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Lucidity (xbla)

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    Lucidity (xbla)

    I hadn't read anything about this that made me think I'd like it, but after getting the demo I'm 45mins into it, unlocked the full game and finding it rather lovely.

    Play mechanic is a bit odd, its a puzzle platformer where you don't control the character, rather you place objects you are given tetris piece style (i.e. you hold one and can see the next and swap them) into the path of the little girl.

    Its on rails as she walks along and intereacts with what you put in her way, the aim to collect fire flies and avoid baddies.

    Art style and music is gorgeous, all dreamlike.

    Can see this being a bit of a cult, almost flower style sleeper hit. It won't be for everybody by any means but I found it quite compelling.

    Personally I wasn't feeling the trial. It looks pretty and the music seems nice but I found the actual gameplay to be a bit...dull!


      i think an awful lot of people will echo your views, can't put my finger on why but i didn't even find the deaths and restarts frustrating, can imagine this being really relaxing played in the dark.


        I feel the same as Jebus. It's visualy very nice but the gameplay could do with a little more interacation (basically let me control the character).


          A lot of people seem to find this frustrating, but I'm loving it so far. The presentation is lovely, especially the music. And the gameplay is oddly reminiscent of Tetris in the way it makes you think around a problem.


            Just bought it without even downloading the trial, soon as I heard that lucasarts were behind it then saw some pictures, this was so getting bought on release.
            Glad I did, one level in and I had a big smile on my face at the end of it, the style, the music, was just lovely felt like nice playing it, something different too.
            Can't wait to get into more complex puzzles later on, just know they are gonna come out to play.


              I'm quite taken with this. Looks and sounds lovely. Reminded ny a little of Soul Bubbles DS.


                I will see what the demo is like, looked quite nice but probably not my thing I fear.


                  I played this before...It was called Sleepwalker.


                    Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                    I played this before...It was called Sleepwalker.
                    Which was awesome. More of the same is good... It never hurt the FPS crowd.


                      I agree that I don't see this appealing to a lot of 360 owners but it is absolutely gorgeous to look at and feels to me like an art students piece of work.
                      It might be something I can play with my daughter.


                        This is gorgeous to look at, it really is, but I didn't think it was actually much fun.


                          I did. And still do actually. This is one of those rare games where I don't mind failing and retrying. Possibly because the levels are so short.


                            I think it's a shame that something so enchantingly beautiful to look at is so dreadfully dull to play.


                              Its a beautiful game to look at for sure. The gameplay can get a bit frustrating when you have to drop pieces you dont want all over the screen to get the one you need. Having completed it though, I find myself quite happily playing through it again collecting fireflies to unlock some of the other levels. To be honest I can see why it can come across as dull but I think this is down to the games atmosphere with the theme of loss, which is very poignant.

