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[DS] Walk With Me (Do you know your walking routine?)

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    [DS] Walk With Me (Do you know your walking routine?)

    This is Nintendo's shot at the next big thing. This is not going to appeal to many on here, but thought it was worthy of a first play thread anyway.

    In the rather large box you get

    x2 activity meters
    x2 clip on covers

    As well as the usual game card (which has infa red technology in it (which works extremely well may i add)

    The first think to mention this is NOT a game in any way shape or form. No minigames no exercises to follow ect, it is simple a tool that lets you follow your walking patterns across the day.

    You put the activity meter on your person, so in a bag, clip it onto yourself, or some have threaded it through their shoe laces. Once this is done forget about it. The device for me has been unnoticable. It is very small and extremely light.

    As the day goes on you will notice a red light flashing, this means that your steps are being counted. Should the light turn green, that means your daily step target has been reached. The game defaults your target at 3000 steps which i have worked out is about a mile of walking. You can change this target but only through the DS.

    For me i love stats and it has been very interesting to see the chart of how much i have walked and when. The activity meter does a fantastic job of giving a great measurement.

    In only 2 days i have found this little device to be the motivation i was looking for to walk more and take less public transport or drive. How long i will keep up with this for who knows? But for £35 (RRP £49.99) its so far so good.

    Onto the software. First of all your asked to create a Mii, or import one from the Wii. I was shocked at how good the Mii creator is, i was expecting it to be quite bare bones, but i spent a good 30 mins playing about with it, getting my Mii just right. Once you have your Mii you are asked to sync the Activity Meter. This involved a simple button press on the meter while pointing at the DS software card.

    Then that is it, you are set for the day. Attach on your person (or dog) and away you go.

    The game also has special settings so you can get readings from a dog. I assume you get to create a dog Mii and such but i do not have a dog or a spare meter to check with.

    At the end of the day you sync the meter back to the DS software card and you are presented with stats and a daily tip.

    Personaly i think this is a very nice bit of kit, yes the majority here will not be interested, however you guys are not the market Nintendo is going for with this. There is no denying the price is extremely high for what it is, but it will also sell by the truck load but at the same time is functionable.

    I've been looking at this too, thanks for the thoughts, the movie I watched said there were some minigames of sorts, i.e. your steps would power 2 bulbs etc, and the global stats thing looks interesting to.

    You can download your Mii from your Wii.
    I would like to see how lazy my dog is apart from barking at the postie is sits in the sun all day.

    If you don't download your data each night will it download multiple days in one go?


      While i have downloaded my info each night so far, i do think you can download multiple days worth, ill have a look in the instruction book for you.

      The activity meter one is llike a phone book, its huge.

      Nah just had a look the things you mention are not mini games. They take your steps and convert them into pictuires depending on how much you walked.

      The other one is you against the other activity wearer on a treadmill with your daily step total.
      Last edited by The Mole; 07-06-2009, 12:26.

