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Sonic Adventure - XBLA/PSN

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    Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
    I don't hate SA, it holds a place in my heart as being a part of the great DC experience when I bought it soon after launch. I just think we've come a ways since those nascent 1999 days.

    I'd read that the SA team went to South America to research the Inca levels. So I'd imagine it must have been hugely expensive. Imagine sending members of the dev team to various foreign locales just to get a vibe for things first hand.

    Anyone recall a source for that info? I can't remember where it was I first read it.
    You don't need to read it as its on the original Sonic Team/Sonic Adventure site and even has some pictures. Sonic Team go to South America!

    The google cache of those pages is still readable if you so wish.


      That's ace! Thanks.


        Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
        I'd read that the SA team went to South America to research the Inca levels. So I'd imagine it must have been hugely expensive. Imagine sending members of the dev team to various foreign locales just to get a vibe for things first hand.

        Anyone recall a source for that info? I can't remember where it was I first read it.
        There was a feature about it in one of the last issues of Official Sega Saturn Magazine which had pictures of some members of Sonic Team in front of Inca/Aztec temples with Sonic plushes. Really loved that magazine

        <EDIT> Just noticed that the pictures are also on the Sonic Adventure website links above.
        Last edited by Link83; 29-09-2010, 21:09.


          The 360 version of this is broken, apparently Sega were notified on release but there's been no fix yet. The achievements for collecting all the emblems, and finishing all 60 missions won't unlock, they didn't for me either.

