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Critter Crunch

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    Critter Crunch

    I'm really surprised that no one's bothered with this game on here - probably because it's out on the US PlayStation Store at the moment.

    It's a puzzle game set on the island of Krunchatoa. You play as Biggs an adorable animal that has to eat everything to provide for its offspring. You do it by arranging animals on the vines above you so that the larger ones eat the smaller ones. Feed them enough and they pop, and if you've got the same type and coloured animals next to one another they set off a chain. You then eat the crystals and stuff they drop for points and get enough of them and you can move on to the next level.

    Get enough of them and you can then feed your smaller offspring by doing this:

    That's just one example of how mental / adorable the game is. It's all done in 1080p, looks fantastic and is really, really well animated. It's got a real bright and colourful feel running through the whole thing too so I guess that makes it something of novelty for games these days

    It's just a really nice puzzler - one of those ones where it's simple enough to thrown on for a few quick games or you can get stuck in a bit more. In later modes it does get much more challenging though as Critters start getting infected and reduce your score if you put them in your mouth or eat the poison the drop when popped. The whole game seems to be about getting the maximum number of Critters arranged on the vines to hit the highest score, so there's a real knack to it.

    There's also other things like powerfoods for popping certain creatures, so you get watermelon pips to pop Critters or Garlic -when you use it, you cause the critters on the vine to go back up and the animation of Biggs' garlic breath is brilliant.

    Also quite a few modes to it too. The Single Player so far seems to be an extended intro to the game mechanics (in that each location on the map is split into three stages and the beginning of each one introduces a new creature / object . power up). But after that there's online and offline co-op / VS to be going on with (not tried those modes yet), and a Challenge mode where you have to clear the screen in a set number of moves.

    I think it's priced at something equivalent to ?4.99 or there abouts and for that it's an absolute steal.

    Sold! I thought this game looked great when I saw the trailers a while ago. The animation looks truly fantastic. Glad to hear the gameplay lives up to it

    can't really complain about a game which features ultra-cute rainbow vomit gargling.


      It's also pretty devilish how the game mixes up the number of lanes in the levels.

      At its smallest it's just three vines and at the most it fills the entire screen. Suddenly finding yourself dropped into a level with a small / large space to work with makes it a real change of pace (and pretty frantic).


        I picked it up on my iPod touch months ago after seeing the guys on CO-OP singing its praises. It's a great little puzzle game with loads of charm and an ideal game for playing in short bursts. I bought the PS3 version when it launched on the US PSN but I haven't had much time to play it. The graphics have improved a fair bit over the iPod/iPhone version, particularly the animation and having it in hi-def makes the already colourful visuals look even more vibrant. Puzzle game fans with a PS3 or iPhone should definitely pick it up, especially when it's being sold at such a low price.


          If I had an iPhone I'd definitely pick it up for that. If the PSN version is anything to go by then it would be ideal game to while away a bus journey, lunch break etc


            sounds fun i may have to pick this up when it comes out on the UK PSN

            Is there a demo of this anywhere ?
            Last edited by hush; 18-10-2009, 16:30.


              I think a demo is coming out on the US PSN soon.


                Demo is on US store now.
                It's one of those where you dl the game then purchase the unlock key, if you like the demo.


                  There is a demo of this on the app store for the iphone.

                  I tried the lite version but like so many of these indie games the art style is brilliant, but the gameplay isn't quite to my liking.


                    Game's been dated for later this month in on the Euro PSN

                    No excuses for not buying it now!


                      Picked this up and played for an hour or so last night. I can't believe how pretty the game is.

                      I've only done the first few areas at the moment, but it looks like it can get pretty challenging. I'm not sure how well I'll cope if they use all of the different Critter types and hazards in a single level!

                      My only complaint is the lack of any real background noise, seems to strip the game of some life in comparison to Lumines for example (Though I know the music is a big part of that game).


                        very nice little game with brilliant art style, really reminds me of a couple of old neogeo games, one which had money in it and used the same pull down and fire mechanic.

                        its a fair price as seems a lot in it, still ramping up the difficulty an hour or so in and giving me new powers/types.

                        a big thumbs up from me, and at last a demo on release, I won't buy before trying so they gained a sale off me on this one.

                        one of PSNs better titles


                          This game is brilliant!!

                          Love the style, how easy it is to play, the music...all of it. Even Mrs. Teddy is loving it - I can tell this as I had to pop into town yesterday and she started playing as I left the flat. Upon my return, 2 hours later, she was still playing. She blames the Puzzle Mode...

                          It truly is a wonderful game to sink into and enjoy. I never though "barfing" would be so much fun.


                            Finally managed to get through adventure level 27 earlier.. and apparently the game gets quite a bit harder. I'm not sure I'll ever finish this one, great fun though.


                              There's no way a game that looks this cute should be so HARD! Up to adventure level 33 now I think and it's brutal... still have a good few areas to unlock as well.

