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Gravity Crash [PS3]

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    Gravity Crash [PS3]

    Has anybody picked up the full version of this? I downloaded the trial on Tuesday and only managed to get around to playing it today.

    It's beautiful and has a fairly pumping soundtrack, but I'm really struggling to get to grips with the controls. Have gone with classic controls and manual shield, which is probably making it harder for me than it needs to be, but it seems like the game is balanced around that scheme.

    Played through the tutorial and attempted the first campaign level, and it's obviously very tricky when you're still learning the controls. Hopefully they'll click though, because this seems like it should be a lot of fun. As long as they do I think I'll probably pick this up.

    Editor isn't available in the demo, so obviously haven't played with that yet.

    I've bought the full version. And very good it is too.

    It's a lot easier using the alternate control scheme and auto shields.

    The gameplay is very much in style of thrust. and has a feeling of an early to mid nineties amiga shoot-em-up. (No bad thing.)

    I have yet to use the editor yet myself. Although I have played a very well made user created level.

    Well worth the money, for me.
    Last edited by SCCAAMMM; 27-11-2009, 18:37.


      I tried the demo, and loved both the visual style and the controls.
      Yes, they've gone a bit bonkers with the inertia... but I can see that pulling off skillful maneuvers in this game will be highly satisfying.

      I really like the fact that the thrusters are analogue. You can hold one postion in space, or 'strafe' a bit horizontally by gently pushing up on the thumbstick. I found that out while attempting to grab an artefact from a narrow lava tunnel. Mad skillz

      Activating manual shields one milisecond before a fatal collision also feels pretty great.

      What I didn't like about the demo is the structure. Maybe I got the wrong impression, but to me it feels like a slightly naff compromise between classic arcade play and ordinary singleplayer.

      The "campaign" seems to be laid out to encourage a slow-paced collectathon rather than a compulsive score challenge.
      Why does spending an arbitrary number of lives result in a 'game over' with no real consequence? Why isn't there a restart option on the pause menu? This is the kind of game which should come packing an instant restart on a face button. It's unforgiving enough.

      Anyone with the full game, feel free to enlighten me.
      From what I've seen I think I'd be more inclined to play this if it had a structure along the lines of N+, or even Bangai-O Spirits.

      I could only see VS options in the multiplayer menu, which is a bit of a disappointment... co-op would be great in this and I can't see any of my mates being arsed to play versus.
      Last edited by Tig; 26-11-2009, 23:18.


        Had a little blast on the demo. I'm totally sold on the vectored visuals and the fiddly controls made simple maneuvers very satisfying...loved just collecting the wee astronauts.

        Like Tig says, the campaign structure seems a bit off. I'd have definetly bought it, but with Pixeljunk:Shooter out soon I think I'll plump for that fella instead. I don't want no twinstick shooter fatigue.


          I'm in the same boat actually with Pixeljunk Shooter around the corner. Still plugging through Critter Crunch as well... what is it with PSN and releasing good games in batches to make sure it's as hard as possible to pick them all up!


            Agreed with the comparison with Pixeljunk Shooter. They both look very similar, so I'm definitely waiting for either some form of comparison, or the demo of Shooter to decide which one I will plump for, although Gravity Crash's demo is pretty damn good itself. Good thing we know there will almost certainly be a demo for Shooter, let's hope it's earlier rather than later.

            The ship controls I find to be fine generally, it's just landing the ship that's a bitch. A touch fast and you'll crash, the plane not be entirely flat and you'll crash. The flying controls are great otherwise, but landing is pretty damn tough so far. I love the visuals and the music is very nice too though!


              Screw waiting for pixeljunk am all over this (will be all over pixeljunk shooter too.)
              1st area is a nice intro, once I cleared the 1st boss battle I found the 2nd area started to get tough with homing missles and faster enemy fire, also yet another PSN title with a superb soundtrack, this time from Cold Storage. Found the classic controls slightly better after dual stick caused few sticky moments for me, also fire is mapped ti R1 so you can really give it some when you need to, still trying to go through on one credit.
              Well worth the money.


                Originally posted by Btang84 View Post
                Agreed with the comparison with Pixeljunk Shooter. They both look very similar, so I'm definitely waiting for either some form of comparison, or the demo of Shooter to decide which one I will plump for, although Gravity Crash's demo is pretty damn good itself. Good thing we know there will almost certainly be a demo for Shooter, let's hope it's earlier rather than later.
                They're completely different games. Gravity Crash plays like Thrust and can use a similar set up (inertia and all that jazz) pixel junk is a far more simplistic in that there's no inertia or landing to worry about. It's also far more puzzley and combines simple physics and element puzzles (using lava to break through ice walls and so on).

                both are excellent games, but I think Pixeljunk has the edge.


                  Sorry. Double Post
                  Last edited by Guest; 04-12-2009, 22:33. Reason: Sorry. Double Post


                    Totally sold on this just from one play through of the demo. It clicked instantly with me, just as Geometry Wars did. Having been an obsessive Thrust player on ye olde BBC Micro all those many years ago, playing with the control pad felt really odd for a while, as my mind kept trying to tell me that I should have my fingers on the Z, X and right SHIFT keys with my thumb resting on the Space Bar! But very quickly, it just all kicked in. The feeling of managing to manoeuvre into a ridiculous space to collect a piece of artefact without using the shield is so satisfying... And then to have that followed by the sudden rush of adrenalin and increased heart rate as you then try and manoeuvre out of that same gap without crashing thanks to the superbly accurate controls is just pure gaming goodness and takes me back to those classic games of old where there were no save games to rely on, just your skill and patience and luck.

                    I'll definitely be purchasing this tonight and probably be addicted to it all weekend. Now, will someone remake the Amiga classic POD with multiplayer in the same vein as this and also an expanded version of the psychedelic 'copper chip' overloaded fifth level from Hoi? Thanks.


                      I saw thia on PSN last night and almost bought it. Looking at the screenies, it kind of looks like a couple of old games called POD or Thrust if anyone remembers them.

                      Is the gameplay similar where you have get through levels collecting stuff while avoiding walls and enemies using a thrust button.

                      (Just noticed you bottom post Spooky about the reference to POD)

                      I'm sold now


                        Originally posted by NemesiS View Post
                        Is the gameplay similar where you have get through levels collecting stuff while avoiding walls and enemies using a thrust button.
                        Yep, that's Gravity Crash in a nutshell.

                        Definitely going to pick this up, but it might have to wait a little while.


                          Originally posted by NemesiS View Post
                          Looking at the screenies, it kind of looks like a couple of old games called POD or Thrust if anyone remembers them.

                          (Just noticed you bottom post Spooky about the reference to POD)

                          I'm sold now
                          I'm glad someone else remembers POD. Awesome insane joystick smashing against the wall fun!

                          Yep, bought my Gravity Crash today. Looking forward to the digital release of the soundtrack by CoLD SToRAGE too, whose music I've loved since the Amiga days and especially his work on the US Wipeout soundtracks!

                          Enjoy NemesiS!


                            nice game but with the pixeljunk shooter round the corner think I'll wait for that and compare as that seems to look like its got a bit more to it I suspect


                              blimey, it got a pretty scathing review at Eurogamer.

                              It sounds like my doubts about the dodgy campaign structure were correct

