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Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (DS)‎

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    Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (DS)‎

    Been a while since Apollo Justice and perhaps recognising that the series needed a bit of a revamp they've changed the format of the game a bit and made it so that the game concentrates pretty much on the investigations before the trial. What with you now controlling an on screen sprite, it seems that the changes are pretty significant. Unfortunately/thankfully (depending on your PoV) the changes are mostly cosmetic and this is very much another AA game.

    I'm well into the second case now and basically the format is as follows: you gather a bit of evidence in a room, piece together some logic and this will either let you visit a different room or it will let you interogate someone.

    Logic basically lists the facts you uncover in the case and you piece two elements together to find links. It's fairly simple and straight forward, so far it's been easy, especially considering all pieces of logic get paired up eventually (no red herrings).

    Interrogations are pretty much this games trial and they play like a standard trial. They're much shorter and spread out a lot more than trials are which prevents them becoming a bit tiresome (as some of the trials occasionally did in previous games). However they're also a lot less dramatic. You still have an energy bar for mistakes but it still doesn't have the tension of a full trial.

    The biggest frustration is one that has plagued the PW series a lot; if you miss something in the investigations, you can't progress until you find it, resulting in you trawling the screens and using every item on the helper character. The fact that you have to walk around to look at things make this even more frustrating as moving a tiny amount can make the difference between looking at a statue or looking at the grape juice by his feet (something which had me stuck for half an hour)

    If you like the previous AA attorney games you should like this. It feels like a more evenly paced, snappier game but don't think there's any real radical changes to it, despite how it looks in the screenshots.

    How's the music? Is it up to the usual series standards?


      Hasn't really stood out for me, it's still the standard GBA era midi. The music in the interrogations isn't as dramatic as in the trials so it doesn't really give the same kind of buzz.


        I am enjoying this so far, only just starting out on the second case but already really getting in to it. Did have fears from the early screenshots that they'd shaken the formula a bit too much but after playing it those fears have eased; this is still very much an Ace Attorney game. As stated, courtrooms are out but the gameplay from them is still very present in the interrogations, and the biggest change for me is replacing the static environments in the investigation stages with one you can actually walk around and prod various things/people. No bad thing in my eyes.

        Music is ok but not stellar so far - it's a shame as I rate the first game's OST very, very highly, and since then the rest have had a very tough act to follow and ultimately disappointed despite still being great stood alone. The real highlight, no doubt about it, is still the story and the script. The charm is still here in spades and as a real fan of the series it feels very homely and very nice to be back in the shoes of a familiar character. I joked with a friend that the box just needed to say "Play as Edgeworth, have Dick Gumshoe follow you" to get a confirmed sale from me - whilst this is sadly true the game is also meeting my other expectations and I'd recommend it heartily to anyone who's enjoyed any of the rest of the series.


          Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
          Been a while since Apollo Justice and perhaps recognising that the series needed a bit of a revamp they've changed the format of the game a bit and made it so that the game concentrates pretty much on the investigations before the trial. What with you now controlling an on screen sprite, it seems that the changes are pretty significant. Unfortunately/thankfully (depending on your PoV) the changes are mostly cosmetic and this is very much another AA game.
          Well put.

          Capcom did announce a while back that there would be a fifth "proper" Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney (2nd Apollo Justice) game, so it'll be very interesting to see what changes (if any) are taken from this spin-off and incorporated into that. Clearly, the Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney series was in much need of freshening up after the slick-but-slightly disappointing GS4/Apollo Justice - and this is coming from someone who rates the Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney series as an absolute must for any DS owner.

          Received my copy of this last weekend, but haven't had the time to play it - I was wondering when a First Play thread for this would be made!

          I'm off work until Monday, so I might fire it up tonight.
          Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 24-02-2010, 17:56.


            Flippin awesome i love these games, you get to use your brain and your heart.
            Great soundtrack again too

            If i had to make an obvious criticism though it would be that your opponent investigators throw around such random accusations it gets a bit silly, nobody ever considers a motive except edgeworth. :P


              The game really kicks in by the third case. Only annoyance is one part that had me completely stumped

              when you're told to prove two people didn't know they were related and every hint you're given tells you that. The solution? Prove there were three kidnappers. Grrrrrrrr.


                i love the announce the truth theme, its almosssst as good as the cornered theme


                  Kay's theme tune is ace, and a total earworm. I posted it over on the 'game music you like' thread.

                  @smurf - yup, got stuck on that part as well. Only bad thing about this series, sometimes the right choice ends up being trial and error.


                    There have been a couple of places where I've gone "I haven't a clue what the contradiction is but this is the only evidence relevant to the topic".

                    That bit was really bad though, largely because the game was telling you throughout the testimony that you had to prove something completely different from what you actually had to prove.


                      Figure I'm about halfway through the third chapter and I'm absolutely loving this. Feels like a real return to form for the series. Really enjoying Kay as a character


                        I've noticed that is game seems far more dialogue heavy than any previous AA game (possibly because the 'trials' are spread out more). It's also a shame that so far there's been a different assistant for every case, would've preferred the game to stick with one or two.

                        Still enjoying it though.


                          Onto case 4, quality stuff and totally unexpected.


                            Just onto the 5th case now. Soooo goooooooooooooood.

                            Have got the feeling I used to get where I can't stop playing but I don't want it to end. Hurry up with a new game, Capcom!!


                              Near the end of Case five now (it goes on way too long). Enjoyed it but I'd consider it the weakest of the series (and case five is the weakest of any final case). Also frustrating with Case 5 is that on numerous occasions I guess something before the game expected me to and I presented evidence too early.

                              Didn't have as many funny cross examinations (the interrogations were with suspects most of the time) and didn't really have any novel elements to the investigations; Little Thief could've been implemented in a more interesting way rather than just changing scenery and Logic never really felt like it has a point.

