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Gemini Rue (PC)

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    Gemini Rue (PC)

    After trying the demo on the above site, I bought it. It got me, hook line and sinker.
    Nice when a demo gives you just enough to get you interested and want to see more, so much that you spend money on it and are happy doing so.

    (this following sections is in demo, I will only expand a wee bit more on gameplay that takes place after demo)

    The game starts with you playing a man named Delta Six, he's strapped to a chair and unconscious. 3 Men around you are talking about erasing your memory, that you should never have tried to escape and that the girl wasn't suppose to die, they seem pretty calm discussing all this. Whilst they are chatting you wake up, you can start interacting with them or objects but there is nothing you can do, a countdown begins and 3,2,1 memory wipe happens, cut to black.


    After this small prologue of sorts the games starts you now playing as the other main character Azriel. You have just arrived on a planet looking for your brother armed with one lead, you have to meet up with an old buddy and when he doesn't turn up you need to find him in typical point n click fashion, using the power of investigation with added Computer/PDA/Mobile action you can get an address, check a map and head off to that location. When you get to this his apparent location you encounter the Boroyukouden, they are mentioned a few times (you even see them) at the moment they seem to be the big bad, like an evil cyberpunk gang/cult/law force? who everyone knows about and don't want to mess with.
    After this point we cut back to Delta Six who is in a dark room with 2 doctors, when 1 leaves the other doctor tells you that what is happening to you is wrong and he will try and help you escape. The lights go up and a voice booms over a tannoy naming himself only as The Director and tells you that since you tried to escape they have had no choice but to erase your memory and that you will have to re-sit the tests again that they had already put you through, so he asks you to move into the next room.
    Now this is where the Demo ends.

    Basically in that next room it introduces the new gameplay type, Gun play. Gun play you say in point n click? well yes. In this mode you have two types of action stances, in cover and out of cover. When you are in cover you can reload and not be shot of course, out of cover you can fire. These are done by using A (cover) and D (out cover) R (reload) and SPACE to fire. You also have a steady aim/breathing meter that you can activate when out of cover using CTRL, a small bar goes up from Red to Green, when you time it right and are in green you can get an instant headshot kill on enemy, providing they have popped out of cover to be killed.
    Later you are also introduced to 3 more gameplay hooks. First is movement of boxes/objects for use. You can grab a box for instance and either using A (push Left), D (push right), W to climb or S to jump down, it's almost like a small box puzzle moment, not too complex at all.
    Second is you can interact with partnered characters so you can tell someone to climb a wall, kick a door or hide for instance whilst you do something else at same time.
    The above 2 are more than likely done in death/danger scenarios so if you fail you will be killed and restart at autosave.
    Third and in no ways the least you are given the ability to switch character in real time, so maybe you might get stuck with Azriel in a point n click brick wall moment well just give him a rest and flick over to Delta Six, control him for a bit. Flick back if you feel you have a solution and vice versa, it's a nice little touch that has ONLY just opened up for me, after bout an hour so it's still early into the game (I hope).

    Kind of want to talk more about the story but it would get into spoiler territory but so far I am getting this from it and spoilers will be here for first hour of play.

    We know Azriel is looking for his brother, we later find out he has been taken by the Boroyukouden. Azriel's buddy has a tracer planted on his brother but informs you he has been taken to an uncharted area of space and you will need to find the specific route to take you through this part of the galaxy. This means getting the information directly from the Boroyukouden, Azriel seems to have shady connections/history with the Boroyukouden and where I am upto he is now seeking them out to find out location details.
    Flicking over to Delta Six, I reckon it's too obvious that this dude is Azriel's brother but his story could be the best part of it all as you literally do not know who you are, where you are or who to trust. People in this facility seem to know who you are, it's almost like the infamous Delta Six. In one scene you find a note under your bed from yourself (in memento stylee) saying "Don't Trust Anyone!" colour me very interested in how all of this pans out and ties together.

    Reckon this will be a cool wee game well worth the £9. Art is really nice and the game itself just takes me back to Blade Runner/Beneath a Steel Sky/Universe/Snatcher memories, so far voice acting is about the only thing that is ok-ish a good enough effort but I must admit I turned it onto Text Only as sometimes dialogue that's not properly acted can break a scenes tension/drama (know this from previous point n click efforts) music is very nicely scored though and it's a fantastic effort for an Indie game developed on AGS, well worth supporting.
    Try the demo and buy it
    Last edited by Family Fry; 16-03-2011, 01:28.

    Got the Steam Key for this original release and gonna re-play on steam
    I'm sure this thread had some replies and first play impressions from other people but they are gone?!
    Anyways hope people have picked this up on Steam OR as part of the IndieRoyale deal, post your impressions


      I recently got an appetite for some good old-fashioned point-and-click adveturing so I just finished playing Beneath A Steel Sky on ScummVM and have just bought Gemini Rue (which I shamefully didn't buy at launch even though I made a thread on the game in the Headlines). Probably going to give it a go later in the evening.

