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Mighty Flip Champs (DSiWare)

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    Mighty Flip Champs (DSiWare)

    This is good!

    Puzzles, platforms, my favourite things in a game.

    General premise is that you have to get from point A, to point B. You can't jump, however (you can climb up wire though) which means that any small step that gets in your way can't be traversed. To get past it, you'll need to flip.

    Action plays out on the top screen, but on the bottom screen there's a reflected preview of the next "page," and your projected location on it. Press the flip button and you'll be teleported off the page you're on, onto the next page. You have to keep flipping, getting to the correct place on one map before flipping to the next, until you get to your goal. There are things to rescue in some levels, too.

    It sounds quite complex but it's utterly easy to get the hang of the mechanics. Watch this video to make sense of it. Gameplay starts at 50 seconds

    I've no idea how many levels the game has, but I'm only on level eight so far and it's already getting quite fiendish. Excellent.

    There are a few problems, like levels with more than two pages causing you to be blind a bunch of pages which makes planning hard and random flipping prevalent. Also, the reflected nature of the bottom screen makes it quite confusing to judge gravity, but I'm sure that'll come with time. It's also way too easy to control Alta on the touchscreen and forget that you're actually meant to be looking at the top screen and crap, you've just walked off a ledge onto some spikes. That's mostly me being a moron, though. More practise, more success.

    The highlight of the game for me though, is this. Every time you flip, your character makes the following face:

    Awesome indeed.

    Well worth the 800 points they want, and it's likely the best game on DSiWare at the moment (though MvsDK and Brain Training are ace too.)

    that game looks really interesting but sadly I don't have a dsi this game and the new Mario vs donkey kong are certainly tempting me but i still cant justify getting one .


      Still have my initial 1000 points, looks like I might finally have something to spend them on. Also didn't know they were doing a Mario vs DK for DSiWare, will keep an eye out for that as well.


        I'll definitely be picking this one up when it hits the Euro store. Glad to see that you're enjoying it ttk.


          EU release tonight!

          Only five months late...


            I have been checking every 30 mins for it can't wait.


              Finally got this and have to say i am extremely impressed, this is 100% the jewel in the DSiware collection of games.

              The game pulls no punches in ramping up the difficulty level just 3 levels in.

              Another must own for those that have a DSi and like puzzlers.

