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AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! -- A Reckless Disregard for Gravity (PC Demo )

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    AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! -- A Reckless Disregard for Gravity (PC Demo )

    Well ive just downloaded this new demo and i gotta say i kinda like what i played , i'll try explain what it is. This game is a base jumping game that seeks to give you thrills and excitement all the while trying to collect points and multiplers. You do this by kissing and hugging the buildings , not literally but trying to get close as you can to buildings and other objects, there's multiple route some easy , some really hard and you can unlock new levels by collecting teeth , yes TEETH , it's all a bit wacky and goes with the music and graphics which are great , think blade runner , and you falling in 1st person, you also have a parachute which you open ( with spacebar ) when your going to land , land inside the red ring and get more points, well i hope a few people go check out the demo which is on

    plus the game can be purchased from Direct2Drive for $ 15 , £12.95 ( can paypal to buy as well ) im off to fracture my puny head as the game says.
    Last edited by MisterBubbles; 16-09-2009, 00:03.

    Fileplanet link wouldnt open for me alt one here
    Good find MrB

    (lol listen to the chap chatting in the credits)
    Last edited by huxley; 16-09-2009, 00:01.


      little video of it in action


        Haven't bought the full game yet but I may well at some point - design and gameplay are both a little simplistic, but it's still a neat idea very well executed and entertainingly weird. Not really as thrilling as I'd like a game about base-jumping (sort of) to be, but it's easy to pick up and play, obviously takes a bit of skill and concentration to do well, it's got that just-one-more-go feeling and it's frequently very, very funny. The voiceover for the 'buy the full game now!' screen is hilarious.


          Eight Rooks i just thought it was different and kinda original, these days with the big publishers just putting out endless sequels of shooting,driving and anything else, it's nice to see the little inde guys do something as no big publishers would fund this, never mind publish it. It does have that one more go ( like Trials HD ) all it needs is scoreboards and it will get addictive as hell. I love this game , so should you ... help the little guys to keep making original games. Buy It.

