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LEGO Star Wars III (Wii)

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    LEGO Star Wars III (Wii)

    Hi folks,

    After a nice post from charlesr the other week I thought I'd post something as I usually lurk in the shadows and read rather than post (apologies for the poor effort in advance!).

    Managed to get a hold of a US copy of this just last night, and get a few into hours playing it. As a Star Wars nut, I was really excited by it - I'd also read the above average reviews but I just love the LEGO series so it was worth a punt.

    Essentially, its similar to the other LEGO Star Wars games (I and II); you start with Obi Wan and Annakin (alongside Padme) in the final part of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film - the massive battle on Geonosis, where all three charcters are chained-up, with the three mental monsters and Count Dooku and Jango Fett looking on.

    Its plain old good fun again as you smash your way through the droids and battle Jango Fett. The characters are all well designed, and the other Jedi characters are all present (Mace Windu, Yoda, plus all the new ones from The Clone Wars animated series).

    In terms of mechanics, the game plays the same, but you have a new feature of being able to throw your lightsaber. This can be a bit hit and miss - essentially, you have to press one of the Wii buttons, and then point the Wiimote at the screen (a small target comes up) - the lightsaber then acts as a boomerang, hitting your intended target and flying straight back to you. 9 times out of 10 it works, but the odd occasion its a bit finniky. Still, a nice idea.

    Another addition is the replacement of the Cantina area. This has now been changed to a battle ship, and on the ship you can select which mission you'd like to try. Its good in the sense you can jump a few missions - you're essentially creating your own pathway, rather than in the first two games its a little bit linear as you have to do the story in order first time around. Again, this is quite a good feature I think.

    However, the ship only lets you buy items and characters through interaction with them - after you've played the story part. For example, after you've completed the very first Geonosis battle, you're taken to the ship and one other character is on the ship with you (like in the Cantina). Except rather than just choose to ignore them or have a fight with them (as was so fun in the Cantina and it would all kick-off lol) - when you bump into them it gives you the option of buying the character instead. Personally, I just prefer the shop section in the first two games to buy the characters. Its no biggie though.

    Where the game lacks a little though is in the bigger areas, mainly involving the vehicles. When there is a lot of action on-screen, the graphics tend to lag. It really disappointed me, as this was a big feature of the whole game - the massive droid army battles against the Republic Commandos plus all the mega vehicles. It slows down when theres stacks of action at the same time, and then speeds-up again when you start to destroy things.

    This just takes the shine off it for me at the moment. As I say, I'm only a couple of hours in and I'm no serious gamer. I love Star Wars so I'm happy with it whatever, but at the moment the best one in the series is still LEGO Star Wars II.

    Last edited by fdsbh; 27-03-2011, 08:55.

    I've been playing the x360 version and have had no problems yet with the frame rate. I've not seen the wii version in action, so can't comment if the huge battles are on the same scale as the 360 version, but if they are I'm not surprised that the wii can't keep up with the action.


      Excellent write up. I've enjoyed the series but this one seems a game too far for me


        Thanks for the kind comments folks.

        I've just been playing it for another couple of hours, and I have to say its definitely the worst of the three LEGO Star Wars games. I'm gutted.

        Most of my hour taken up was on the Assaj Ventress level.

        Essentially, without spoiling it for anyone, the control mechanics on the Wii for this level were a nightmare. Its just unresponsive throwing the lightsaber - as I mentioned before its just far too hit and miss. Such a shame as its a great idea. Added to the fact I had no clue what I was supposed to do on this level, especially near the end (Boss). At one point I nearly threw the Wiimote at the wall as nothing I wanted the character to do was working at all!

        Other new features include moving objects using 'the force' yourself. Whereas in previous games you just activated 'the force' and it would automatically move items into correct places, you now control this yourself. It took me a while to figure this out and was frustrating at first, but now its not too bad. There was also a nice touch of controlling your Jedi character to burn a hole in the wall (in a circle) so you can pass through, which was cool.

        Hopefully the game will get better as it goes along - there has been less noticeable lag with the levels I've played since the first couple.

        Last edited by fdsbh; 27-03-2011, 15:16.


          Well, another couple of hours in and its getting better as I'd hoped.

          It does take a while to adjust to the new gameplay mechanics, but im finally getting to grips with it. Plo-Kloon and Ahsoka are both brilliant characters as each have unique special moves and Ahsoka holds the lightsaber differently which is great.

          I'd still prefer to have a shop option like in the first two games, but it does make things a little harder as it really makes you work to gain gold bricks and characters by repeating the levels.

          The ship levels are less fun than the person-based battles, and at first the ships can also be hard to control but ok after some practice. However, having played a good few levels now the graphics have had much less slow down and some of the scenes look fantastically atmospheric. The individual characters look really cool as youd expect from LEGO Star Wars too.

          If you're a fan of Star Wars, then I'd say get it. If not, I'd say rent first if you can as the controls need perseverance, and it can take a bit of guess-work how to move on from each section in the levels. However, once you master this the game becomes immediately more enjoyable.

          Last edited by fdsbh; 01-04-2011, 20:37.

