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Limbo - XBLA / Xbox One / PS3

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    The "grass" at the start fooled me. You know the bit. Just walking along minding your own business *SSHHICK!* "Oh Em Gee that's not grass!"

    I got to the first spider bit and had to go to bed, what with work in the morning.*

    *I was terrified


      1200 PTS seems a fair price for such a great product to me, i know microsoft are sneaky as this was my most wanted XBLA game, i sort of knew they would stick it at 1200 pts but i dont care, you only live once , and you cant take your cash with you so spend some on this little gem.


        Why is it when we get a game on digital download dose everyone harp on about the price, its like the braid thread all over again. and like braid this is another very high profile release so every man and his dog has to stick there opinion in the mix.

        if the demo didn't grab you then this is not for you, personaly I'd be happy to play this type of game till the cows come home I'm a dad and don't get a massive amount of time to play, I'm sat on a massive amount of unfinished blockbuster, but with this at least I know I can get through it in a few days without getting bored.


          I personally thought the demo wasn't great myself, it doesn't give you enough of just how puzzle-y the full game is.
          I do kind of wish people who haven't played the full game would let it rest though, I wouldn't start commenting on a review of a book based upon having only read the first chapter or a film based upon the trailer.

          The whole digital download botching thing is always funny, I remember the whole world tapping when alien hominid was released on consoles, then they release an HD version for 1/3 of the price and everyone bitched about it.
          Even more ridiculous is the quibbling over whether a game is 1200 or 800 points, it's like £3's difference for goodness sake!
          Never satisfied are the geeks
          Last edited by EvilBoris; 22-07-2010, 09:02.


            Well, people are allowed to choose how to spend their hard earned cash last time I checked.

            For me, the price is not that big of a factor to be honest. If I enjoyed the trial immensely I would have purchased it immediately, even if it was 2100 MS points. The fact I didn't really enjoy it brought up the question, "do I really wanna spend 1200 MS points on it?!".
            Last edited by ezee ryder; 22-07-2010, 09:34.


              Fair point , thats why it alway nice to have a trial, i wish wiiware did my god i wated some money on there, at least with XBLA you can trial them.


                I really enjoyed playing through this last night. The missus was also impressed(not an easy task with games) and helped me solve some of the puzzles.

                The pricing arguement is a strange one just think of it as a ?9.99 game which is a bargain when I think of what I've paid for toss games in the past.

                Just to add I found it easier than Braid which was like a brickwall in places if you didn't click with the design.

                I couldn't look at the screen when you had to walk up to the spiders leg free body and roll it into the ditch. Proper scary!

                Last edited by vanpeebles; 22-07-2010, 09:51.


                  What a great great game. Just got back into the XBLA scene and DL'd this when i saw it. Beautiful game to look at and the gameplay is superb. A real throwback to days gone by

                  I can't understand why people are struggling though, especially on the spider as everything (clues etc) is laid out for you to see as you move along. I have to say though this type of game is one of those you get into a groove playing the longer you play it and the mechanics become more obvious with extended time invested in one sitting. I finished it in one sitting last night from about 7pm till midnight

                  I can sort of understand why its dividing opinion as the gameplay is probably not going to wash with most gamers under 30 and some will find the esotoric puzzles hard as they are not used to this type of game these days. But along with Machinarium and Trine, i love these sort of games and we really should have more of them instead of endless rehashed garbage.

                  It might only take a few hours to complete but give me a 4 hour game sheer quality over 10 hours of mindlessness anyday of the week


                    Got 200/200 now, which took me to 100% completion on the leaderboard.

                    Then I found another secret that had been bugging me for ages, must have spent two hours looking for a way to get to it and it came to me this morning as I was waking up! I think solving puzzles away from games is one of my favourite things ever. Anyway, there was no achievement linked to collecting it but it took me to 101% complete, some people are up to 105% so there's still more around!


                      I played the demo of this and its pretty damn scary isnt it. I did all the puzzles ok, so I think I will buy this. I think its the atmosphere that lifts it.


                        Originally posted by NemesiS View Post
                        I can't understand why people are struggling though, especially on the spider as everything (clues etc) is laid out for you to see as you move along.
                        the clues are very subtle, maybe a little bit too subtle sometimes so they get overlooked, especially if the game gives you a wrong idea about how to solve a puzzle. i think the best example is the early floating crate puzzle where it's obvious and also logic that it swims and you can get on it but

                        eventually you can't use it to cross the water. if the small rope hanging down from the trees

                        didn't raise your attention before then you are stuck. going back to solve a puzzle simply isn't the most intuitive.
                        Last edited by charlesr; 22-07-2010, 12:37.


                          Originally posted by Uli View Post
                          the game looks lovely but 1200 MS points is not quite a bargain for an average of 3 hours of playtime. any replay value to it? Jamie, Matt?
                          I just played through It at my mate suzi9mm's house. Fab game and just what I needed to get my mind back Playing games. For me it has some religous, Ico, super mario and portal inspiration which makes for a wonderful game. Fantastic use of sound too.

                          At 4 hours It was also a superb "one life each" taking turns game, so if you want to have a game to share with a buddy On an evening, this is perfect.

                          Edit: there were a few occasions that the puzzles took serious head scratching, and without my mates help I am not sure I could have managed without a bit of googling. Not often but in two places.

                          The game left me feeling very moved, like I had shared a journey with the games character.
                          Last edited by capcom_suicide; 22-07-2010, 10:44.


                            I did that ok, granted I pissed around with the crate for a while, then decided to check everywhere, so walked back and checked everything.


                              Relented and finally had to use my credit card on the xbox to buy some points to get this.

                              No trial, just straight in....10 mins later the floating box puzzle made me wish I hadn't bothered. If I had got the trial it would have stopped me buying to be honest but as I had spent so many points I stuck at it and finally (after what seemed like hours) I did it.

                              Got to 45% complete before having to go to bed and tho on pretty much every puzzle since I have failed multiple times, on none of them have I felt completely clueless as to what to do. If that box is in the trial I can see many people not buying the full game which would be a great shame!

                              Its giving me flashbacks to playing the first Prince of Persia in the computer lab at school....the difficulty and repeated deaths until you know what you are doing and then you jump and run fluidly thru every obstacle, no matter how complicated, without a scratch!

                              Really enjoying it so far, looks great, sounds great (my housemates room is next to the living room and even tho he can sleep thru explosions and gunfire in all my other games he got out of bed to ask for this to be turned down as it was "too f-in creepy to listen to in bed" ) and bar one puzzle so far is good challenging fun!


                                i Just dont get why the floating box puzzle is causing problems, i worked that one out in a couple of minutes, you just have to stop and think, im finding this game a breeze compared to my struggles with Braid

