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Duke Nukem Forever 360/PS/PC

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    Duke Nukem Forever 360/PS/PC

    Picked this up yesterady , despite having told myself I wouldn't bother.

    Wish I hadn't.

    Poor Frame Rate.
    Ugly Graphics
    Juvenile Humour "LOL Duke lives on floor 69"

    That's before I get to the general glitchiness/naff controls or the budget presentation.
    Perhaps it's all intentional and it's meant to be the videogame equivelant of an awful B movie comedy/horror?

    I was tempted to pick it up using my Gamestation credit and then trading it in for ?30 next week taking a small hit. Getting a bit worried with all the negatives that it may not even be worth it for that!


      It certainly shares the same spirit as DN3D but it's pretty badly made. I'm pretty sure they just thought they'd cut their losses and release the game without the modern level of polish you'd expect.

      It reminds me quite a lot of Postal 2 i.e. hilarious for 15 year olds.

      The one bit of juvenile humour that did make me chuckle was generated by myself, which involved me autographing a fan's book with whatever the player chooses to draw. The boy seemed very pleased with the obscenity I doodled.
      Last edited by EvilBoris; 10-06-2011, 09:00.


        LOL. Juvenile humor is good for a little while, but I'm just not sure how I'd feel through an entire game. At first I thought you wrote the humor in Portal 2 was for 15 year olds and was going to get very angry.

        I've never played a Duke Nukem game before and kind of see it like something trashy on TV. You have to at least have a look for yourself.
        Last edited by elaniel; 10-06-2011, 09:17.


          I think what people often overlook is that whilst the humour was obviously a critical component of Duke Nukem 3D, it was also an extremely well designed and engaging FPS game in it's own right, and stood proudly alongside the best FPSs of the era, as well as those that came afterwards. It sounds like they forgot this.


            Glad you posted your thoughts Boris. I was in gamestation debating whether to bother buying this after hearing a few negative comments, you made the decision to walk out empty handed easier.


              Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
              I think what people often overlook is that whilst the humour was obviously a critical component of Duke Nukem 3D, it was also an extremely well designed and engaging FPS game in it's own right, and stood proudly alongside the best FPSs of the era
              Spot-on. The humour and style gave Duke its own identity but it would have stood up as a great game without it.


                I might have to buy this later


                  The key thing to remember is that the framework of this game was put together years ago. They haven't been spending the last few years making it a genre great, it's been languishing in development hell. If you aren't going into it with a clear interest then it's not really worth picking up in the first place. It's a curio, like when a cancelled game gets leaked. Only this time for ?40, lol. Hopefully Gearbox will make a new entry after this and we'll see what they can do with the license.


                    I did have on this preorder but I canceled it last week due to not finishing LA Noire, Brink, Operation Flashpoint: Red River and Portal 2. I’m glad I canceled tho after reading peoples comments regarding it. I think I’ll wait till it’s being sold for ?10.


                      I expected crap graphics and framerate after all those negative reactions but the game runs fairly quick in my opinion. Not the best looking game, but no way that this is last-gen either. Its early 360 graphics.

                      I started at 11 in the evening yesterday and stopped when it was 2 in the midnight because I had to work today. I just couldn't put it away, which means that I had fun with it.

                      You have to look for items, switches etc. Turn off the hints and chances are you'll get stuck here and there. I like that. The gameplay isn't great by any means but this doesn't play like a cover shooter or CoD. You're meant to go close range and move sideways to avoid incoming attacks. This is so much different from Killzone, CoD, MoH and the likes and there is a reason that Crysis 2 is my FPS of the year.

                      I see DNF as a typical late 90's FPS, but then with that 21st century crappy ass 2 weapon limit that shouldn't be there. The Ripper, shotgun, sniper, RPG etc are all fun to use but now you have to leave the lot behind. This is the thing Resistance 1 did really well.


                        I'd be interested to know what you think of it after a bit more play, saturn-gamer. I'm honestly not much of an FPS person at all insofar as I don't play new FPS games. The 90s style ones are much more up my alley.


                          Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post

                          You have to look for items, switches etc. Turn off the hints and chances are you'll get stuck here and there. I like that. The gameplay isn't great by any means but this doesn't play like a cover shooter or CoD. You're meant to go close range and move sideways to avoid incoming attacks. This is so much different from Killzone, CoD, MoH and the likes and there is a reason that Crysis 2 is my FPS of the year.

                          Ol skool shooters, o how I've missed thee! I hate that cover system crap and miss the oldies so badly


                            I wasnt going to get this but after reading the comments on here I think I might have too.

                            It doesnt sound bad at all, it just sounds really old school and technicaly lacking. It sounds like it could be fun though if you want to blast things mindlessly for an entire game, which somtimes is just what I want to do.


                              I know I'm being very critical of the graphics and overall presentation. But I would say the overall style of the game is pretty faithful to the original.
                              Graphically I'd say its on par with a late last gen game (doom 3) or even an early game from this gen; lots of shiny metal surfaces bump mapped to death.

                              When I say it's half finished , I'll refer to a couple of things. The game keeps referring to duke being away for 12 years , that puts the Voice Over work 2 years old. Other type of silly /glitchy type things happen frequently, I walked into a room where 2 enemies were working on some machinery. You could run around them in circles, discharge your gun, bump into them but they would not come out of this canned animation until you actually damaged one of them.

