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    COLIN McRAE DiRT 2!!!!1

    Am I really first? Oh, OK.

    As expected it's a mixed bag in my humble opinion. The presentation is horribly obnoxious and time consuming, the voices really annoying and the events are hit and miss.

    Races are pretty short so I would suggest playing on "Serious" difficulty or higher and ignoring the silly rewind feature where possible, its a cheap gimmick that seems to make up for the racing being extremely unpredictable until you learn the tracks.

    The vehicles with a high centre of gravity and a low "Drivability" rating are a bouncy, twitchy mess. I generally don't enjoy those races very much. Richard Hammond never had this trouble with a Bowler.

    On the plus side, the rally events are great. Am I really in the minority in finding these events so much more enjoyable? The proper off road cars are far nicer to drive, its edge of your seat classic CMR, almost. Not sold on the trailblazer events, which seem to be rallying without a co-driver and thus terribly frustrating.

    I find it hard to remember all the other race types. They range from track racing around Battersea Power Station and Shibuya (which feel straight out of GRID), to point to point offroad duels. I was a bit saddened to find a stupid PGR style "smash the gates" event too.

    So it’s a varied game, although not quite to GRID standards. I love pretty much anything I can do in my Evo 10 and cringe at the buggy stuff. You can travel the world but sand is sand. Its all much of a muchness.

    Graphics are really nice with a more solid framerate and less blur-o-vision than the first game.

    So, yeah, its offroad GRID for the Americans.
    Last edited by Super Monkey Balls; 11-09-2009, 16:47.

    For the non-American-normal-WRC-style-rally-stages (the only ones I want to play)... what locations can we expect to race in? I have yet to see a better/more vibrant rendition of the English countryside than was presented in Rallisport Challenge 2 (desperately want this game to meet those standards - it is 5 years and 1 console generation down the line after all!)...


      I've seen my brother play it and Croatia offered some standardish WRC point to point racing. However, there was only 2 stages for Croatia from what we've seen so far and they only last 2-3 minutes, which is incredibly short compared to the awesome WRC4 on the PS2 which offered tracks up to 5-7 minutes long.

      Also, I think I heard somewhere that only 20% of the game is proper traditional WRC style rallying. So 4/5ths of the game will be explosions and America is awesome!!!111.


        its brilliant not pure rally but an excellent racer, the graphics look lush too, and online is very good,


          I thought it was pretty average to be honest. Can't find anything that would really be worthy of "best thing in game type evar!" posts at all. Didn't even feel the handling was very good.

          After an hour and a bit of playing I'd done 4/5 races and spent the rest of the time in the truly obnoxiously presented menus and stuff.

          I had hoped it'd tide me over to Shift and Forza, but I ended up taking it straight back. Baffled at the high scores its been getting.

          Oh and personally I think they should knock all this "rewind" **** on the head straight away. What's the point in driving carefully, keeping things tight, if you know at the slightest hint of a mistake you can rewind. However, if you are going to include, make it seamless, instead of a the black screen first. Unless that was cos I didn't install it?
          Last edited by Jebus; 11-09-2009, 18:29.


            I've not played it but as Tankshell says id love DICE to get on the case and make a RS HD


              Does anybody elses copy crash on the screen where it laods with the stats just keep coming up on the screen. Keeps happening on mine and has done on a friends as well.



                does this on mine as well. you'd think they'd test it!


                  Originally posted by dinsdale View Post
                  does this on mine as well. you'd think they'd test it!
                  Not likely, they didn't test GRID on the 360 before releasing it.


                    anyone notice that one of the announcers is the DJ from RRV?

                    what an improvement on the first one!

                    shame they couldnt get this running at 60fps, maybe if it JUST focused on the rallying aspect.
                    Last edited by dvdx2; 12-09-2009, 14:49.


                      Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
                      anyone notice that one of the announcers is the DJ from RRV?
                      Sounds like him. Is he in CVS2 as well?

                      And I think you mean 60 fps.


                        Originally posted by Super Monkey Balls View Post
                        Sounds like him. Is he in CVS2 as well?

                        And I think you mean 60 fps.


                        that what i meant - was a bit bleary eyed this morning when i typed it !


                          Originally posted by yesteryeargames View Post
                          its brilliant not pure rally but an excellent racer, the graphics look lush too, and online is very good,
                          I agree. This is a quality off-road racing game, really good fun. Superb visuals and great presentation. I love the "obnoxious" menus

                          I think some people need to realise DIRT 2 is not a pure rally game like the old PS2 Colin McRae or WRC games. I actually don't even think Codemasters have advertised it as a pure rally game. If they did then the "it's not a rally game" comments would make much more sense.


                            Going to wait for the DX11 Pc version now I have seen the shots, good to know peeps are enjoying it


                              My view, well 90% sucks to be honest (just got board of the other race types), however the real WRC stages show how good this game can be. The co driver just pushes you on, and you get into the groove.. Then it stops after one stage (hopefully more than one stage later, but i doubt it.)

                              What I would like is X standard WRC stages one after the other so you can really get into the groove of a rally.

                              Hopefully there will be a DLC (Free) of just a WRC pack (i.e just stages all done in a WRC style).

                              What a shame.

