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Dragon Quest VI : Realms of Revelation DS

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    Dragon Quest VI : Realms of Revelation DS

    Kinda disappointed they changed the name from Realms of Reverie (just because it's so fun to say).

    Anyhow, it's probably the last of the Dragon Quests to get the DS treatment and has taken an age to get a Western release. If you've played the other games, this will be incredibly similar to you. Same graphics, same music, same battle system.

    The unique aspect of this one is that you can move between a dream world and the real world. Your actions in the dream world affect the real world (although this aspect seems to be ignored for large portions of the game).

    The game is less character focused than the previous game and the plot is much more lightweight. About 5-6 hours in the plot is simply abandoned and it becomes "explore the world".

    The world seems much bigger than the previous games and the dual realm stuff means it takes much more exploring to get to the next location. When coupled with the old school lack of direction, you're often left wandering around a bit aimlessly or wondering if the place you've just found is somewhere you *should* be.

    There's a job system but... I've discovered I've missed it and played about 3-4 hours without using it (I wondered why my characters stopped learning abilities) which is frustrating. Overall the game seems a whole lot more frustrating than the previous ones. A massive difficulty spike 6 hours in, dungeons which are designed for lots of backtracking and have lots of sub bosses (with no ways of restoring MP before the big boss other than using evac), all compounded by the insanely high encounter rate.

    I'm enjoying it but not as much as V (and definately not as much as IX which especially shows this up).

    I didn't like IX found it boring. So i'm quite looking forward to getting this.


      I wish someone would release VII - I can but only hope for a US PSN version.


        Originally posted by Daragon View Post
        I wish someone would release VII - I can but only hope for a US PSN version.
        Remake for 3DS or PSP2? We can hope


          3DS remake of 7 seems an obvious thing to do. However Square Enix have been pretty quiet on their 3DS activities, only a shovelware cart racer to keep their brand alive so far.

          They insist that X is still coming to the Wii but given how even the mighty Monster Hunt barely scraped 1mill copies on the Wii, it must be tempting to put it on the 3DS.

          Anyhow, managed to finally experiment with the job system. It's a bit limited and broken compared to the DQIX one. You master jobs through winning battles and learn new abilities, each job has an effect on your base stats (mage's have incredibly tiny MP which is problematic). Jobs don't affect which equiptment your characters can use which could break things a bit (tank mages, ultra high phys attack + boomerangs)


            Originally posted by Daragon View Post
            I wish someone would release VII - I can but only hope for a US PSN version.
            Totally agree with this Dara, never picked this up when it came out and still kicking myself now about it. Would like the original on PSN but a 3DS remake would indeed be acceptable!


              Originally posted by Daragon View Post
              I wish someone would release VII - I can but only hope for a US PSN version.
              Me too, it seemed ripe for a DS port actually, I was surprised they stopped at 6.

