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Risen - Xbox 360 & PC

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    Risen - Xbox 360 & PC

    I only heard of this game when I was reading Game Central with my breakfast this morning and they gave it a very unhealthy 3 / 10.

    However the review was a little odd as it mentioned a few of its flaws which sounded like a problem I have with every JRPG ever made so I had a quick look at reviews of the game online this lunchtime.

    From various reviews it sounds like it has a lot of problems and the port to Xbox 360 is dramatically different to the PC original so I should be wary. Apparently the Script is good, the world is massive, combat is fun and it is a little unique but the story is rubbish, technically the game is a mess on consoles and it has too many flaws to recommend it.

    Despite the criticisms though, I?m very interested in it. I?m a sucker for a pretty world filled with locations to visit and vistas to gawp at and because I?ve never heard of this game before, I?m even more tempted to take a punt on it.

    Has anyone dipped their toe in and have any impressions or is the reason no one?s mentioned it before is because it really is bad?

    well its no Oblivion, but i quite like it. Graphics are functional and basic (bit like a ps2 game TBH), but the mood of the game and voice acting are excellent. Lots to do if you are looking for a good 60hr+ game, but i would think a lot of time would need to be invested to get the best out of it (and a fair bit of patience). The story seems decent too, with loads of dialogue and options.

    One big problem is the text size, even in 1080p (40" screen), its eye strainingly small; combat is a bit rubbish, but again functional (its no Demon Souls). Comments are from the xbox version.


      Honest first impression?


      This is truly awful.


        The 360 version looks like a really pants xbox 1 game. Gameplay wise it ain't bad, I've got the pc version which I really need to play.


          What do JRPG's have to do with anything?

          Anyway there are alot worse games out there, it does what it tries to do well enough, its nothing spectacular and pretty much what youd expect from the people who made the Gothic games.

          If thats what you are expecting I dont see why youd be disapointed.

          I was sure this already had a first play thread though.


            I would actually contend the comment that there are worse games out there. I played it for about 30 minutes and was horrified. I put on Two Worlds afterwards just to double check and it was at a similar level of crapness.

            Some observations:

            Rotating the camera on the right stick sends it twirling out of control like a drunk Chuck Yaeger.

            People when speaking fling their hands about like a group of gibbons at a Take That concert.

            The onscreen text is so small I hear it's going to be used as a test bed during the next run of the large hadron collider.

            The combat is like flailing a towel at a hyperactive 6 year old.

            And to be fair those are the best bits.


              Euro PCRPGs always get naff ports. Better off playing them on the pc if you can. But nothing can save Two Worlds from its horridness.


                Originally posted by cavalcade View Post
                I would actually contend the comment that there are worse games out there. I played it for about 30 minutes and was horrified. I put on Two Worlds afterwards just to double check and it was at a similar level of crapness.

                Some observations:

                Rotating the camera on the right stick sends it twirling out of control like a drunk Chuck Yaeger.

                People when speaking fling their hands about like a group of gibbons at a Take That concert.

                The onscreen text is so small I hear it's going to be used as a test bed during the next run of the large hadron collider.

                The combat is like flailing a towel at a hyperactive 6 year old.

                And to be fair those are the best bits.
                Its alot better than Two Worlds, Two Worlds is one of the very few games Ive played that dosent actualy appear to have any kind of real gameplay, its immensly boring as well as just plain terrible.

                Risen is a decent game that has few things that are really very wrong with it, the 360 port isnt good but the actual game is still there and its pretty decent.

                The Onscreen text isnt small on my tv, and I never had any problem with the camera, plus the combat gets better as you go on really, just like it most games of this type if youre willing to put in the time.

                Overall its worth a look if youre after a standard but relativley enjoyable RPG of this type.
                Last edited by rmoxon; 05-01-2011, 23:06.


                  The ressurection of this thread has made me go and play it. I'm quite enjoying it acually and your character's deadpan delivery is kind of hilarious.

                  rmoxon have you played Divinity 2 and is it worth picking up?


                    i have played divinity 2 for the pc ( the most recent dragon knights saga) it didnt seem half bad i must say

                    there is a demo of it on xbox live now


                      Hah, i've been playing this for 9 and a half hours and only now i have managed to get my first set of armor.
                      Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 08-01-2011, 00:50.


                        Just finished this. Took me 30hrs. Everything about it is broken, but i still enjoyed myself. Wouldn't play it again though.

                        It has got me in the mood to pick up Gothic 4.


                          Originally posted by cavalcade View Post
                          Some observations:

                          Rotating the camera on the right stick sends it twirling out of control like a drunk Chuck Yaeger.

                          People when speaking fling their hands about like a group of gibbons at a Take That concert.

                          The onscreen text is so small I hear it's going to be used as a test bed during the next run of the large hadron collider.

                          The combat is like flailing a towel at a hyperactive 6 year old.
                          And I thought Ricky Gervais' scriptwriter was bad.

