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Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (Wii)

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    Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
    Is the game just broken or what?
    Nope, the boss encounters are scripted, meaning you cannot defeat all bosses just by emptying their health bars. In most cases you have to wait, until something special happens, before you can defeat them. Just listen to the dialogue of the characters.
    Besides that, this game has dynamic difficulty, which means if you are good, the enemy AI changes, and it doesn't matter what difficult setting you have it on. The difficult setting only determines how much damage you and the enemies can take, and is independent from the dynamic AI. Well it is not really AI...


      umm... ok, though to be honest that sounds like a load of old nonesense to me.

      I did finally defeated him, albeit it in a random fashion where i did the exact same thing i had done 20 other times but this time Leon decided to stop hanging from the pipe like a silly bugger and actualy climb back up. I'm not sure at all how i made that part of the game advance really. I'm not sure what you mean by listen to the characthers either, they dont say anything of importance during this particular fight.

      I'm not really enjoying this that much anyway, regardless of the aformentioned horribley done boss fight the rest of the game isnt that greath either. the Shaky cam is awful, as is the fact that enemies somtimes hit you before you have chance to even notice they are onscreen. Yeah we all love Resident Evil 2 but seriously, this game just dosent play very well.

      Compared to the brilliance of Dead Space Extraction this is relaly poor indeed.
      Last edited by rmoxon; 13-12-2009, 23:22.


        Yeah, I'm finding the decent reviews this has been getting to be a huge bowl of lies.

        Me and my gal are playing through it very slowly, and while the first half of Resi 2 is sheer brilliance, it tails off towards the end.

        But Code Veronica? Yowzers. It's awful. Huge sections of not much happening, and some new sections made up for the game are just plain weird...One section had us tip-toeing through an MDF haunted house made by Alfred, shooting pop-up targets.

        To end on a high...The Hunter death animations are pretty darned funny, though.


          Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
          I did finally defeated him, albeit it in a random fashion where i did the exact same thing i had done 20 other times but this time Leon decided to stop hanging from the pipe like a silly bugger and actualy climb back up. I'm not sure at all how i made that part of the game advance really. I'm not sure what you mean by listen to the characthers either, they dont say anything of importance during this particular fight.
          We are talking about the first encounter with Birkin , right? You have to fall down and climb back again before you can defeat him. It doesn't matter if his health bar is emptied before you get knock down, or not. Same with the tyrant later on

          you can only kill him by using the rocket launcher, nothing else, and only after Ada shouts "take this" or something.

          Normally the characters give you somekind of indication, when you're able to kill a boss.


            With all said and done... I can't wait to play this. I'm hoping Father Christmas drops this and Boy and his blob into my stocking this year
            ----Member since April 2002



              Can I ask if the aiming is "down the barrel" like Ghost Squad and HODT Overkill or "mouse" like Umbrella?


                Say what?

                It's pretty similar to the first one if I remember correctly.
                Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


                  Originally posted by Cornflakes View Post
                  We are talking about the first encounter with Birkin , right? You have to fall down and climb back again before you can defeat him. It doesn't matter if his health bar is emptied before you get knock down, or not. Same with the tyrant later on

                  you can only kill him by using the rocket launcher, nothing else, and only after Ada shouts "take this" or something.

                  Normally the characters give you somekind of indication, when you're able to kill a boss.
                  Yes the first Birkin encounter, I kept getting to the bit where I was hanging from the rail, pouring about 20 shotgun shells, 200 uzi rounds and several handgun clips into him and I couldnt get back up. Then on what seemed like my 200th go i shot him about twice and he stumbled about and Leon decided to finaly climb up the railing. I suppose you must have to hit him in a certain place to make the battle progress, but its obviously such a tiny spot it took me 200 deaths before I hit him in the right place.

                  Basicaly its just awful programing, the fact that the health bars dont relaly mean anything is confusing enough without the bosses having the tiniest hitbox ever that you need to shoot in order to progress the fight.


                    I was having the same problem last night but then I realised that you just have to shoot him in the head.
                    Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


                      Originally posted by figflair View Post
                      I was having the same problem last night but then I realised that you just have to shoot him in the head.
                      Well thats even weirder then, becuase when i finaly did it I think I shot him in the arm!


                        I've just spent the last 6 hours playing this with my brother. It's excellent stuff, and we've only scratched the surface, having only played

                        the first level with Crauser, and all of Resident Evil 2

                        . Just like Umbrella Chronicles, it's one big love-letter to the older fans of the series, but everything is executed much better. They've also slightly modified certain things to fit in better with later elements of the canon that probably weren't intended at the time (like Ada's personality), yet not jarringly so.

                        The biggest complaint I have is some major flaws in the scripting for the boss battles. Many times we've beaten the boss 'too fast' and had to just bide our time until the next event it triggered.

                        Overall though, I'd recommend it to anyone even loosely into the old Resi games, and I'm going to be controversial and say that both my brother and myself reckon this is better than RE5.

