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Onore no Shinzuru Michi wo Yuke - PSP

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    Onore no Shinzuru Michi wo Yuke - PSP

    We've got an old healines topic, and a topic for the translation guide on NTSC-uk, plus a review but not an actual first play thread. Most odd...

    How old is this game now? Two years? We'll clearly never get a local release, but it's still a damn fine little puzzle game. And with titles such as Echoshift getting released, which also deal with multiple character time travel shenanigans, it's worth talking about this. Especially because the art style is so awesome.

    It's taken me ages to get around to putting serious time into this, and I've mainly started since I've just worked out how to do screengrabs on CFW.

    I also recall a long time ago someone on this forum PMing asking me if I'd gotten past... I think it was the giant spider they asked about? Well, you'll know it when you see it. And I got past it like so:
    There's that maze of invisible holes - I practised until I could nail it one go and unlocked the transporter. After this, I spent my remaining time on the floor below the maze touching tiles to build up magic. At my next turn I went to the boss and wailed on him, letting off some fire magic. After this you return to the spot and keep attacking with the sword, letting off the occasional fire magic. Hitting the spider pushes him back, so you need to stand on the exact spot as all the other shadows, so when he walks back to you, he is hit by both yourself and the others. Try to time the fire magic so he gets hit all at once.

    I've now reached the stages where there's water and kappa.

    Also, this appears to be some kind of weird remake of the free flash game Cursor*10
    Last edited by Sketcz; 02-01-2011, 09:57.

    could you please bring back the translation for this game? i could only see the pictures but the text is not available.

