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Aesop's Garden (Xbox 360)

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    Aesop's Garden (Xbox 360)

    A lovely puzzle game, this one. Really nice 8-bit visuals and sounds.

    Aesop's prize-winning garden has been sabotaged by a jealous rival, Alistair August. Help Aesop find and destroy the weeds that threaten to keep him from maintaining his winning streak!

    On each level, you've got three objectives, the first is to get to the sprinkler and turn it on to make all the plants in the garden grow.

    Next, you have to walk around the level and collect all the weeds that have grown, as shown below in the top right corner.

    That's a screen from the level editor by the way. There's a level editor.

    For your third task, you have to make it to the exit.

    Sounds easy, doesn't it? Well, streams, bushes, the sprinkler itself and boxes all stand in your way. Brown boxes can be pushed around one square at a time, and icey boxes can be pushed but will keep sliding until they hit something, it's an icey box, you've played a game before, right? If an icey box comes into contact with a stream, it falls in and creates a bridge.

    That can get tricky enough, but later levels also introduce enemies. If you come into the same line as a scarecrow it'll attack you and you'll lose - so now you have to use boxes to block them off as well as create bridges, etc.

    There are also boss fights.

    Boss fights in a puzzle game sounds like a terrible idea, but they're not. They actually still rely on the puzzle mechanics to solve them so it doesn't suddenly become an action game or anything.

    It's really good.

    It's 240points which I'm sure will put people off when they see the 8-bit visuals, but you really shouldn't let it. It's an excellent game.

    Trial it now!