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Trials HD (xbla)

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    whilst 'working from home' I nabbed in and made sure it worked before getting back to the improtant matters at hand I'm actually paid for.

    there are a few easy tracks in there which I'm glad to see as never bonded with the mentally difficult ones. they flow nicely and remind how my old ability at the game has withered as I'm crashing all the time.


      I've sent you a Friend request Paul. Anyone else need someone to beat add me -

      Mad Gear UK


        accepted MadGear.

        still got the muscle memory for the instant restart back button, finding this harder than I recall.


          Originally posted by charlesr View Post
          Anyone got it? Impressions please. Not that I should really be considering going anywhere near this digital crack.
          It's more Trials tracks. You already know that you love it, that you'll buy it, and that you'll lose any kind of productivity due to it.

          Yeah, it's awesome. The extreme tracks seem to be getting more and more extreme. Completed Pilgrimage in about 29 minutes (phew) with a ramp at the end taking about 20 of those. Madness!

          Game of the forever. Still.


            Been waiting for this for aaaages and that makes today a good day. Is it 400 pts?


              Yep, it is


                I got Trials HD (not the track packs) when it was 400 points in their one day sale (along with Turtles and Splosion Man for 100 each).

                I played the demo loads, but never got around to buying the full game.

                Brilliant game!

                Apart from the game itself, the other things that are genius are the instant restarts and the comparison timer at the top to see how far ahead you are from friends. Awesome idea that really drives you to do a better time.

                Only gold times are good enough but then I'll see other people have better times, and have one more go.

                In fact, I got a faster time than all you beatches on one of them!

                Currently trying to do the achievement where you finish one of the tracks without changing your posture. Argh... can't quite do the pipes at the end without flippin' flipping!


                  Finished all the tracks in the DLC yesterday. Way, waaaay better than the last DLC which was more Trials so obviously great, but had few standout moments. This pack is far less gimmicky and has some awesome and memorable stuff in it.

                  Bar Laser Tag which I don't really enjoy at all.


                    Not halfway through the new content yet so there's still time for the DLC to impress but so far I'm underwhelmed by the new courses and am very disappointed by the lack of any new skill courses.

                    I find many the new courses too awkward and clumsy, too difficult to achieve any sense of flow, furthermore the camera angles are often annoying and I'm sure the crashing mechanics have been altered as the rider and his bike seem more fragile than I remember.

                    So far I definitely prefer the first DLC with it's emphasis on variation and willingness to tread new ground.


                      Amazing difference of opinion

                      I've just got the achievement for completing Barrel of Laughs with the Donkey, and now I can't play the game properly because I've got so used to the Donkey. Madness!

                      A question which feels really stupid: if I set times offline, do they all upload when I connect again? I don't see why they wouldn't, but I was playing Penny Arcade the other week and nothing I did offline counted on the leaderboards, which was annoying in a "doesn't really matter" kind of way.


                        I agree the new medium courses have great flow and alt routes if u do them properly


                          Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                          A question which feels really stupid: if I set times offline, do they all upload when I connect?
                          Any idea at all? Or can someone try it? There's no point setting times that won't update when I get broadband in 2013. I got a message when I played today that suggests they won't, I'm unsure.


                            I belive that's correct. No point playing offline if you want to compare to friends.

