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GoldenEye 007 (Wii)

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    Originally posted by kryss
    That's apparently an option for 007 mode. The rest of the time it seems to be more like how much damage you take in a certain time determines whether you live or die. No, I haven't read the manual.
    It's regenerating health, don't get shot for a few seconds it refills.

    Your screen turns red from the outside, the closer to the centres the red circle gets (well the smaller the area of your screen without a red layer) the closer to death you are.

    Basically on the lower difficulties, take cover for a few seconds and you're good to go again.

    Got the game last week, have just got to the russian bird loving it so far. Best FPS I've played in a long time! Don't rate the Wii controls tho, I'm using a GameCube pad.


      Late to this, started it today - 2 missions down.

      I bought the LE pack for the Gold controller. (not so much the colour, but to check out the classic controller pro, with me not having one).

      The controller itself, can easily be described as a cross between a dualshock3 and a 360 pad.

      Its my favourite controller for FPS now, just a shame its for a console that hasn't had to chance to utilise it..(I don't know if they're going to either. I know of conduit 2 though)

      Whilst a fan of the 360 pad, I evntually warmed to dualshock as the PS3 is a better console, I then found the 360 pad too bulky, after once loving it, and the DS3 things change.

      The classic controller pro is such a beautiful controller to hold and it feels great.

      Well that is that out of the way (IMO of course)

      The game is great, absolutely great, it sets a tone and an atmosphere which I am loving.

      The stealth so far is fabulous, I like the subtle intensity, and there have been plenty of open gun sections too.

      I'm well up for this.

      Will rate upon completion.

      Well Happy!

      (Havent touched multiplayer)


        It was obviously made for the classic controller, which means I have to laugh when people say motiuon controls are perfect for shooters and this is one of those games that proves it.

        Its like Killzone 3, everyone on here is saying the move controls are perfect, the only reason they are is becuase they paid for a playstation move and now have to convince themselves to use it.

        Anyway Nice to see people are still enjoying this, deffinitley one of the best wii games that will probabaly ever be made.

        Also, as the pictures a few posts up show, this game has amazing lighting effects, probabaly the best on the wii.
        Last edited by rmoxon; 13-02-2011, 01:12.


          I played around 50+ FPS on the original xbox, near enough everything that came out.

          I have a soft spot and enjoyed.

          Cold Winter (PS2)
          Urban Chaos Riot Response.
          COD Finest Hour.
          Various Tom Clancy Games.

          (to name my favourites there)

          In this modern era...I'm not so much a fan of all this sci-fi setting, it really turns me off, and save Halo (which is only alright to me) I avoid them. Resistance was good though.

          COD2 is my favourite current gen FPS.

          To my point, this really does at least rival that. The level design is simply stunning.
          With every Mission I beat, I had to continue to see what was next in store.

          I even withdrew it from the sales thread this morning as I understand you can play this on 'classic' and have no regeneration health.

          I'm tempted to give this a ten. Anything less than a '9' for the campaign.
          What on earth do you guys play then!!? (written without contempt - friendly)

          Loved it. Quite an achievement.
          Last edited by ShadowDancer; 14-02-2011, 10:45.


            Originally posted by ShadowDancer View Post
            I played around 50+ FPS on the original xbox, near enough everything that came out.

            I have a soft spot and enjoyed.

            Cold Winter (PS2)
            Urban Chaos Riot Response.
            COD Finest Hour.
            Various Tom Clancy Games.

            (to name my favourites there)

            In this modern era...I'm not so much a fan of all this sci-fi setting, it really turns me off, and save Halo (which is only alright to me) I avoid them. Resistance was good though.

            COD2 is my favourite current gen FPS.

            To my point, this really does at least rival that. The level design is simply stunning.
            With every Mission I beat, I had to continue to see what was next in store.

            I even withdrew it from the sales thread this morning as I understand you can play this on 'classic' and have no regeneration health.

            I'm tempted to give this a ten. Anything less than a '9' for the campaign.
            What on earth do you guys play then!!? (written without contempt - friendly)

            Loved it. Quite an achievement.
            I gave it an 8, the A.I. was ocasionaly terrible and ran stright at you, and the mission structure, where you can miss an objective and it doesnt even tell you that you have failed until youve completed the level, and have to do it all again, is somewhat frustrating.

            If you want me to list some recent(ish) 9/10 FPS's I would say...

            Killzone 2
            COD 2
            COD 4
            FEAR 2
            Halo Reach
            Bioshock 2
            Left 4 Dead
            Left 4 Dead 2
            Crysis Warhead
            The Orange Box (probabaly a 10)

            All those games are quite a bit better than this one in single player (with the exception of Left 4 dead which is obviously a co-op game)
            Last edited by rmoxon; 14-02-2011, 15:35.


              Goldeneye £14.99 !
              Best shooter of 2010 cant say more than that


                Originally posted by yesteryeargames View Post
                Goldeneye £14.99 !
                Best shooter of 2010 cant say more than that
                I agree with that (although I didn't play it until 2011)

                Now I've finished it twice, I'm in the thinking its one of the all time 'greats' on console FPS games.

                The only thing I've played before this, to this standard is the 1st current gen, COD2.

                Nothing else comes close for me the more I think about it.

                *I don't PC game, I don't like mouse and keyboard*
                *probably because I used a controller then had to try that way*


                  Wow is it really that good!!? I want.


                    Damn this game is good. Now I've sorted out the controller sensitivity so I can turn faster I'm not so bad on multiplayer.

                    I wish GoldenEye was like Zelda – a new re-telling every five years. They could easily do a map pack-type singleplayer DLC for old Bond Movies like they did with the bonus levels in the original.


                      Want to play this but may as well wait for the PS3 version now.


                        Its good but I wouldnt go as far as to call it the best shooter of 2010. Off the top of my head Bioshock 2 and Singularity were both better. Also if we are just talking shooters in general and not just FPS's then Vanquish was better as well.


                          I don't think the single player is by any means perfect, but we've had to wait such a long time for a game that even resembled the original GoldenEye that it comes as an absolute treat.

                          Multiplayer I'm enjoying immensely. I actually sold it originally partly to break my addiction, and now I'm back on the sauce. I really don't play any online FPS multiplayer so I have no idea how it ranks amongst the best, but I do really enjoy Golden Gun mode.


                            The multiplayer is good, but Conduit 2's is better I think.


                              Might try conduit 2 at some point. I think the satisfaction is partly related to playing with a Wii Remote, just feels cool to actually aim successfully at your opponents, especially when running full pelt round a corner. Still not sure if it's better than classic controller, but can't get used to using that. My guess is that Wii Remote is better for shooting within the screen space, and CC is better for turning and m?l?e.

