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Ilomilo (xbla)

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    Ilomilo (xbla)

    Aw man, this game is lovely
    Done the prologue levels, where you sit through the cute intro to red Ilo and blue Milo two friends who live on each side of the park, they regularly meet up to drink apple tea and eat maple leaf flavoured biscuits, yum.
    Although everytime they goto meet someone has changed the route so you have to help them meet up. Gameplay consits of switching between the 2 characters to navigate around puzzle environments.
    Prologue levels were pretty easy onward to chapter one...
    Give the trial a go over by getting a code at

    Full game can be unlocked from demo for 800points, go on.

    Almost finished chapter 1, Sebastian's Story 1 is where i felt a genuis moment hit me after running around the level switching about like crazy. Presentation and music are both lovely, part 1 of Sebastian's Story made me want part 2 to see what happens...


      This game really is great. Simple idea, bags of charm and cute as heck.

      As Fry says it starts off nice and simple and then the difficulty ramps up with some genius level design. Plenty of replay value too trying to match the lowest (less moves is better) community scores.

      Despite all it's fluffly clouds and pink marshmallows exterior I'm starting to think that appearances might be deceiving. I suspect that as I progress I will discover that inside this game beats the black heart of a devious and sadistic s.o.b.

      There are a couple of minor niggles with random crashes and glitched avatar awards but that's about the only downers and I'll happily forgive it these minor 'indiscretions'.

      Quite possibly my XBLA game of the year and I'd have happily paid 1200pts for this. At 800 it's a steal.


        It's really beautiful this game, the sound especially makes me feel all cosy inside, hints of Pikmin but a massive dollop of the Clangers and Bagpuss and those warm and fuzzy children's shows or days gone by.


          I'd say the most obvious visual "influence" is LittleBigPlanet, to the point of being legally culpable. It's so lovely you can forgive it that, though. I'm hoping the avatat awards are only glitched because it's not officially out yet.


            I've unlocked a couple, what is glitched?


              The t-shirt won't unlock, it just has an exclamation point there. Haven't unlocked the other one yet.


                lovely graphics and charming presentation but can see even in the trail levels how it would annoy me as the complexity ramps up.

                have to stop myself buying download games simply because the graphic style is appealing.


                  I looked last night and couldnt see this on XBLA, at least, not in the 'Newest Games' section or the A-Z..? Someone tell me Im not going mad


                    Follow the link in the first post dude.


                      Spent a little time playing the trial and it's beautiful, warm and charming in every sense except, in my opinion, for the gameplay which just didn't grab me and sadly felt rather pedestrian. Pity as it's a game I'd love to love.


                        Yep, a bit too simple for me. Fun for a little while though.


                          It's a charming game but I don't think the charm will win over a non-puzzle gamer. I played through the majority in 2p and it's good fun, not sure if I will go back to do the rest on my own though.

                          Also the music in one of the space levels sounds so much like one of Yann Tiersenn's tracks from the Amelie OST that it really irked me.


                            Title Update came out today, which fixes and I quote the dev...

                            "For all of you who just want the quick version, The game no longer crashes!"

                            Full list here

