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[Wii] Excitebots Trick Racing

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    [Wii] Excitebots Trick Racing

    These are early first impressions as i have only played through the first cup, but so far so good.

    The game is not that far from Excitetruck so if you liked that, there is sure to be fun had here. Many thought that the adition of crazy tricks and mini games, within the race would slow things down and confuse the player, resulting in the race gameplay being not so good.

    However i am pleased to report that the games are a fun addition.

    The game works like this....

    You are given a target star amount before a race, you have to obtain this through doing tricks and completing minigames, aswell as jumps, tree runs and loads of other things that can earn you stars. hit the target and move onto the next level. Get all B grades or better on a cup and you unlock the next. You get bonus stars for your finish position in the race.

    One unique thing about this is, if you grab a red spanner your bot then goes onto it's legs and starts to run. You then rock your wiimote left and right to run, hit a ramp and your bot will glide, giving you access to short cuts and secret areas.

    The games happen when you hit a ? block, this will drop a ball into your path or attach a dart to your bot for example. You may have to hit the ball into a goal, or thow a dart on a board (that is not on the track) it is always just off the track so its on your route but will not obstruct. The games only activate when you hit the ? if you do not want to earn the bonus stars you do not have to play them.

    This game is extremely fast, the frame rate does not really drop even when boosting yourself and at top speed, think F-Zero type speeds.

    I enjoyed Excitetrucks and have to say this may even be better, they have taken what the reviews have said on board and expended the game in a fun and unexpected way, well done for trying something new.

    I will play some more and add anything i feel worthy tomorrow


    Just had a play online and its one of the better wii games for online play. Quick to connect and your not waiting ages for bot/ track selections as everything is timed.

    So far no lag/rate drop, even with max players on the more detailed and advanced tracks.

    The system works like this

    you will be randomly asigned to a lobby where you watch the race that is going on, you can choose who you view and can flip between racers. Then once the race is done you get to select your bot and view any stats you may want to see on the other players, races won, bets won/lost ect.

    You then select your track from the ones you have unlocked, or choose random. Once everybody in the lobby has made a choice the game randomly chooses one.

    Then you make your bet, based on the track/difficulty/and racers. You can bet 100, 500,1000, 2500, 5000 these are the stars that you earn in the single player that you are betting with.

    The races are not based on who wins, but the player with the most stars at the end. you then roll a dice (the amounts on the dice depend on your finishing position and bet) to see if you win upto 6X your bet.

    The online is good (for the Wii) is smooth, but while the game lacks a lot of options online what is there works flawlessly.
    Last edited by The Mole; 22-04-2009, 14:06.

    Great impressions Mole, thanks. I loved ExciteTruck (it was sorely underrated), so I'm psyched to try this.


      Good impressions, TheMole. Sounds very promising. Are the visuals much better than Truck's? ... Looked to be nicer in the videos.


        Yes the visuals are better, i think they have just used an improved excitetruck engine. The bluring effects are better when your going at blistering speeds, the scenery is vibrant and certainly has more detail.

        I am quite supprised at how much i like this game, i admit i was sceptical, but being a fan of trucks and the fact that they have a lot of similarity it is a good experience.

        I will give online a go this aft and post back.


          Added some online impressions.


            where did you get the game from so early?
            vgp only had it in stock monday and mine is on the way.
            glad to see multi online is smooth and fun.


              I will definitely be buying this. Sounds like a really good game. Time to turn my Wii on again.


                Originally posted by Destrukticor View Post
                where did you get the game from so early?
                vgp only had it in stock monday and mine is on the way.
                glad to see multi online is smooth and fun.
                I have a mate in the states who sends me games that i want. He can sometimes get games a bit early, he sent it to me on the Thursday before release, but it is rare that he can get a game so early. This method costs a lot more than the online retailers but sometimes im just desperate to get a game


                  Any ideas if online will work worldwide (like Mario Kart) or not?

                  ie. will I regret buying the USA version when the EU launch comes around?


                    The US version works online on a PAL Wii.


                      Thanks, I think I'll pick up a copy then


                        Got my copy of this, played it late last night and this morning and am loving it so far.

                        Of course I might have preferred a straight Excite Truck sequel, but this is cool.


                          Had a go on this yesterday - very impressive. Seemed a lot of fun.


                            Just a shame the sales in the USA were not enough to get it a PAL release.


                              Is this not coming out here then?

