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Hunted: The Demon's Forge [PS3/360/PC]

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    Hunted: The Demon's Forge [PS3/360/PC]

    Spent a few hours on this, so early impressions here.

    So far the combat has been very simple, I shoot enemies with arrows on Elara, duck behind cover when I can as apparently it improves accuracy although I didn't notice it. I swing a sword at enemies on Caddoc. I need to play Caddoc more as I don't quite get him. He can use cover, but his crossbow seems very slow compared to Elaras ranged attacks. When I tried to rush enemies to melee them, I got hurt alot and they broke my shield so I couldn't even block anymore until I found a new one. I haven't had enough enemies come at me at once to get me excited. Even the Tutorial fails in this as there's a bit where they ask you to build up your special meter on Caddoc by using weak attacks, and unleash a powerful strike with strong attack. But they didn't give me enough skeleton things to build a full meter on... After the tutorial I still didn't understand alot of the items that are found all over the place, shards, potions and whatnot. Learned what they were eventually.

    There is no radar or map of any kind, and your coop partner isn't hilighted in any way which I find quite annoying. Sometimes I hear enemies growling and I don't know where the hell they are. Other times I find myself stupidly shooting Caddoc cause he is not immediately obvious among all the other similiarly coloured enemies.

    Seems to be a decent amount of character building, there's Talents which level up as you achieve certain goals like finding 6 secret areas give you another inventory slot for weapons. Attack bonus after killing 400 enemies or something. The magic seems pretty simple at first glance, you get like 6 spells and higher level versions are unlocked as you get further into the game. You can also customise the spells to a certain degree, example: Caddocs spell that increases attack power and speed, can be customised to add even more attack power or making the spell effect last longer. Both characters can melee and shoot but you have to play them very differently.

    Controls take getting used to, it's a bit clunky. Melee swings are on Square and Triangle, aiming your bow/crossbow is on L2, shooting it is R2. Magic casting is on R1 and selecting which magic you currently use is on the DPad.

    The game is very dark, I mean graphically. It has a kind of murky feel, like Gears of War. Lots of Black/Grey/Brown going on, atleast in the early level I played. The camera feels like Resi 4 and 5.

    So far it's alright, hoping it improves as I put more time in.

    Did I mention this game was dark? Christ. There are big sections where you have next to no visability. It does make for something different, this game always claimed to have a dark setting, they really mean it. Sometimes the darkness is used well but mostly it's not.

    There's a finishing blow system in the game, I think it appears when an enemy is at near death. You get the circle button prompt to finish them off in a slow motion attack. On Elera it looks really strange. Often the enemies are incapacitated in some way, knelt down or even on the floor, but when the slow motion arrow flies through the air the enemies often rush to sit/stand up to place their head in the path of the arrow for you. It's like your watching a normal arrow headshot in reverse. There are no benefits to using the death blows and they are also really slow, you can just as easily shoot another arrow to finish them off and move on to other targets. It feels tact on.

    I have enjoyed finding some of the secret areas in the game, they often come with a bunch of enemies guarding the loots when you find em.

