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Sonic Adventure - XBLA/PSN

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    I played the DC version and it's aged badly. I forgot it didn't have a map or radar - it's funny how accusto9med you get to one. Took my bloody AGES to find the Wind Cave. So, instead of buying a port of this, I'm going to buy Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) for the PS3. I've watched videos and it looks like a slicker version of SA on DC.

    Am I wrong?


      Oh, yes. It's awful compared to Sonic Adventure.

      It'll be like buying Perfect Dark Zero because you think it looks better than Perfect Dark.


        Oh my god. Sonic 2006 is literally one of the worst games I've ever played. It's like an alpha version of Sonic Adventure. So so so broken


          Completely agree. For me, with the 3D Sonic's I'd say:

          -Sonic Adventure 2
          -Sonic Adventure
          -Sonic Unleashed
          -Sonic Heroes
          -Shadow the Hedgehog
          -Sonic the Hedgehog 2006

          And that last one is last by quite some way


            I'm glad I'm not the only one that preferred Sa2


              Originally posted by Wools View Post

              I still feel it looks beautiful, has great set pieces and some wonderful moments. The Lost World stone snake puzzle is a highlight, the Ice Cap Zone avalanche and Speed Highway skyscraper drop are jaw dropping, the Casino stage Pinball machine and Nights hidden extra was a nice treasure and the atmospheric and beautiful floating world is my highlight.

              Moments like those make a game and I'm always surprised by how overlooked or criticised Sonic Adventure is. Although the game has unquestionable technical issues, if you can look past them, there's a real flawed masterpiece beneath it.
              Spot on. The flaws never get in the way of the overall game, and for the people bitching about the likes of Big The Cat (those modes are completely optional) Its all about the Main Sonic levels of me, and they're about as good as it gets for a Sonic game (imo).

              The amount of work and effort that went into this game is staggering and jaw dropping, 2 pinball games, countless mini game, set pieces , fantastic hub system and multi playable characters all in one game, along with the one of the most impressive soundtracks ever written - Playing the lost World or Mystic Ruins and the soundtrack alone , makes one feels they're trekking in the Inca's. The music alone must have cost a bomb to produce with all its live vocals, instruments and numerous tracks.

              I've never got the hate with Sonic Adventure at all


                I don't hate SA, it holds a place in my heart as being a part of the great DC experience when I bought it soon after launch. I just think we've come a ways since those nascent 1999 days.

                I'd read that the SA team went to South America to research the Inca levels. So I'd imagine it must have been hugely expensive. Imagine sending members of the dev team to various foreign locales just to get a vibe for things first hand.

                Anyone recall a source for that info? I can't remember where it was I first read it.


                  SA2 was actually close to being brilliant. The Sonic/Shadow levels I mean, those were the finest 3D outings of Sonic. And I prefered the omission of the hub, which just confused me.

                  But the Tails, Knuckles etc stages were bloody awful.

                  SA1 PSN is playable, finally a solid 60fps. Too bad its 4:3, and the DX content is US only?
                  Last edited by saturn-gamer; 24-09-2010, 17:38.


                    Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
                    So, instead of buying a port of this, I'm going to buy Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) for the PS3. I've watched videos and it looks like a slicker version of SA on DC.

                    Am I wrong?
                    It is probably one of the most infuriating games I have ever played. Especially infuriating because all the ingredients are there for it to have been a really decent game. It is an example of a game that really could have done with an extra year of development, it's just buggy and unfinished, even by 3D Sonic standards.

                    I liked Sonic Adventure 2 too, I have fond memories of working with my brother to get all of the emblems, and it actually felt like a finished, polished product.

                    Time has made the flaws in Sonic Adventure all too evident, but the game hold such fond memories for me that I'll always enjoy it. It's lack of polish doesn't destroy the imagination that went into it. It would be hard to convince the anyone who hasn't ever played it that it is a good title though.
                    Last edited by sj33; 25-09-2010, 13:17.


                      The fondest memory i have of it is spending the turn of the millenium playing it.


                        Did you download the Dreamcast update for the Millenium?

                        Sega released packs for the game that turned Station Square into a festival for that given time frame. I remember packs for Christmas, Halloween, The Millenium and the Dreamcast 1 year Anniversiary.

                        Downloading free updates to change your game was so new back in 1999. I've fond memories of those times.

                        Also I brought and managed to complete Sonic Adventure this afternoon and it was great to revisit the game again. I miss timed the jumps across to the final boss a few times!


                          I might have done, i can remember something like that. I remember most of my time spending it on the level Windy Valley.


                            Does anyone know if the UK are going to get the DX content on PSN? I can't find it anywhere apart from the USA store :S


                              Think so, trophies for the DX content shows with a + symbol if you check your trophy list.

                              It's on the store today
                              Last edited by Phar; 29-09-2010, 12:35.


                                So glad I downloaded the XBLA Trial, what a horrendous mess of a game. I'll stick to the Dreamcast version ta. The jumping just doesn't feel right on the Cube/PC/XBLA/PSN ports.

