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GoldenEye 007 (Wii)

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    Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
    You say it's not linear and then go on to mention how the first snow level of the original, which is one of the most deceptively nonlinear levels ever in a video game as it's in a massive wide open space but you still have to do the same things everytime you play.
    Not really. If I play it on Agent difficulty, and I simply destroy the computer in the dish building, then zoom on over to the exit. If I play on 00 Agent, I have to sneak around, obtain the safe key, avoid several surveilance cameras, plant a bug and some more. While in the new one, whichever difficulty I choose, I move through the exact same path. And when the new one don't really give you places to go - and tells you when you are near an objective, the game loses all sense of exploration. Whereas in the N64 one, you HAD to explore, not only to figure out what to do, but where to do them.


      Originally posted by monomaniacpat View Post
      I don't know if you're aware, but both of those are from the original script. Perhaps the implementation is not to your satisfaction.
      It's been too many years since I saw the movie, but you could be on to it: I can't remember Pierce Brosnan speaking his lines in such a cheesy manner.


        Oh come on now you're saying pierce brosnan is less cheesy than Daniel craig.... Come off it. Anyway the major difference here between this and the original game is that the original failed to explain what you had to do next properly, fair play if you think that's good design but personally I think this is both better made and alot less linear.


          The aiming down stairs thing annoyed me too (though it was in the original as well), but changing the controls to the most expert level sorts that out and I assume you could customise the controls to get rid of it too.

          I have to say, playing through the game again on 007 Classic with the most 'expert' controls is great, it's the only way to play it! As for the Wiimote hurting your wrist, have you tried resting your fore arm on your thigh/knee? That's what I do, and it'd take 2 hours or more for my wrist to hurt that way, maybe more.

          In the film Brosnan gave Valentine the limp of course, then he tries to shoot Brosnan in the leg to even the score. And the For England James was about where his loyalties lie.


            I'm making my way through the Carrier level on 007 Classic now by the way, near the end, which I'm not looking forward to, as there's a bit where you can't use stealth and get flanked as well. I thought the Frigate level was a highlight if anything in the original, what with the cool music and the silenced machine gun, amongst other things.


              Originally posted by Alex WS View Post

              -Headshots are unreliable. Often I find myself lining up the perfect headshot with my silenced gun (going all sneaky on them) resulting in the guard only being injured and starting to alarm all his comrades. Really annoying.
              While playing I laughed my ass off after I made a "headshot" when the dude said: "Aww, my head!" and he alerted others.


                Originally posted by Party boy View Post
                The aiming down stairs thing annoyed me too (though it was in the original as well), but changing the controls to the most expert level sorts that out and I assume you could customise the controls to get rid of it too.

                I have to say, playing through the game again on 007 Classic with the most 'expert' controls is great, it's the only way to play it! As for the Wiimote hurting your wrist, have you tried resting your fore arm on your thigh/knee? That's what I do, and it'd take 2 hours or more for my wrist to hurt that way, maybe more.

                In the film Brosnan gave Valentine the limp of course, then he tries to shoot Brosnan in the leg to even the score. And the For England James was about where his loyalties lie.

                Ive tried loads of things, The wii remote has always hurt my wrist no matter how ive used it, Im not bothered anyway, Im not a fan of motion controls at all, I like a controller in my hands and I didnt find the game difficult on 007 at all anyway (I guess I play too many first person shooters).

                The hardest part of the game for me was probabaly that bit near the end of the archives level where youre waiting for the elevator, but I did it first time once I realised that if you hit the switch and wait on the top floor until it arrives then all the enemeies just pretty much run at you in a stright line.
                Last edited by rmoxon; 15-11-2010, 15:35.


                  Originally posted by Party boy View Post
                  The aiming down stairs thing annoyed me too (though it was in the original as well), but changing the controls to the most expert level sorts that out and I assume you could customise the controls to get rid of it too.
                  I have customized the controls, but couldn't find an option that eliminated stairvision?


                    I think he means the three remote options, I can't remember off the top of my head what they're called, but there's an option 1, 2 and 3. You go into control options and it's there somewhere. So that's rather than selecting individual customisations, there's three presets – the third of which is most unadulterated.


                      The default is Expert 1, if you change it to Expert 3 you'll get rid of the stairs thing. I think it's to do with the amount of vertical aiming you have, it's limited in Expert 1 mode.


                        Maybe this is just me, but sometimes the game is borderline broken. When aiming off center, sometimes the game won't start turning, no matter how far to the left or right (or up or down for that matter) the crosshair goes, the screen stays locked. The only thing I can do then is to move it back to the center, before trying again. This happen randomly through the game, and especially often when sprinting. Extremely agonizing.

                        Another issue is collision detection. When standing behind crates, walls or any kind of cover, sometimes my bullets will hit said object even though the weapon is clearly out of its way, and aimed at something else.

                        My third complaint today is about the leaning function. Overall it works pretty decent. If you however have to reload while in ADS and leaning, the game will recenter you while loading the gun. But your left wrist is still turned to the left or right, and probably unable to turn anymore that way. So to continue leaning (almost a necessity on Classic difficulty), you need to exit ADS, readjust your wrist, enter ADS, and turn your wrist again. Annoying.


                          Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                          Maybe this is just me, but sometimes the game is borderline broken. When aiming off center, sometimes the game won't start turning, no matter how far to the left or right (or up or down for that matter) the crosshair goes, the screen stays locked. The only thing I can do then is to move it back to the center, before trying again. This happen randomly through the game, and especially often when sprinting. Extremely agonizing.

                          Another issue is collision detection. When standing behind crates, walls or any kind of cover, sometimes my bullets will hit said object even though the weapon is clearly out of its way, and aimed at something else.

                          My third complaint today is about the leaning function. Overall it works pretty decent. If you however have to reload while in ADS and leaning, the game will recenter you while loading the gun. But your left wrist is still turned to the left or right, and probably unable to turn anymore that way. So to continue leaning (almost a necessity on Classic difficulty), you need to exit ADS, readjust your wrist, enter ADS, and turn your wrist again. Annoying.
                          I keep telling you, play with the bloody pad!!!

                          I completed classic 007 difficulty yesterday and had no problems at all. I have had none of these problems you are getting.


                            Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                            Maybe this is just me, but sometimes the game is borderline broken. When aiming off center, sometimes the game won't start turning, no matter how far to the left or right (or up or down for that matter) the crosshair goes, the screen stays locked. The only thing I can do then is to move it back to the center, before trying again. This happen randomly through the game, and especially often when sprinting. Extremely agonizing.
                            I had these problems earlier. However, now I've got used to it I don't get the problem any more. You just have to make very slight and slow movements with your remote. Now I'm used to it it really works great. It is a shame that there should be any learning curve to control the game properly.

                            You have to wonder, with all the different control options available with the Wii, just how badly QA must have suffered on the console.


                              Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                              Maybe this is just me, but sometimes the game is borderline broken. When aiming off center, sometimes the game won't start turning, no matter how far to the left or right (or up or down for that matter) the crosshair goes, the screen stays locked. The only thing I can do then is to move it back to the center, before trying again. This happen randomly through the game, and especially often when sprinting. Extremely agonizing.

                              Another issue is collision detection. When standing behind crates, walls or any kind of cover, sometimes my bullets will hit said object even though the weapon is clearly out of its way, and aimed at something else.

                              My third complaint today is about the leaning function. Overall it works pretty decent. If you however have to reload while in ADS and leaning, the game will recenter you while loading the gun. But your left wrist is still turned to the left or right, and probably unable to turn anymore that way. So to continue leaning (almost a necessity on Classic difficulty), you need to exit ADS, readjust your wrist, enter ADS, and turn your wrist again. Annoying.
                              I haven't really bothered with leaning and I'm up to Station on Classic difficulty.

                              I'm more into Serious Sam type stuff than Splinter Cell/Gears of War type stuff, but now I've started using stealth and cover more I've found Classic surprisingly easy.


                                There are inherent problems using the Wii-mote with any FPS on Wii. Had the exact same issue with The Conduit. Turn too fast and the game accuses you of leaving range of the sensor bar.

