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N.O.V.A (Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance) - iPhone/iPod Touch

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    N.O.V.A (Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance) - iPhone/iPod Touch

    Just came out an hour ago. This is essentially a Halo clone for iDevices and is extremely well done and very very fun to play. Features online deathmatch with ranking aswell as a story mode.

    Multiplayer impressions copied directly from myself on Touch Arcade.

    I've been playing this very solidly for the last hour or so online. I've not even touched the single player yet. I'm VERY happy to say that the netcode is absolutely excellent and i've had absolutely no issues relating to lag at all.

    No UPnP errors or anything. I couldn't even see what Modern Combat: Sandstorm was like online. This however has worked right from the start and has proven to be an absolute blast to play.

    The controls are incredible, and even without any form of aim assistance i've been able to snipe very happily while moving!

    Regarding the online play, a couple of pros and cons.

    • Very fluid
    • No performance issues whatsoever on 2G device
    • Controls are excellent and accurate aiming is a breeze.
    • Online play actually works and works very well!
    • Can host your own servers and join people's games manually. No matchmaking.

    • No sense of multiplayer progression.
    • Lack of enforced rules, meaning games will often just be pointless no limit fragfests with no end because people don't bother to put limits on.
    • Can't filter servers, or see what the server rules are before joining.
    • Ranking only seems to count top 10...
    • Deathmatch only, no TDM
    I'll get some screenshots and stuff taken tomorrow

    Does it allow for a friends list of sorts online so you can setup and invite people like in Eliminate?


      Not tried it online at all but the main game is...very surprising! It's a disgustingly obvious Halo rip off but...this is on a phone FFS!

      Colour me impressed.


        Yeh the SP is good... MP though, its fun but I still prefer Eliminate online to this. You cant search for friends or have a friends list, just jump into random matches.

        Aside from that the main difference is the NOVA MP levels are far larger and more open akin to Halo (obviously) so play out at a more ranged warfare. Eliminate is closer and personal more like Quake or other twitch shooters. Both are excellent but obviously Eliminate forgoes the SP experience altogether.

