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    inFAMOUS [PS3]

    here are some intial thoughts after a quick go.

    demo seems quite generous in giving you a couple of missions to have a bash at, first one being to defend and power a train to a checkpoint whilst bad guys tyr to stop you.

    graphically this is very pretty, solid and very detailed environments but have had a couple of camera wobbles where it gets stuck

    there is no escaping the fact that as suspected the shadow of Crackdown looms large over this, not sure if its rose tinted glasses or not but this feels a bit fiddly to play in comparison, your man leaps around sticking on to climbable surfaces (whether you want him to or not), I'll reserve judgement but he feels a bit lightweight and may take a little getting used to.

    the electro weapons you have are quite fun and feel suitably destructive, though I've only noticed damge to the stuff lying around and cars, not buildings so far.

    feels quite difficult too, I died a few times, returning you to the (close together) last checkpoint, inititally though you can't take a lot of hits and there is a quite annoying enemy who flits about with fire taking you out, and he's quite hard to see.

    need a lot more time to form a solid view but it looks quite impessive so far, not sure its an instant AAA title but intial feeling is could be close.

    Prototype Vs Infamous. It starts here!

    Is the demo available for everyone? I thought it wasn't out til 1 week before release.

    Thanks for the impressions.


      It got put up on HK store by accident Dezm0nd then took down again lol


        that isn't the only way to get it, I posted earlier in the general gaming thread how to do so, though I think this may be over now.

        the jumping around and exploring is quite fun, I love elctro grinding on rail tracks, thats lovely.

        I'm finding the combat quite fiddly and difficult though, I'd almost say irritating. It may come together and become deep or just end up plain annoying, I'm on the fence at present.


          well merf thanks for the heads up
          i emailed them about 11am and still no email back guess they only had a set number of the codes i really want to try it as im on the fence about it may just have to wait until the demo is out officially


            I've just played thru the whole demo again, it can be a bit strict in making you keep to what's available but that is understandable, you get a really good idea of gameplay mechanics but its hard to tell how linear, or not, the full game will be from this.

            controls really clicking now and its actually rather good, you can use train tracks or electricity cables to grind on and quickly whizzing from rooftop to rooftop this way then unleashing hell on the bad guys is pretty cool.

            also missions that I failed multiple times first time thru I aced in one go now, does take little getting used to though and using your radar in combat is a must.

            your character is really athletic, he can run/grab/hang/climb on pretty much anything and they've done a pretty good job making you feel you are really doing super-powered parkour, only downside of this is occasionaly you can stick somewhere you don't want to, but when you get it right you flow from roof to roof beautifully.

            it definitely has some spirit of Crackdown in there but is quite different, I'm not sure it will be as 'sandbox' as that game was, but then again very few things are.

            I'll definitely leave my pre-order in for this, be really interesting now to see how Prototype shapes up against this as I reckon this sets the bar quite high.
            Last edited by merf; 08-05-2009, 16:24.


              This isn't Crackdown, it's not made by the same people, why did people assume it will be a copy of everything in the that game?


                I think Crackdown is considered the pinnacle of the genre now, at least for more "fun" sandbox games.


                  Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                  This isn't Crackdown, it's not made by the same people, why did people assume it will be a copy of everything in the that game?
                  its pretty hard to have a game set in a city with a superpowered hero leaping from rooftop to rooftop without those comparisons being made.

                  I hold Crackdown up as a pinnacle of this type of thing on the current consoles so even a couple of years on its the yardstick to judge this, and I suspect Prototype by.

                  if they can't better the mechanics and gaming fun of that title they've failed.


                    aaawww man i cant believe i missed this demo! so Psyched for the full game!


                      Originally posted by merf View Post
                      if they can't better the mechanics and gaming fun of that title they've failed.
                      Seriously? You must consider almost every game a failure then, since there will always be a standout title in any genre.

                      Personally speaking, despite the games difficulty being rather punishing, I love it. It's a more serious game by the looks of it, which is nice. I've already pre-ordered it.


                        Been through the demo and saying I viewed this as purely a time filler with my eye more on the Uncharted 2 beta... I really liked it. The character controls great, it moves smooth, is fun, I'm not sure if the final game will be repetitive but as long as it isn't too gruelling I'm well up for this one now!


                          There's a real art to doing this type of game. Crackdown was extremely repetitive, more so than GTA4 for example yet I completed Crackdown but tired of GTA before the halfway point.


                            I've run through the demo a couple of times.

                            I was always a bit unsure of what to expect of the game, it didn't look particularly good graphically but Sucker Punch have a really good history of game. There was always Prototype too and how it would compare to that. The last Invisible Walls shows suggested that inFamous was looking like it was going to be the better of the two.

                            I've had a lot of fun playing the demo even though I'm still not convinced the graphics are quite good enough. They compare well to other open games from this generation especially when compared to the feeble GTA IV.

                            I found it more fun playing the bad guy in the demo and the red attacks just look better. I'm sure I'll be going for the hero tag in the main game even though that'll probably be a little trickier.

                            I thought there was some really nice touches in the game such as when you stand in a puddle and the electricity arcs across it and even better is when people are standing in a puddle, you can run through it to give them a shock.

                            I love that you can rail surf on the train tracks with electricity trailing behind you but it caught em out once when I surfed head on into oncoming train. You can also do the same along things like power lines and telephone cables.

                            It was a lot of fun just destroying a load of stuff and there was one part where a row of parked cars on the side of the street ended up in a massive street long chain explosion.

                            There seems to be a few different attacks available which may be able to be powered up as work through the game due to the XP that you get for doing certain things. There's a cover button (circle) but I'm not really sure how often it'll be needed in the game, I found that it got used by me to avoid snipers who are excellent shots so that I could regain my energy and pop out a couple of shots when they were reloading.

                            I'm not sure how large the game will be but the demo map is just one of the three islands in the full game. I'm not sure of how the size of this island will compare to the other two but if they're a similar size then there's a lot of ground to cover.

                            After playing the demo the game has gone from me hoping it was going to be good due to it coming from Sucker Punch to something that has just been ordered.


                              Out of interest, which version are people ordering? The special edition with extra power, or the version with the Uncharted beta? I have to admit, I'm a little torn.

