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Civilization V (PC)

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    But then I will have to pay RRP for a retail game. I'm not sure I can bring myself to do it, particularly as I can activate a retail copy through Steam too. I should just buy it off of the interwebs.


      Think it's pretty cheap on Amazon, about £25.


        Originally posted by Number45 View Post
        particularly as I can activate a retail copy through Steam too.
        'Can' implies you have a choice if you buy retail.

        You don't. DRM SUCKS!


          It's better than starforce or securom and assorted nasties. If there's going to be something on there (and let's face it there is in this day and age) then I'd much rather it was something like Steam.

          The tin foil hat wearing sperglords on civ fanatics may disagree.


            I have no problems with Steam whatsoever. I play my games on a single PC owned by me, so DRM will never be an issue.


              I just find it strange that they recently proudly announced that CIV 4 was now totally DRM free, only to include online activation for their latest game.

              Best thing is the old CD in the drive.

              But agree, Steam isn't the nastiest of DRMs, I just object that I have to use it.


                Yeah I can totally see the annoyance, especially if you don't have it installed. I use steam a lot (if I could boot into it instead of Windows I would) so it's actually convenient to have it on there.

                Anyway to get back on topic, Diplomacy has to be the first thing that they address in the future. I really miss building the relationships in Civ 4 which doesn't seem to happen in this. They'll just as quickly forget that you destroyed their most hated rival and call you a war mongerer


                  I have the demo of this installed.

                  I'm too scared to boot it.


                    Jump in mate! Turn the options on to (I'm new to civ) and enjoy!


                      Just watching the GB quick look again. Screw it, I'm going to get this from Steam later - I'm off the next couple of days (BG in replacing the boiler/radiators), I was planning to just play WoW on and off for a couple of days but I guess I could give this a go as well/instead.


                        Mrs 45 has found a copy. Purchased.

                        EDIT: Fill my Steam friends list! Steam ID: Number45.


                          This game is like crack! Hard to walk away without just one more turn


                            Bought this when it came out but only just started to give it a decent go the last few days, I knew I would get into it once I had some actually alot of time to put into it, its not a huge change from Civ IV but its still as great as ever and once you get into it you start wanting to play it more and more.

                            Last night I did a small earth map with 20 AI players, its crazy having everyone crammed in a small map and causes everyone to start waging war with each other, its like a Royal Rumble, gradually civs get eliminated and your left with just a handful of civs left.

                            Only things that bug me so far are Open Borders and the fact that they keep getting removed, causing you to keep getting requests to open them again.

                            Looking forward to having another session tonight.


                              Has the large patch dropped? Was pleased to see you can view what's pissing off the other civs when you mouse over now. That was a big miss for me (think I mentioned it above).


                                Originally posted by FreelancePolice View Post
                                Has the large patch dropped? Was pleased to see you can view what's pissing off the other civs when you mouse over now. That was a big miss for me (think I mentioned it above).
                                Its coming soon I think but not out yet.

