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Motorstorm: Arctic Edge

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    Motorstorm: Arctic Edge

    Because I just feel the need to put myself even more financial pressure, I downloaded Motorstorm Arctic Edge (and more) for the PSP early today. Expensive but I'm glad I got it.

    It's a racing game in fairly open tracks with multiple routes, all set in cold, snowy environments. There's a massive variety of vehicles from motorbikes to giant snowplows. And it's really good fun.

    It is one of the best looking games I've ever seen on the PSP. To me, it looks amazing. The environments are really detailed and far more solid than most PSP games, the snow and ice effects are gorgeous and it generally has a layer of polish that reaches beyond what I usually see on the system.

    Soundtrack is just typical licensed tracks. You either like them or you don't. So far, I like some of them. Nice to have the Prodigy in there.

    But the fun is all in the game itself. A very loose, rough, off-roading racing game. It's fast and fun. With the open tracks, it's easy to just get lost in the adventuring of it and that's when I realise there's a drop right beside me that may lead to another section of track or may lead to a bottomless chasm. So far, there's a bit of variety with races but also some checkpoint challenges and it looks like the large choice of vehicles will keep things even more interesting.

    Given that I'm struggling with Gran Turismo and I really can't find where there's any actual fun in that game, I got this game just when I needed it. This is actually enjoyable and that's always a nice thing to have in a game.

    I've also been playing this after shelving GT.

    The races feel like races, with real competition and not just one CPU player to beat. The various vehicles respond differently in the changing envrionments, with a distinct difference between the light weight and the heavy weights. A welcome balance.

    The customisation seems to be a waste of time, I don't think the performance is updated, just paintwork etc.

    Had to turn two of the audio tracks off as I was ready to kill someone, they were THAT annoying!

    Great game.


      Keen on this as I loved both PS3 games. Don't own a PSP though. Anyone got the PS2 version? Would love to hear some feedback on that.


        Thanks for the review, Dogg. Sounds as good I had hoped it would be. Both PS3 games are great, so I'll definitely be buying Arctic Edge.

        With regards to the PS2 version, I would think it's exactly the same, or maybe a little bit better. Probably just a straight port; as the PSP is the platform it was made for.


          How are the controls on this? Comfortable?


            The R button is accelerate, L button is brake and X is boost. They're the main controls. On the Go, not massively comfortable due to the skinny L/R buttons and distance from the nub. But usable. Probably more comfortable on the previous PSP models.



              Is the single player campaign like the PS3 versions and is there a lot of it?


                Yes, the PSP versions single player is very large. I never had the time to complete Ps3's pacific rift, but I'de say the PSP arctic edge is slightly bigger than the original MS1 on the PS3.

                Loads of tracks too. 12 I think, and also reversable.

                For any Motorstorm fan, I'de highly recommend it, it plays shockingly like the PS3. Its very hard to find fault.

                The only slight niggle is the learning curve. Its starts off surpisingly easy for the first hour or so, easily winning races and staying in front for much of the races. After the level ramps up its fun all the way to the finishing line!



                  Sorry to bump an old thread but downloaded this today as part of the PSP Go promo and it's fantastic. Really didn't expect it to play and feel so much like the original, and the graphics are excellent to boot.

                  Only thing is the Go does dig into your hands due to the way you need to hold it to access all the buttons as Dogg Thang mentioned...


                    I recently got it for PS2, and I liked it for two reasons: mainly cos it's really brilliant and feels like a proper Motorstorm, and also for its funky orange (original) jewel case, which I've never seen before coming out with a PAL PS2 game.

