays but i'm just sticking my fingers in my ears and shouting "la la la" around any suggestions of this

    I have to admit that this is the first game in ages to get me as excited about gaming as I did when I was younger

    I simply can't wait to play it, and its not just the graphics that have got me chomping at the bit, its the whole thought of finding out what happens next in the storyline, and wanting to experiment with the gameplay physics

    I'm surely not the only one obsessing over this title so who else here is on pins over it ?

    Post your views, news and any other Half life 2 stuff and let the frenzy commence

    It's already been put back a few weeks hasn't it?


      Well that's the big qu ain't it?

      They said at ects that they are still aiming for a Sept 30th release and may just 'squeeze' in for one but if you look at a lot of US retail sites and suchlike there seems to be a big inclination towards the end of Oct/start of Nov.

      As far as I'm concerned they can take as long as they like, if they need those extra cpl of weeks for a few tweaks (I'm a poet and I didn't know it ) then fine they can have 'em.

      As for my feelings regards HL2...seriously seriously excited. HL was the reason I finally sorted myself a decent pc, what is it, 5 yrs ago. One of the truly great games I have ever had the pleasure of playing in both sp and mp (imo). A lot of my m8's never actually finished the sp and just jumped straight into the mp...which I find bizarre and a bit shameful, what a great story driven spectacle the sp was, they're loss.

      I truly can't wait to play this but I just need to go and shell out on some new hardware 1st as I'm not doing HL2 the injustice of playing it on some 2/3 yr old pc. Luckily I have the cash so it's go go GO!

      Maybe the thread should be entitled 'Official PC Upgrade Countdown'?


        Apparently not

        In ECTS this week Valve's Greg Coomber made this announcement :-

        "it'll be tight, but Half-Life 2 is still on for a September 30th ship".
        Source : Eurogamer

        WOOT !

        EDIT :- Posted the same time as Len's comment. Oops !


          Originally posted by Len
          Maybe the thread should be entitled 'Official PC Upgrade Countdown'?
          Yep, but then Valve seem to have done a good job of squeezing the game onto low spec systems.

          Of course for all the bells and whistles it'll take DX9 and some serious equipment (mines on order )

          I can't think of a better reason to upgrade to be honest


            I heard that is now been put back to the end of november.....


              Originally posted by Spatial101
              Of course for all the bells and whistles it'll take DX9 and some serious equipment (mines on order )...
              There is actually a problem with DX9 compliant hardware and the game that means that certain effects like AA will not work...

              I can't find a link, I don't know if it's been fixed, and I'm just paraphrasing and speculating at the problem... But, there certainly was one!


                Yeah, thats been sorted. They gave an update on it a while ago. They also mentioned that Quake 3 exhibits the exact same problems they have fixed - can't say I've ever noticed anything out of place when using AA in Q3. Big fuss over nothing created by net users to fuel the ATI vs. Nvidia battle I reckon.

                Anyway, I'm sure i've read a few times that they plan to release a little demo/benchmarking HL2 program before the game is released. If it does surface on Sept 30th as they've promised we could see it any day now!

                Can't wait, I've been waiting since HL1 and Q3 came out to find a decent new FPS game to play and this certainly looks to be it.


                  Time to order that new PC


                    I played UT2K3 and Wolfenstein to quench my blood lust recently...

                    I'm really looking forward to this... I'm not really familiar with PC releases to be honest. The only game I've bought on launch was H-L1, and that was by chance in a Dixons one day... Will this game be released worldwide in the same week, or get a USA launch first or what?

                    Is it worth putting a pre-order in, online, or just stroll into a store and pick it up?

                    I gotta plan my purchase. I've had ?50 in my bedroom for the past month now, just incase they release the game, I've got the cash to buy it!


                      Think Sept 30th is global release date

                      I'd recommend preordering from, they are the best major UK online retailer IMO and always seem to get plenty of stock of big name games in and shipped out quickly.


                        That sounds great!

                        Thanks Fire. I really can't wait for this game. I've already told me girlfriend that she may no see me for a while. Now all I have to do is tell my teachers that for a few months, homework is not an opition, and I'll be set.

                        All I have to do is make sure there isn't a death in the family to disrupt my days!


                          I like this Box Art:

                          I think that it looks very good. Simple, effective, all the right colours. I can't see it being the actual released cover, because it doesn't say 'Half-Life' anywhere on it, but I'd like to hope.

                          I'm impressed by this: Mod Makers Guide.

                          I'm interested in making mods. I've made a level with my friend before (it was a clone of Stack from Goldeneye) which was fun. I've also downloaded the SDK for HL and made a few adjustments such as different secondary functions etc...

                          Maybe this book would allow me to explore my interest further and perhaps do something worth while...

                          One can hope... I may be buying that!


                            Apparently if its still on for Sept 30th ( and there's been no official word to the contrary..... yet ), then the key date for it to go gold is the 13th

                            Right now Gameplay have a deal going on with, that if you order the game from them then its only ?24.99 instead of the usual ?26.99

                            Fire is right, Gameplay have always been bang on when it comes to delivering on day of release, and with the special offer means you can get the game on day of release using first class postage for only ?25.98

                            ( I'm pimping them so much they should be bloody paying me for this )

                            Check it out at

                            While its just a bit more expensive than Play ( but not much ), I usually find they take two or three days to deliver ( I don't think I could wait that long for this game - I'm already planning to take the day of release off work ! )

                            I'm wishing the whole of September away !

                            EDIT :- And on the subject of box art, this is one I whittled together to try and pass the time - and it did for all of five minutes. Very similar to the Gameplay one but much improved


                              Well me's praying that it's gonna be delayed for a month or so cos maybe then I'll be able to afford a new kickass PC.

                              Anyone else excited about the SDK? I think I'm looking forward to it almost as much as the game itself.

