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Islands of Wakfu (XBLA)

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    Islands of Wakfu (XBLA)

    It's a sad day on NTSC-UK when a downloadable release called Islands of Wakfu hits one of the major consoles, and not a single person writes anything about it. In a sense, Wakfu pretty much ticks all the boxes for generating a First Play thread. Hand drawn graphics? Check. Vaguely Japanese, but actually French? Check? Strange gameplay with no obvious comparisons? Check. Dragon spit balls? Check.

    You might know of the Dofus and Wakfu MMORPGs. They're quite successful in French speaking countries - like adultery and phlegm. Well, this a spin off game developed by a new arm of the company that produced them and is a sort of action RPG. I say sort of, as it's quite odd.

    Firstly it looks odd.

    It's quite pretty. The screens are static hand drawn affairs, which look painterly and Japanese. Overlaid are sprites that can move only in 4 of the ordinal points, and are animated in a rudimentary fashion. The resulting visuals are pretty, but odd. Like the Scarlett Johansson of the gaming world.

    Production values are similarly confised elsewhere. e.g. The world is littered with NPCs who usually interact with you by doing a sort of squeaky "we didn't have enough money to voice track this" noise. You get this a lot on XBLA, but you really get the impression it wasn't a creative descision here.

    The central gimmick is the fact that you can play the game in co-op. The closest example I could think of is perhaps something like a Tales game crossed with Eternal Sonata. So, you and a friend (and if you have a friend or partner willing to play this with you, then I'm jealous) can sort of embark on a JRPG lite. Something like Sacred 2 crossed with Odin Sphere. Perhaps. I dunno.

    Anyhoo, you wander about as a little girl and a flying dragon (in single player mode you can switch between the two forms by pressing Y) interacting with NPCs, doing quests and hitting things in realtime with a combat system that involves a lot of pressing XXXA or AAAX or XAXAXA. That sort of thing. Light light hard. Hard hard.... light. COMBO. The combat is rubbish.

    The plot is unimportant, and involves a thingy about to crash into painterly world, a young girl being important, unaware of her destiny, passing some tests, questing, saving world. Seriously, I almost lost conciousness writing that. But the actual telling of the plot is decidedly weird. The English is sort of flowery and odd, with strange turns of phrase. Almost as if it was written in French, then translated into Japanese and then back into English. Indeed, the entire game is so odd it feels mainly as if it was made by non-gamers and artists. There's no clear idea of objectives. There's a strange wobbly splodge on the screen, the purpose of which I couldn't fathom. The game lets you teleport for no especially good reason, which also makes the combat even worse. Objectives are highlighted by showing you the place you're supposed to go momentarily with no context or direction.

    I absolutely didn't enjoy playing it.

    It was in turns archaic, confused and trying ever so hard to be liked. But I'm absolutely going to buy it, because as an XBLA release it's as mad as a bucket of aubergines. How this got through approval at either a company or Microsoft level to be put before the XBLA audience is beyond me. It's about as commercially viable as selling a Swiss Army Knife designed for the under 3s. Utterly weird.

    Which is why I'm buying it, and so should you. Because NTSC-UK is the only hope these people have. I imagine this took loads of work, and there's lots of shiny faced guys and girls called Pierre and Florence waiting to see if their next paycheque is going to come through so they can buy a baguette come Monday. They fear it isn't. But we can change all that, just by sending them 800 moon points.

    Do it today people. Mobilise!

    This made me smile. Still not giving Florence a baguette mind... or maybe I would... fnar.


      Originally posted by cavalcade View Post
      Which is why I'm buying it, and so should you. Because NTSC-UK is the only hope these people have. I imagine this took loads of work, and there's lots of shiny faced guys and girls called Pierre and Florence waiting to see if their next paycheque is going to come through so they can buy a baguette come Monday. They fear it isn't. But we can change all that, just by sending them 800 moon points.
      I can't decide, do I donate to the Tsunami thing they have going on PSN?, or do I donate to this cause on XBL?.... It's a tough choice..... I just dont know what to do.


        If you admit The Crystal Skull is the worst Indiana Jones movie by a country mile and everyone involved in its production should be placed in a wicker basket and hidden in a disused lead mine I'll cover any out of pocket expenses you incur.


          I've downloaded the demo already, hadn't gotten around to trying it yet...
          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


            This really is very pretty. Some interesting game mechanics in there as well (the teleport, when you get the hang of it, is a work of genius).

            But it's just too difficult. It can't seem to decide if it's a game for kids (and I suspect it's meant to be, it's part of a 'world' which includes a kids MMO) or not. It has a mode where you take no damage, but can't unlock all the achievements mind.

            The wobbly splodge is your health bar.

            It is a real shame that it's so poor to play, because it has a very nice art style and I quite like the odd cadence of the dialog.

            Can't really recommend it.


              I downloaded the demo. I am so annoyed that the game play fails it because the music and graphics are simply beautiful. If only it had a beyond oasis/Story of thor fighting system then it would be amazing. I can't see me buying the full release due to the somewhat wooden fighting mechanic.


                I have bought this and haven't even tried the demo yet. 2 player local co-op, the recognition of the Dofus name, and the art style were enough to sell it to me (plus the XBL rewards thing gave me points back for spendage in March, grabbed it on the 31st). Get the feeling I may yet look stupid however.


                  Picked up a 7 from Eurogamer this morning, which at the moment seems a little generous to me. Maybe I'll perservere a bit more with it and see if it clicks.


                    Bumping this. I finished it a couple of weeks back, and at that point myself and my girlfriend were numbers 1 & 2 on the global co-op leaderboard. Even took a picture for prosperity There are a few frustrating moments in co-op (certain bosses are clearly designed for 1p only...), but on the whole it was very enjoyable.

                    I've also heard that a patch has just been released that tones down the difficulty quite dramatically, so anyone that was put off by that first time round should definitely give it another shot.


                      Worst "I've got a girlfriend" post ever.


                        She won't let me post in the "man plan" thread so I have to be more creative

