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Civilization V (PC)

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    Civilization V (PC)

    Having spent a small amount of time with the demo (just to check it's performance you understand) I've now had a few hours with the full game.

    Firstly it's clearly Civ. Everything you know and love is present and correct with a few additions. It's no longer on a square grid and is now a hex grid. It makes the terrain look much more natural and also has a slight impact on how your units move around. Moving in one direction (as any fan of blockbusters can attest) is a much bigger commitment than before as you'll find it'll take more turns if you decide to change your mind and go the other way.

    It looks fantastic. The luxuries are lovingly animated, tiles smoothly transition across types, the combat animations are hugely improved from IV and the diplomacy screens are full screen scenes now. For those with lower spec machines or people who prefer the scaled back look can use the strategic view. This presents everything iconically across a hexagonal board, all in 2d. Everything that could be done in the normal view can be done here. It's nice to use now and then (usually during times of conflict) but I don't think I'll be playing a lot with it on.

    The combat is my favourite change. Each tile can only house one unit at a time. This makes placement extremely important and also allows you to control choke points and defensive areas much more easily. Some units can now bombard units across the map. This provides another tactical decision in the placement of units. This does away with the stack of death in previous games (a full stack of units which you march across the land) and is all the better for it.

    Will post more when I can tear myself away but so far so addictive. Is there anything more satisfying than having a former big time charlie begging you for peace as your units march on his capital?

    I'm seriously thinking about picking this up. It's £30 on Steam but I can get it for less at retail - don't suppose you know if it's possible to play sans DVD once installed if I go that route?


      You have to add it to Steam anyway so yes, it's possible to play without the disc once installed (you might not even need to put the disc in the drive - think steam will accept the serial number inside).

      Wiped out Ghandi in my game. Think I've got a warmongering reputation now but it was worth it for that achievement


        Awesome, thanks.


          Just like StarCraft II, this game scares the life out of me.

          Trying to put my fingers in my ears and pretend it doesn't exist...


            This appeals to me much more than StarCraft, primarily because I like games I can take my time with. Civ seems to be right up my alley.


              I played the demo plenty of times between the demo being released on Steam and when the game arrived this morning and am now 200 hundred turns into my first game. I would be further into it but my brother's playing it as well so we take it in turns in playing. That's the only reason I'm not playing right now.

              I'm surprised the game is running so well on my PC as it falls just a little short of the minimum specs and running everything on high. That said I suspect I might feel the pinch later on in the game or on larger map sizes. The biggest issue we've had so far is the slow and stuttering opening video in the demo. Hopefully though I won't have to upgrade until Deus Ex comes out.

              As Freelance has said, this is defiantly Civ. It has that magic touch to it you can't quite place. In my first proper game I just watched the Whales (a resource) swim near to where I was going to place my capital.

              It's different from Civ IV and it needed to be because no game could touch that going head on. To me it seems like a good mix between it's predecessor and Civ Rev on consoles. The scrapping of the stack of doom is a great improvement to the game and the fact that units aren't destroyed in evenly matched fights is simply brilliant.

              I'm playing on easy right now to familiarize myself with the game so I haven't had that many conflicts so far but there is definite tension between me and my nearest neighbour and protecting my boarder from possible attack provokes a lot more thought on unit placement than in previous games. It's also good that you can aid those at war without being overtly involved yourself and if you are asked to go to war one of the options is asking for prep time instead of jumping straight into a conflict.

              The city states are a nice addition to the game. Civilized cities not part of a bigger empire or competing to win the game. They ally themselves with empires depending on how helpful they are or you could simply invade them. It makes the early stage of the game far less empty. I don't know how much of a role these cities will have nearer the endgame but I'm sure I'll find out.

              Anyway, I better get back to waiting for my turn to play again now.


                The biggest issue we've had so far is the slow and stuttering opening video in the demo. Hopefully though I won't have to upgrade until Deus Ex comes out
                You can turn the intro videos off by going to your "My Documents" folder

                My Games > Sid Meiers Civ 5 > UserSettings.ini

                Change "AutoWorkersDontReplace" and "SkipIntroVideo" to 1

                The AutoWorkersDontReplace means that workers won't replace improvements you've placed down manually.


                  I've begun the space race in mine. My military won't compete with japan who have all but conquered the other continent. They've not paid much attention to me but they now keep asking for open Borders. I've built one part of the ship but they take about 22 turns each. I've had to stop all other production to get them done.

                  I can see quite a few Japanese ships on the horizon which doesn't bode well!


                    Well, I won my first game with the space race victory. Was constructing a nuke just incase but it was never needed. The AI was a bit quiet even after I started the Apollo program when I expected it to have a bit of bite but it never came.

                    Will definitely up the difficulty for my next game. I did find that my gold was crippled unless I hit a golden age which I think came from having too many military units and unneeded buildings (a habit carried over from Civ 4 which meant building every building when it became available).


                      Originally posted by FreelancePolice

                      Firstly it's clearly Civ.
                      When I read that I felt I had to comment, this is the furthest thing from classic CIV anyone could imagine. It is like another developer came along and decided to mimic CIV but did so badly...

                      Biggest fan in the World of Civ 4 Beyond the Sword (Thomas' Mod being my favourite mod).

                      Have been looking forward to Civ 5 for years though.

                      It seemed to get good reviews too.

                      However, now having played it, all I can say's an absolute disaster.

                      This is more like the heavily dumbed down Civ Revolution on the Xbox. They were so determined to make it 'accessible' to new players, they forgot about the loyal fans that have been played Civ for decades.

                      They have changed way to much and taken too much out from Civ 4 - something Sid said he would never do.

                      Another thing, games are now so short you lose all sense of epicness. It is really badly optimised too, it wreaks of an unfinished product in many areas.

                      But hey, it has pretty graphics and a curvy interface! If you have never played Civ before I think this would still be a great game. However, for fans of Civ 4, I reckon you will hate this - there's just too much missing got simplicitys sake. No religion for example, no culture city flipping etc etc, it just goes on....

                      I'm sure it will get better over the years, as Civ 4 did, that didn't have a great start either to be honest. But for now, Civ 4 Beyond the Sword with its thousands if mods is still the far superior game.

                      My advice for anyone wanting to play CIV is to get the Complete CIV 4 pack, it is available brand new for around ?5-6. Patch it up, get a few mods on and have epic fun. get CIV 5, it is poor at the moment, it is not worth your money, it might be in the future, and it will be cheaper then too. However, of course, this is all my opinion based on preference, CIV 5 is sure to be a winner amongst new players who don't know what they are missing out on in CIV 4.


                        Originally posted by Kop_007 View Post
                        This is more like the heavily dumbed down Civ Revolution on the Xbox. They were so determined to make it 'accessible' to new players, they forgot about the loyal fans that have been played Civ for decades.
                        It's certainly more accessible but I wouldn't say it's dumbed down at all. The level of automation is controllable as it was in Civ 4.

                        Originally posted by Kop_007 View Post
                        They have changed way to much and taken too much out from Civ 4 - something Sid said he would never do.
                        They have changed a fair amount the majority of which for the better IMO. There are a couple of things which I miss, truth be told, such as the binary details about why a Civ hates you. That's definitely something I'd like to see return in an expansion. The information you got from that was informative and amusing.

                        Originally posted by Kop_007 View Post
                        Another thing, games are now so short you lose all sense of epicness. It is really badly optimised too, it wreaks of an unfinished product in many areas.
                        What game length were you playing on? The epic setting is pretty lengthy and certainly allows for neverending games. I'd agree with you on the optimisation, it's not great and it chugs a bit towards the end game. Although I'd also say Civ 4 was exactly the same when it was released. I've not had anywhere near the amount of issues I had with that when it was first released.

                        Originally posted by Kop_007 View Post
                        But hey, it has pretty graphics and a curvy interface! If you have never played Civ before I think this would still be a great game. However, for fans of Civ 4, I reckon you will hate this - there's just too much missing got simplicitys sake. No religion for example, no culture city flipping etc etc, it just goes on....
                        Religion's not missed by me to be honest. It was too important early game with certain civs much better placed to rush to it and late game it was irrelevant. Culture takes on an important role with a much different focus. The city states add a fair amount of depth, particularly if they end up with a precious resource. I wouldn't say things have been removed for simplicities sake. There's plenty of interviews which justify removal of certain aspects.

                        Originally posted by Kop_007 View Post
                        I'm sure it will get better over the years, as Civ 4 did, that didn't have a great start either to be honest. But for now, Civ 4 Beyond the Sword with its thousands if mods is still the far superior game.

                        My advice for anyone wanting to play CIV is to get the Complete CIV 4 pack, it is available brand new for around ?5-6. Patch it up, get a few mods on and have epic fun. get CIV 5, it is poor at the moment, it is not worth your money, it might be in the future, and it will be cheaper then too. However, of course, this is all my opinion based on preference, CIV 5 is sure to be a winner amongst new players who don't know what they are missing out on in CIV 4.
                        The first comment is definitely true. Civ 5 will improve massively. I personally can't go back to Civ 4 with the unit stacking and individual city happiness. As much as I loved Civ 4 the improvements to key aspects have made it obsolete for me (like a warrior to a swordsman) :P

                        One thing I'd like to see focussed on is the diplomacy which has definitely slipped behind Civ 4s. There might be a few bugs but it seems like the responses from the other Civs are too binary (massive anger or overwhelming happiness). Thinking about the leaps and bounds Civ 4 made with the expansions makes me incredibly excited to be building on this superb base.


                          ...I'm starting to see hexes in the floor of my bathroom @_@


                            Nowhere that isn't a specialist game shop sells PC games. Haven't found this in any supermarkets, and I can't be arsed to go into town.


                              Originally posted by Number45 View Post
                              Nowhere that isn't a specialist game shop sells PC games. Haven't found this in any supermarkets, and I can't be arsed to go into town.

