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Section 8 [Demo]

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    It seems the majority of people who put the time in to learn the game's intricacies and nuances seem to enjoy it. It's simply not a pick up and play title and that's the beauty of it. If this demo is indicative of the final title it shows the potential to have a great deal of depth.


      Yes its good when you learn the different classes , but seems most people wanna just run around shooting people , then i guess they dont know the saying There's no I in team, like engineer with some healing and stuff.


        I do recommend that people try the demo.

        It's not the most polished game but it's very unique and appears to have a lot of nauance and hidden depth mixed with some intresting ideas for a FPS, I love the dive bombing spawning onto a level!

        Give the game a chance and you might like what the Developer is trying.


          I have this one rental, to be honest Im not really enjoying it at all so far. It seems so bland and dull. Is the game particularly long? Im wondering if I should endure it to the end, or just give up now (Im on the second mission).


            The only positive thing I can say about this game is that the SP campaign is mercifully short.

            Truly the worst game Ive played this year by far, a game with almost no redeeming factors.


              Originally posted by marcus View Post
              The only positive thing I can say about this game is that the SP campaign is mercifully short.

              Truly the worst game Ive played this year by far, a game with almost no redeeming factors.

              The single player is literally just a tutorial for the multiplayer which is very good. The thing that killed it was a very generic art style but the game's a lot smarter than a lot of other multiplayer shooters. You need to put a lot of time into it. But then who am I to say anything, I bought it on PSN and then hardly play it Do play the odd game with bots though.


                I quite liked this game.

                I made the mistake of going straight into multiplayer and getting owned. After the SP campaign, which I quite enjoyed, and is essential for learning the ropes, the MP became a lot more enjoyable.


                  I didn't realise it even had a single player game! The back of the box doesn't even mention it does it? Thought it was multiplayer only.

