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Rocket Riot (Xbox Live)

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    Rocket Riot (Xbox Live)

    In a word, awesome.

    Its a twin stick shooter but it isnt quite like other twin stick shooters. It plays quite simular to Bangai-O in how you play as a floaty guy who fires little rockets about, though here you aim with the right stick and actualy let go of it to fire a rocket off. The game nearly has as crazy a story as Bangai-O too, with a bizzare cut scene at the start of the game describing exactly why your guy with no legs is flying about shooting pirates.

    I have yet to try the multiplayer but the single player is absolubtley fantastic, although there are plenty of levels where you just have to kill a set number of enemies there are also alot of levels where you have to do speficic things, like find hidden people by destroying scenery or collecting an american football and and scoring goals with it (yes its as strange as it sounds).

    I also love the retro style presentation, it looks like it was made on the nes and is just full of charm, oddly though, while the graphics look 8bit the music actualy sounds 16bit... but I'm not gonna complain really.

    Overall I'm just loving what ive played of this so far, its a great game, especially for fans of games like Bangai-O, its also very different from other recent twin stick shooters... which is a good thing really IMO.

    the art style is almost enough alone to warrant a purchase.

    I had a quick bash earlier and hadn't twigged that letting go was what fired, i thought it was a flick motion and was getting narked with it a bit.


      Glad to hear the single player's good. Every trailer I've seen makes it look like a multiplayer experience and there'll be nobody playing it by next Wednesday.

      Will investigate this now!


        armed with my new found knowledge of how the shooting works (which the game never mentions) gone back and this is rather decent.

        odd Bangai-O gets mentioned as I hated that but like this so far.

        I had a quick bash online and got thrown into a rugby game that made me feel about 100y old as everybody whizzed around and all hell broke lose around me. My finest moment was as soon as it started thinking I was doing well and kicking everybodies arse, then went and scored an own goal at the wrong end. Doh !


          I just bought this as it's only 200 points atm. I'm mainly interested in local multiplayer but the game won't let any additional players join when I select local match. It says "not signed in" on the 2nd player tab and I can't find a way around it. I thought this was only a problem with the trial but the problem persists with the full game.

          Any ideas?

