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Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom (Ps3/360)

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    Can someone tell me how to fight in this? Hitting enemies with X has no effect at all, and standing around doing nothing while Teotl batters them at which point I get to press B is, well, crap.

    What am I actually meant to do?


      It makes me sad that this game only garnered a couple dozen posts. It really must be the forgotten gem of this generation. Edge will be doing retrospectives on this in issue 400, mark my words...

      It's a frikkin joy though. The Metroidvania level design, the buddy mechanic done right, the initial daunting feeling upon entering a new zone, and the rewarding belly buzz when you figure it out and it all comes together...

      Just finished it now, and am actually sad because it's over. Bye Majin.... *waves*


        Yeah, it really was quite nice. The combat totally destroys it as a fun experience for the most part (thanks for your help with that, guys ) but exploring that world and its puzzles outside of combat was really good.


          Game Republic have tanked after Knights Contract didn't they?

          I think Majin was criminally underrated. On the HD consoles there isn't much light hearted fairy dust stuff like this. I even found the story to be rather good for a game like this.

          Originally posted by Jusatsushi View Post
          It makes me sad that this game only garnered a couple dozen posts. It really must be the forgotten gem of this generation. Edge will be doing retrospectives on this in issue 400, mark my words...

          It's a frikkin joy though. The Metroidvania level design, the buddy mechanic done right, the initial daunting feeling upon entering a new zone, and the rewarding belly buzz when you figure it out and it all comes together...

          Just finished it now, and am actually sad because it's over. Bye Majin.... *waves*
          Did you manage to get the true ending? It was great to see after the regular ending which left me kind of empty.
          Last edited by saturn-gamer; 26-01-2012, 20:02.


            Just grabbed this for $7.59 on Amazon today. Couldnt pass it up at that price. Free shipping as well (although i live in the states so a bit of a benefit)


              Finished This at the weekend and it really is a lovely game. With a heart warming tale. Even this site only gave it 6/10 and it worth more than that. Its a shame the DLC did not get released in europe on the xbox360


                That 6/10 was me. I did enjoy the game but the combat really, really let it down. There were areas where it was controller-throwing-frustrating and it was through bad design rather than lack of skill on my part, and those parts were very difficult to enjoy. It could easily have been an 8, 9/10 were it not for the combat.


                  Completed this last night, and despite some problems with it - i loved it.

                  The voice acting didnt bother me that much. He sounded like Stevie from Eastbound and Down. The lack of varierty of the Majins speech was probably the annoying thing - Shouting Ouch every 5 minutes, as it falls over.

                  Wish they worked on the climbing and jumping aspect a bit more. Coming off the back of Assassins Creed : Revelations - this was a bit painful at the start.

                  Like these type of fantasy games such as Kameo, and Enslaved: Odyssey To The West. Wish there was more..

                  It was just one of those games, that i could forgive its short comings, and enjoy. With a bit more polish this would have been a classic. Getting all the collectibles, and solving all the puzzles was a lot of fun.

                  Especially when it only cost me $7.59 for 15 hours to get to the True Ending.
                  Last edited by NaveT; 07-03-2012, 12:25.

