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Test Drive Unlimited 2

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    Test Drive Unlimited 2

    Got my pre-order copy (PS3) from Simply Games yesterday.

    Firstly I will say that the online was pretty dead so this is more my impressions of the offline side of things....unsurpising when the game is still not officially out for 9 days.

    After a couple of hours last night sadly this game does nothing for me. I guess this is one of these games you either 'get' or you don't. In my case I'd probably go far as to say it's amongst the worst games I've played in a long time...possibly since this gen started.

    Whilst I like the idea of a large free roaming game it's a game world I just don't want to spend much time in. The PS3 version at least is ugly as heck (low-res textures ahoy), bland scenery, the car handling is pretty poor and the single player side of things is very dull and grindy. The cut scenes? Less said about them the better really....

    As I mentioned I can't really say much about the online aspect because as you'd expect there aren't many people playing right now. No doubt for many this will be the main draw of the game but to me it was only ever going to be more of a nice extra I can dip into now and then....which is maybe missing the whole point I guess.

    Played it with a G27 wheel and a pad. All I can say is forget about using a wheel as the force feedback implementation and handling is horrendous and whilst a pad seems to offer a better degree of control its still not great. It's also a real faff navigating around buildings on foot with a wheel.

    Some people might be able to overlook a lot of the things that irked me for the social / club side of things - each to their own really. To me it just seems like Playstation Home with cars

    Cant agree with you im afraid , got my copy yesterday, i have only played 2 to 3 hours, but i like it so far, i loved number 1, so was looking forward to this , the frame rate dosent seem good, but the island seems quite alive, so my impressions are far more positive, to say its one of the worst games this gen, dosent hold much water with me when you think of some dross thats been released this gen , Im going to play a bit more now, but my first impressions are that if you like 1 you will like this as well.


      Nook, did you play the first one at all?


        Originally posted by arcnas View Post
        Cant agree with you im afraid , got my copy yesterday, i have only played 2 to 3 hours, but i like it so far, i loved number 1, so was looking forward to this , the frame rate dosent seem good, but the island seems quite alive, so my impressions are far more positive, to say its one of the worst games this gen, dosent hold much water with me when you think of some dross thats been released this gen , Im going to play a bit more now, but my first impressions are that if you like 1 you will like this as well.
        Not a problem that we don't agree. I suspect this is a game that will polarise opinions a fair bit.

        For some reason it just didn't gel for me. To answer Skull Commander's question I didn't play the 1st game so went into this not really knowing quite what to expect.

        Some people seem to say that it's not necessarily a game for racers and that may be the case. Driving around the island just didn't appeal to me in any way.

        As I say I didn't play the 1st one and the closest game I've played to this is Burnout Paradise. Not a big fan of that either but I thought it seemed much more polished by comparison.

        Just to clarify that I wasn't making a sweeping statement about this game being one of the worst of this gen, purely in relation to those I've personally played. I'm pretty selective though so probably managed to avoid most of the dross!

        Out of interest what do you think about the idea of adding a storyline to the game?

        Purely for fun I've added a poll to see if it divides opinion like I think it will. I suspect there will be lots of 2&3's and 8's&9's but now much in between!
        Last edited by tom-nook; 02-02-2011, 09:53.


          The storyline is not good i agree, but im not sure how much it bothers me, like you say we cant all agree on the same thing, but personally i like it so far, but the story well im not sure its needed.


            Although it's not for me it is good to hear that you're enjoying it

            The story does seem a bit pointless to me too and doesn't add a lot. Did the 1st game have one too or was this something they've added for TDU2?


              If i remember rightly there was some sort of character, but not really a story, but its years since i played 1.


                I'll swop you an apple and some seashells for it!


                  Found this review...

                  I'll be waiting for the 360 version as I prefer the controller for racing games. Just as well as the controls are apparently not configurable (at the moment?) on the PS3 at least.


                    Simply games are shipping the 360 version as well now, onto the game im really beginning to feel it now, when it changes from day to night it looks great , and the amount of content seems great, so far im well pleased with it, and im about 4 to 5 hours playtime in.


                      Unfortunately I won't be buying this until the price drops as money is something of an issue.

                      I saw the box art at Amazon and it does not really impress.


                        So is this worth it? Worried about the lack of reviews so far.


                          My pre-order from GAME shipped today so maybe it'll turn up 2moro?

                          I had a little go on the original one again today, still really like it and this ones meant to be improved somewhat so I think I'll be happy

                          It also helps that atleast 5 of my friends are getting it too so it'll make a refreshing change from Black Ops


                            We felt the original was an overlooked classic. Can this sequel speed this mammoth driver in to the big league?

                            It looks rather blocky in there, almost more like the first game, have it pre-ordered, but may not open it.


                              One review mentioned that some achievements can only be done if you have the preordered casino game. I think I'll go for getting the full 1000 on the first one before I think about this one.

