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Torchlight [PC]

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    Torchlight [PC]

    Nobody else has bothered and I think I've played enough of this now to start a proper First Play thread.

    It's a Diablo style dungeon crawling loot-whoring affair from Runic Games, who are made up by some of the original creators of the Diablo series as well as Mythos and Fate. There's a demo available on Steam and on the official website, with the full game costing ?14.99 (Definitely on Steam, I think it's the same on both) - demo gives a good couple of hours of play, letting you get up to level 7 or hit a certain depth in the dungeon.

    The system requirements are apparently very reasonable and it has a netbook mode so would hopefully run on most PCs. Graphically the best comparison I could make is that it's Diablo 3 crossed with the stylised characters from the TF2 games - it's very pretty when maxed out and the engine is coping with everything I've thrown at it so far.

    I'm by no means experienced with Diablo style games, but it plays similar from what I can tell. You hold down the left mouse button to move and hold it down on an enemy to use your main attack. You have a second attack which is mapped to the right mouse button, and you can have a third easily accessible using TAB to change between both secondary skills. On top of that you have the standard hotkeys at the bottom mapped to the number keys, which I'm currently using for spamming my potions.

    Classes - there are three. Destroyer, Alchemist and Vanquisher. There are three skill trees within each that allow you to customise your character further (This must sound awfully familiar to most people! :-p), but they are ultimately: Destroyer = melee; Vanquisher = ranged; Alchemist = magic.

    I'm playing Destroyer at the moment, I'm at level 10 I think.

    There's a small town that serves as the quest hub and houses all of the merchants and services. You can create a town portal back to here from the main dungeon at any time that allows you to go back to hand in quests and clear your inventory, although you can actually use your pet (Everyone gets a proper pet - at the moment mine summons a skeleton and three zombies to aid in combat! ^_^) to do that for you which is a wonderful mechanic that I hope more games use in future.

    I'm sure there's a load I haven't yet covered, feel free to ask any questions if you have any.

    I played about an hour of the demo last night after seeing the quick look on - extremely enjoyable game, It really IS Diablo painted with a stylised brush and some humour thrown in. The most basic feature ever in the fact you can fill your pets bags up with loot then send him off to town to sell then return with gold is the most genius feature i've seen in a dungeon crawler yet. Obviously whilst your pet is away pawning your wares you don't have his support but that's the trade off.

    I recommend playing on hard at least as normal is very, very easy.

    I took a couple of screen grabs and uploaded them also :

    A lot of people will sneer at the lack of online or co-op play but from what I've been reading these guys churned this out in a matter of months with a view to use the proceeds to build a free to play MMO in a similar style.


      Where did your screenshots end up? I looked in the settings but I think the location is invalid so it doesn't seem to save them.

      And yeah I'm playing on Hard after reading how easy it is on Normal. On about floor 13 at the moment, level 14 I think.


        Had to do the old 'print screen' then paste into mspaint skills. Going to buy this later for definite as its a very chilled game to just sit back and play.


          I might see if I can tweak that screenshot setting so that we get a proper pic from the game. Also... I'm at level 18 now - thank god I'm back at work next week!


            Shift + F9 for screenies.
            Saves to C:\Documents and Settings\*userName*\Application Data\runic games\torchlight\screenshots
            or the equivalent appdata location for your OS.

            Enjoying the game. I only do dungeon crawlers (and RTS's) very rarely. First time in a while where hours go missing whilst gaming.

            Currently LVL 23 (floor 22) on my first play-through. Destroyer with berserker build.
            Last edited by Bort; 30-10-2009, 21:21.


              Ah, Shift F9!

              I'm Berserker build as well. I've maxed Dual Wield and I'm close to maxing out the Swipe class skill; also working on the Adventurer skill along with the crit boost. I tear through stuff like nobodys business, but I can go down pretty fast if I'm not paying attention.


                Bought this last night, thought I'd try it for 5-10 mins to see what it was like. 2 hours later had to tear myself away from the PC. Great game and recommended to people who love the likes of Diablo, Titan Quest etc. Even reminded me of WoW a little bit.


                  Started playing Torchlight again tonight. Times flying by. I was up till 5am last night tinkering with the UI code.

                  Now Level 34 (floor 33).

                  The Black Palace floors (starts at 30) are beautiful with the added bonus of a nice spike in difficulty.

                  Still enjoying it. A fantastic game for the price and the editor is still to come.


                    I hit floor 30 (Level 26) at the moment last night.


                      Originally posted by reektan View Post
                      from what I've been reading these guys churned this out in a matter of months with a view to use the proceeds to build a free to play MMO in a similar style.
                      But will they ever do a sequel for this? I don't know much about MMOs but they don't normally play like a Diablo game do they?

                      I really wish they'd release this for PSN/XBLA so I could play offline co-op. There doesn't seem to anything in this style with offline co-op that's actually good. Dunno what Diablo 3's chances of getting ported are.


                        I would say the chances of D3 being ported to the consoles, given it's Activision, are infinitely greater than the chances of it ever happening to this.



                          New patch. Already out if you bought direct, going through certification for other DD methods:

                          NOTES ON THE PATCH! PLEASE READ!

                          SUPER-IMPORTANT! YOU MUST USE A PATCH FROM THE VENDOR YOU PURCHASED FROM! Each vendor has their own DRM solution, and none are compatible. If you purchased from Steam, you'll need the Steam patch , and so on.

                          This if a FULL REINSTALL. The packaged files for the patch changed entirely to improve loading times, so a full reinstall is necessary.
                          If you are patching, you'll need to uninstall your previous version.

                          BACK UP YOUR SAVE GAMES! Your uninstaller may ask you if you want to delete your save games. Make sure that it is UN CHECKED!
                          If you want to be extra safe, you can manually back up your saves - I'd recommend this. Better safe than sorry!

                          %appdata% and press return

                          Then browse to Runic Games\Torchlight\Save - and back up all the files there.

                          PATCH STATUS

                          RUNIC GAMES - now available!
                          *note* If the new install asks you to re-enter your key to activate, do so, and you can contact us at [email protected] and we'll decrement your key count so you're square.

                          PERFECT WORLD - completed - download pending testing at Perfect World ( will post link here when available )

                          STEAM - Steam testing tomorrow (11/06), build ready.

                          DIRECT2DRIVE - Build handed off to vendor

                          GAMERSGATE - Build handed off to vendor

                          WILDTANGENT - Build handed off to vendor

                          GAMEWARE.AT - Build handed off to vendor

                          ENCORE - Build handed off to vendor


                          Torchlight 1.12 Patch Notes -

                          * Fixed several issues which could overwrite saves, and protected against possible save loss. Save backups are now also generated.
                          * Much reduced load times for many users
                          * Some minor ingame performance improvements
                          * Fixed Needle Arc XP exploit
                          * Fixed Shadow Armor stacking effects
                          * Fixed vendor dupe bug
                          * Fixed various fullscreen startup issues
                          * Fixed broken Brink cinematic on subsequent plays
                          * Fixed merchant 'thief' exploit
                          * Fixed right clicking in inventory casting certain spells
                          * Fixed console not activating on Steam builds - this also fixes the fact that subsequent characters didn't see the random dungeon unlock after the first completion
                          * Fixed issue with Syl's cinematic not being "skippable" during first boss fight
                          * Fixed some DOT deaths not dropping loot
                          * Quest items no longer allowed in stash
                          * Several level fixes for a few places where things overlapped, or collision was missing, or stuck-issues cropped up
                          * Fixed texture/mesh/ replacement issues with mods
                          * You can now change difficulty level on the fly from the console without being branded a Cheater ( UNLESS you're playing hardcore )
                          * Fixed pet minions not awarding fame
                          * Fixed slow load times when mods were enabled
                          * Pets inherit your spell masteries
                          * Magic find takes the max value between you and your pet when pets or pet minions make a kill
                          * Visible/increasing chance of stripping enchants via enchanter. Price based on # of enchants. Variables tunable in globals.dat
                          * Troll pet is properly invincible
                          * Tree Boss could be charmed - fixed
                          * Fixed issue - Returning to town if you died during Ember Colossus or Medea would make them dormant on return
                          * weapon + shield doesn't count as 'dual wielding'
                          * Shimmering Scale ( and 2 other socketables ) now work properly when socketed
                          * Ember lance slight nerf
                          * Ember lightning slight buff
                          * Aloe Gel summon provides better healing
                          * Equippables properly provide bonuses to passive skills
                          * Fixed display issue where multiple skill bonuses on the same item would collapse into a single display
                          * Hardware skinning settings respected properly for pet paperdolls
                          * Fix for potential bad state in the henchman battle
                          * Enchantments at level 100 now work
                          * Relabeled difficulty levels, and added tooltips explaining each
                          * Fixed 'free spell purchase' exploit
                          * Socketables cannot be heirloomed
                          * Fix for masteries not updating certain spell bonuses until logout/login
                          * Summon Blood Skeleton has 11 levels now
                          * Various small grammar and spelling fixes

                          * ADDITION : Rimlights, HW Skinning, and VSynch can all be altered from the Settings menu now.
                          * MODDERS: Items can be set to 'always identified'
                          Happy about the quest items staying away from your inventory. Already unwittingly sent my trusty hound off to town with one. >_<


                            Waiting for the Steam patch here


                              Yeah, someone on GAF said he launched it and it applied an update, but according to the post above you need to uninstall/reinstall for it to be applied.

