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Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll (PS3)

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    Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll (PS3)

    Got this yesterday and played it for around 2hrs, my impressions of it so far is it's a pretty decent action RPG with gameplay that reminds me a little of the PSO series.

    The story seems like it could be interesting, the intro basically involves an Emperor called Balor who is advised of a prophecy seen by his Chancellor Zofor that he will die at the hands of a Grandson, Balor then orders his heavily pregnant Daughter and his son Prince Lugh and his child (Areus) to be killed.

    Theres a bit more that happens after that but you basically play the game as Prince Lugh's half human half elf son Areus. The game doesn't give much away after that, the early part of the game involves Areus taking part in an arena as a Gladiator with not much explanation of why he's ended up there.

    Gameplay as mentioned is an action RPG which involves the usual levelling up, upgrading weapons and skills, spells armour, finding rare item drops etc. You eventually get to control 3 characters and can switch between each one, they all have their advantages/disadvantages and certain characters are needed to tackle different sections of the game as certain parts of dungeons, forests etc are out of reach until you have the necessary skills or characters in your party.

    The world is an overhead map and you navigate between towns and areas, each town has a Guild, Bar, Shop, Mages Shop and it's presented in a similar way to games like Wizardry and some of the Shining series in that you don't actually walk round a town, your just given menus to navigate. You can visit the Bar's to pick up tips from the locals and hear about quests and the Guild is where you pick up your various jobs ranging from simple fetch quest to defeating bosses.

    Combat is an hack and slash affair, again not too dissimilar to PSO. It does have some good ideas though being able to effect your environment like smashing rocks and pillars down onto enemies, setting tumbleweeds on fire and rolling them into a crowd of enemies and freezing lakes, you can also team up to perform Trinity attacks at certain points.

    From the few bosses and larger enemies i've fought, at certain points they are open to more damage, usually when you've dodged an attack, you then get an indicator giving a small amount of time to give out more damage, you can also stun them if you do enough, giving you more opportunity to deal out some extra which adds to the strategy element.

    Graphically it's nothing amazing but is otherwise decent with some nice lighting effects and a canvas filter which gives a nice painting look to it, music has also been really good so far and it has a decent amount of humour. So yeah quite liking what i've played so far, barely scratched the surface but what i've played feels like a good old fashioned action rpg so looking forward to playing some more.
    Last edited by Phar; 18-02-2011, 22:29.

    thanks for the review - sounds interesting and might pick this one up

    any more impressions?
    Last edited by dvdx2; 13-02-2011, 11:20.


      just got mine - so i'll drop some impressions later


        Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
        thanks for the review - sounds interesting and might pick this one up

        any more impressions?
        Not had too much time to put into it, been quite busy since Friday. Put in around 3 1/2 hrs now and only just got the 3rd character in my party although I have been doing every Guild Quest given to me so that's probably why. It does have that i'll do just one more Quest charm to it.

        At the minute I'd probably give it a 6.5/7 as it doesn't really push the genre much despite some nice ideas, also feels a bit like a game from last gen in many ways and could seem quite repetitive to some, I'm enjoying though, especially the Arena challenges.


          Me again , only just managed to complete the first chapter, took almost 10hrs, judging by the trophy list i've another 4 to go so it's definately got some longevity.

          The story didn't really start picking up until around the 8hr mark, until then it was mostly focused around Areus training to be a stronger fighter but now the first bunch of bad guys have been introduced and the plot seems to be moving forward.

          Some of the areas in this are huge as well, they start off small but eventually new parts open up with new skills and keys etc. Some of them contain some neat ideas as well like burning vines, trees and smashing through walls to clear paths, another one involved freezing waterfalls to reach a ledge.

          Finally had a couple of major boss fights as well, some have a God of War look about them, this game has really gone up in my estimations the more I've played of it.


            gonna pick this up with kz3 and bulletstorm next friday.
            nice impressions, this seems right up my street.


              i like this - quite deep, lots to do and great use of sound throughout

              think you will need to put in alot of time to really reap the rewards, but i'm going to give it a go
              Last edited by dvdx2; 22-02-2011, 14:42.


                At Chapter 3 now which took another 10hrs to get to, must be just over halfway through this chapter as I have around 26hrs on the clock. The story finally seems to be moving after the first chapter which was basically an introduction and the second which was putting things into place, it's definately making me want to know what happens next anyway as there could be some interesting plot developments.

                One criticism I would give Storywise is that some of it does feel like filler, they probably could have cut some stuff to keep the pacing better, although some of it may be down to me wanting to do every sidequest available so the gap between the story specific quests may seem a bit longer than if I was just to skip a lot of the other stuff.

                Managed to unlock the second stage of each characters Souls, this basically gives you another fighting style, each character has 3 in total. This is probably the most customisable part of the game as you get around 8 moves per Soul and each character can equip 6.

                As far as the combat goes I thought I'd clocked it at this point, basically equip your choice of moves and perform 3 hit combos but now it's introduced

                something called switch combos. Usually when switching characters you'll end up wherever they were when the CPU was controlling them, now when your mid combo a quick press of L2 switches your character out for the next one and you can keep the combo going,

                you can really dish out some huge damage if you get it right.

                Also after doing a set number of quests for a specific person I managed to gain access to their

                Casino, only 2 games, Blackjack and some game involving stopping a marker inside increasingly smaller boxes but with your winnings you can use it to buy rare weapons which I think aren't available anywhere else in the game.

