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LittleBigPlanet 2 (PS3)

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    Nearly 'finished' the single player 'campaign' (although as this is basically a stress-free, open playground it's not really appropriate to describe it as a campaign or finishable), and I continue to be amazed at every turn. Not just at the ingenuity and even cheekiness of the gameplay

    e.g., the Super Mario Galaxy referencing gravity flips in the first Cosmos level.

    , but also at the strange maturity and seriousness of the plot and characterization. It's bizarrely and often disturbingly sad and dour, with themes of unrequited love, depression, insanity and genuine cruelty, albeit presented in what seems to me a typically British black-comedy kind of way.

    I'm sure Clive Handforth is meant to 'be' Marvin the Robot from Hitchhikers' Guide, and Professor Higgenbotham is meant to 'be' Danny the drug dealer from Withnail and I.


      I finished the story mode just now, got a couple more levels to ace before I'm done with it though, then I will get back into creating.

      Compared to the first game I didn't like the actual story so much, but the ending was just as sweet. Despite the silliness of it all the people at MM have a way of making their games very touching at times.

      While watching the credits I saw that Richard Jacques composed the music to a few stages - surprised I haven't seen this mentioned before given how many fans he has amongst gamers.

      Golgo - thought exactly the same about Higgenbotham, even wondered if it's the same guy doing the voice!
      Last edited by Darwock; 26-03-2011, 07:52.


        Been playing loads of create mode working on my level (a platformer). It has multiple routes, various power-ups and secrets and little homages here and there to famous games. It also has a twin stick shooter section at the end

        I'd be very grateful for any 'heart's and any feedback from you guys

        Level is: Here

        The final boss is an inside joke among friends so don't worry too much if it confuses you, shouldn't be too tough to beat


          When I finally get my copy going I'll check it out.


            I finally got round to playing this yesterday, I started it and finished it in one day! It's been a long while since I've finished a game in day. It's brill!

            At first I thought it was more of the same but there's more to it than platforming.

            Like riding on cats, dogs, and bees that shoot like a side scrolling shooter. Or having different weapons like water guns

            which all add different elements to the gameplay.

            I like it more than the first one and I'll be going back to do the sub-levels and to check out the creation mode.

            I'm just trying to get through my "shelved" games. Now to finish off Rayman Origins.


              Last post on this thread was a year and a half ago??? Really?

              On account of the lack of interest in this game on this forum, I had totally missed the fact that a new set of DLC levels has just been released this Christmas - DC comics. Like the previous DLC cross-controller pack this one wasn't designed by MM, but neither was it Sumo Digital - Tarsier studios apparently. I had my doubts, cos nobody does it quite like MM, but so far (I'm two stages in) it's bloody brilliant.

              New additions to the mechanics so far are a wall jump material and a hero cape, which functions like a hang glider - you aim down to pick up speed which allows you to fly higher and do loops etc. I don't think it's too much of a spoiler to say that Batman features in the pack, and the second stage has you running along with Bats chasing after the Joker (awesome level design, awesome music!) both doing your swoopy cape flying thing... it's fantastic! Incidentally I was dressed as Judge Dredd for the full Batman/Dredd crossover experience, lol. The levels show off the new tools very well indeed, with a lot of careful timing required to avoid traps on moving walls as you jump between them.

              I was a little worried when the opening movie had proper voice overs for all the heroes, but in the game itself they go back to sackboy gibberish. Batman's sackboy voice is hilarious.


                Ha, I literally installed this yesterday!

                I played it for about 2 minutes, because the majority of the time was spent downloading and installing about a gig of updates.

                Erm, the intro credits level was lovely and I enjoyed moving Sackboy's arms and head with the six axis controller. That's as far as I got!


                  Mine is still sat downloaded and installed but unplayed...I've bought and sold the PSP version in the meantime and have the Vita version now. I'm going to have to have a crack. And maybe a play. And then I'll have a go on the game too.


                    Is the Vita version the same game? Or a specific one for the handheld like the PSP one was? The PS3 version has grown into a monster really, there has been so much content added over the years. I thought the cross-controller pack would be the end of it (and phenomenal that was too, yet didn't seem to make much impact either - I didn't get to try it until I got a Vita recently)


                      I imagine it's a different game.

