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[Prototype] (PS3/360/PC)

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    [Prototype] (PS3/360/PC)

    Got this through my door today. PS3 version.

    Not played too much, but from what I've played so far, it seems fun enough. I've been mostly running up buildings and jumping about like a loony.

    After doing a handful of mandatory missions you are then left to free-roam with a number of optional missions to do. This is where I've left it for now. About 45 mins worth of play.

    To be honest, I'm not blown away by this so far. However, I do like this sort of game, so I'm going to stick with until it's done.

    Graphically it's a bit bland, apart from several NYC landmarks, it's all a bit samey everywhere you look. The game does move along smoothly though.

    Controls so far, have been a bit twitchy. Guess I just need to get used to them.... hopefully.

    So far, fun, a bit confusing at times, and underwhelming.

    Will stick it out, though.

    Saw a gameplay vid Hools and the guy was literally flying around, is that a skill you start out with or one you get later on? He was kinda jumping off buildings and floating, yet flying across the world.


      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
      Saw a gameplay vid Hools and the guy was literally flying around, is that a skill you start out with or one you get later on? He was kinda jumping off buildings and floating, yet flying across the world.

      The game teases you at the start. You start with most of the powers and then you find the story wizzes back in time to where you began realising your powers.

      After doing the mandatory missions at the start, I found I had a ton of XP to spend on lots of powers and upgrades. The floaty skydive one was one of them. I think this power in particular will make my game more fun from here on out.


        Mine arrived today but not had a chance to play it, would you reccomend starting it right away or finishing inFAMOUS first mate? I do like inFAMOUS but I'm finding the "gunplay" really irritating, they take too much health off at such obscenely long range. I reckon I'm half way through the second area, but I'm tempted to play this instead...


          Ooh, I dunno. I really enjoyed inFamous and I've finished a playthrough on it. I reckon you could play them both together. When one starts doing your head in, just play the other

          InFamous is good for climbing and grinding. Prototype will do you for your jumping off buildings, gliding and hand-to-hand violence needs.


            It's now night time and things looks nicer. I can see trails of car lights in the streets below going off into the distance. Lots of high risers with their lights on. Electronic billboards. After the mandatory missions, there seems to be orbs for me to collects. Landmark orbs I think they're called. 200 all together. I found 3 on one building alone.
            Last edited by hudson; 10-06-2009, 13:38.


              Just had a big fight with some beastlies. The controls really got in my way. The targeting and the camera just wasn't helping. Felt like a mess. The game has some really nice ideas, it just seems poorly executed so far.

              I like how you can infiltrate places by consuming key persons to disguise yourself.


                Whats actualy better then? This or inFAMOUS? As I dont know if I want to get this really but I'm loving inFAMOUS at the moment.

                Or are they both different enough that they dont need to be comapred?


                  Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                  Mine arrived today but not had a chance to play it, would you reccomend starting it right away or finishing inFAMOUS first mate? I do like inFAMOUS but I'm finding the "gunplay" really irritating, they take too much health off at such obscenely long range. I reckon I'm half way through the second area, but I'm tempted to play this instead...
                  Id stick with Infamous Ad as you get stuff to counter this. 3rd island aint that huge either.


                    Originally posted by rmoxon
                    Whats better then? This or inFAMOUS?

                    Or are they both different enough that they dont need to be comapred?

                    I'd say they're different.

                    inFamous seems way more solid in terms of controls and graphics. This is fun, but I'm not sure for how long. At the moment, the controls are letting it down a bit. It is early days, so I'll give it more time.


                      Just stole my first tank. That was ace.

                      I had to go to the military base and consume an APC pilot so I would gain the knowledge of how to drive one.


                        Thanks for the impressions hoolak, sounds like something I'll enjoy It's interesting reading your comments about the controls as I've read some people finding them a bit difficulty and other people finding them piss easy. I'm guessing the chaos in the city might have something to do with it as well due to the number of enemies etc.

                        It's hilarious reading this in comparison to the NeoGAF Prototype threads, the game's apparently a disaster because it got a 7.5 on IGN (which supposedly means less than 5) and there's someone who's disappointed in the game slagging it off at every opportunity who WATCHED it being played for an hour and all sorts of arguing in between. It's been entertaining me all afternoon at work


                          I think I'm getting the hang of the hand to hand combat now. Jumping and powered flying kick seems to do the trick. I was having trouble with the targeting during fights. I'd hold L2 to lock-on to an enemy, then if an the enemy would go behind me or out of sight, I move the right stick to adjust the camera. However, with L2 held this will re-target the next enemy along. Doh!


                            GAF you can get some great info but their is rabid people on their. They where at it when Infamous came out any site that gave it a 7 meant it was either a usual crap PS3 game or that they where 360 biased and then flip side when it got good reviews aka PS3 biased. I think the place is always better to read when plenty get the game for a rough guide if its cup of tea or not but in these pre build up days when most people aint got it your better off getting mystic meg back.

                            As for this its nowt like Infamous can be played quite happily as just different games.


                              Only played until i get to free roam, but am mighty impressed. Controls are a bit weird and will take some getting used to. He just moves so damn fast and doesnt grab things like Cole!! lol. But i will enjoy this. Good session tonight is on the cards.


