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Modern Warfare 2

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    Originally posted by Rossco View Post
    I admit it's annoying to play against but so are many other combinations and it's in the game as standard so you can't blame people for using it. I use it regularly on a certain selection of maps but every so often you will get people who counter it well and you can't dominate like always.

    I've got a new love for Estate when I play Domination on it now. I just camp in the attic bit at point B the whole game. You get a great view of so much of the map and people rarely come back to get you when you kill them. The game has gone on for so long with other people doing annoying things so may as well just join them if it's fun!
    I find the LMG with FMJ is peachy on this map - great for spraying that attic and picking off a couple of campers ;-)


      Of course its far easier to point out flaws in things and what you don't like, as aposed to what you do. But this game's multiplayer community has been utterly destroyed by the way the online is structured and the persistant flaws in the game 3 months on.

      IW have made the online too complex with too many variables, and of course its been found to be open for abuse. Now they are obviously loathe to back-track on what they have implemented, such as the utterly soul destroying Free-for-all mode abuse with boosting and the tactical insertion perk, but also they seem to not be worried about toning some of the airstrike stuff down, as they go on far too long and there can always be multiple craft in the sky at the same time.

      Its dangerous ground. Treyarch get the third degree with thier stuff, IW seem to think they are immune. It has obviously sold ****-loads of copies, so one can only summise that they maybe sitting back and not worring too much. But they need to remember the gaming world is fickle, if they are not careful something better may come along and upsurge it (and I imagine that quite a few, although not a lot I may add, may skip IW's next game based on their experiences with this one.)

      I'm not saying I would personally be silly enough to say "Screw IW, no MW3 for me", but it has left a lasting bad smell above multiplayer gaming for me this last quarter-year. I think 2010 may well be the return of the single player experience for me.


        Originally posted by englishbob View Post
        I'm not saying I would personally be silly enough to say "Screw IW, no MW3 for me", but it has left a lasting bad smell above multiplayer gaming for me this last quarter-year. I think 2010 may well be the return of the single player experience for me.
        After this outing unless they up the single player or the superb spec-ops I won't be pre-ordering MW3 as I did with COD4 and MW2, I've got something like 6 hours online, 16 hours in single player and three days on spec-ops.

        Agree with the rest of what you said though englishbob, good post.


          I agree about the tactical insertion rubbish... I dont know how that even made it into a multiplayer FPS. I mean, it's letting campers pick their next respawn so how the hell can that be pro-active!? It was only a matter of time before someone abused it outright.

          As for the other stuff. Well yes there is a lot of new toys in MW2 but I think it plays fairly well and balanced for the most part, not talking about glitches, just default weaponry. The shotgun attachments for rifles are pointless and the akimbo shotguns are stupid but the rest of it I can accept.

          I dont know about you guys but aircraft doesnt stay in the sky more than 3 seconds when I play now, someone always takes out the harrier/helo before it even shoots these days!?... I dont have a problem with those at all.


            Originally posted by Rossco View Post
            it's in the game as standard so you can't blame people for using it.
            Yes you can. IW should patch it out entirely. Yesterday. While they may think it's 'cool' it's plainly not. This is not opinion, this is fact.

            /Continues on lone crusade.....


              Obviously you can see Tactical Insertion being really useful in some game-types like Domination or Headquarters but in others it's really just an excuse to get campers back to a spot on the map they want to hold and pick off enemies.

              I cant really argue with that one either as camping or sniping is part of COD and you just have to accept it plus if you know there is a flare you can actually wait for them to respawn and insta-kill them from it for x2 reward. I've done this a couple of times, no point smashing the flare, you know they're going to try and come back and get you so prepare for it.

              What I would go for though is de-activating Tactical Insertion in FFA. It's the one area people are abusing it outright so ban it.


                Been playing TD this evening and watching people put their tactical insertions on top of the building in skyrise and constantly reappearing in my sights as soon as I kill them. Wait for them to put tactical down. Bam. Repeat Losers.


                  Heheh... yeah I did that a few weeks back on highrise. This one guy managed to get up top on that building so I sat in the bottom passages and picked him off any time he popped his head out.

                  After about 3 kills he wised up and tried to pre-empt where I'd be so I'd move after each kill... I then dropped a predator missile on him immediately after he re-spawned so he had no time to drop another flare and back in the lobby he accused me of spawn-camping... his team on the other hand told him to stop whining and learn some better tactics.


                    Originally posted by nonny View Post
                    Heheh... yeah I did that a few weeks back on highrise. This one guy managed to get up top on that building so I sat in the bottom passages and picked him off any time he popped his head out.

                    After about 3 kills he wised up and tried to pre-empt where I'd be so I'd move after each kill... I then dropped a predator missile on him immediately after he re-spawned so he had no time to drop another flare and back in the lobby he accused me of spawn-camping... his team on the other hand told him to stop whining and learn some better tactics.
                    You are a cruel man..!


                      Mate these people honestly deserve it! At least the guy in question was using a permitted tactic and not glitching or anything... still on Highrise especially leaving them to their own devices in that position is asking for a kill-streak run against you so someone really has to put them out of the equation.

                      My other favourite is sneaking up on someone with tactical insertion and planting a claymore in front of where they'll respawn before stabbing them in the back and jumping from the room (I use commando all the time so no falling damage...) then listening for the click-bomb x2 kill.


                        Weapons weapons weapons......Idle curiosity, what's everyones current load out like ?


                          Barrett sniper with FMJ and Thermal (bling perk), with cold blood and ninja, and stinger for taking out harriers and helis.
                          I'm trying to get the ghillie suits. 10 "one shot kills" to go to get them all. The snow suit is awesome on derail. Sitting outside the building and capping anyone that appears in the windows before they even see me.

                          And for smaller levels, I'm trying much the same but with the Aug hugbear. Don't like it as much as the RPD for some reason (yet).

                          What's the best kit for taking out airbourne stuff with chaff?


                            I have the exact same sniper setup but my main one is ACR w/ red dot and FMJ, bling, stopping power and commando. The either claymores or semtex & stun grenades. Secondary is usually a tactical knife magnum or M1014 shotty for both classes.


                              I think the Stinger is probably the best of the launchers for taking out aircraft. The Javelin is cumbersome, takes forever to load, aim etc and the AT-4HS isn't even guaranteed to bring down a Harrier in one shot, never mind anything else. A Stinger usually will though. For anything that drops chaff (Pave Low, Chopper Gunner, AC-130), you'll just need to use two missiles either by working with someone else or scavenging an ammo bag with the launcher in your hand. The AC-130 can fire a second set of flares if you're not quick enough at hitting it with the second killer blow.

                              As for the AUG, it's alright, but I don't like the small magazine size. I mastered the L86 LSW during my last Prestige and quite liked it. It has similar power to the RPD but with an even faster rate of fire. Shorter reload time too. At long range it's not so good due to the recoil (even with a grip), but it's devastating at close range.

                              This time round I've been using the TAR-21 quite a bit. I had avoided using it previously simply because I thought it looked a bit funny but it's now become one of my favourite ARs. There's quite a bit of recoil on it but you can squeeze out single shots quite accurately for long range targets. It really shows it's worth at close/medium range though due to it's high power and long-lasting magazine. It feels and performs not unlike the AK47 from COD4.
                              It has to be said that the extra sight attachments for it are a bit iffy so normal iron sights all the way, either with a silencer or FMJ (then Extended Mags once they're unlocked).

                              For Hardcore games I like using the FAL since you've typically got more time to pick your shots. Stopping Power isn't needed for a one bullet kill, so I equip Hardline instead and get the streak rewards early. Ninja Pro for Perk 3. I'll also use the M21 EBR with a silencer if I've got it available since it's so hard to get kills with it in a normal game.

                              SMGs I don't use very often, but judging how easily people seem to kill me with one, the UMP45 seems to be the pick of the bunch and quite possibly overpowered IMO. An awful lot of Prestige 8/9/10 players I've come up against use one with a silencer.

                              My secondary weapon is almost always a SPAS-12, at least until I reach Lv38 then it usually switches to the M93 Raffica, which is just like having a mini M16.


                                I have a love for the Famas with red dot sight and FMJ. Also a AA-12 Shotgun as a side weapon. I want to change the main weapon now though but I want to master it before changing.

