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Dungeon Siege 3 (demo , PS3 , 360, PC )

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    Dungeon Siege 3 (demo , PS3 , 360, PC )

    Ok i downloaded the PS3 demo frlm the US PSN. Starts off with you picking either a female chacater or a male character. So the games starts with a ominous voice telling you about the Legion and how he Yoda ( sounds like him ),no its really Odo leader and father figure of the Legion blah blah blah. So you can choose the 2 characters Lucas Montbaron male character , and Anjali female , went with Anjali as she serms to be a flame wielder. So the gameplay is your usual hack-n-slash that veen done by diablo and Sacred 2 , which i have on PS3 , looks similar they all do,but prettier than Sacred 2 but not by that much. So you pick you atributes and feats for how you want to play, again been there done that, maybe theses first general impressions are how iferl about the demo, its good but nothing ive not played a million times before. Theve also taken the scroll wheel conversations straight from Mass Effect , Dragon's Age. I do need a new online co-op game but if you've read others threads ive posted in, and how many people play MHP 3rd or WKC origins , im not sure this would find an audience , as i hate playing co-op with randoms, well enough of my ramblings, try it for yourself.

    The demo is also available on Steam. Runs nice and smooth too.


      I think a lot of the appeal of these games is loot and customizing your character to make them look cool and more powerful with the loot you collect. The character are premade so you lose the chance to create your own hero, and judging by the quality of the character models and loot I cannot image there is going to be much appeal in the two things I mentioned.


        Looked nice, skill system was cool etc

        BUT the combat felt so terrible, doing magic etc was ok but the basic X Button attack was just so terrible.

        Another one to pick up cheap later in the year.


          I thought the combat felt fluid and good to me. But I played as a warrior class.


            I did enjoy it, but as said im more a co-op player and not sure the community would last in it. Im kinda fed up buying co-op games which nobody plays or moves on after the next big thing happens.


              These kinds of games thrive on the pc. You are probably going to have more like on there than a console unfortunately. :/

              I'll be picking this up on the pc, i really enjoyed the lengthy(makes a change) demo.


                Having just finished Sacred 2 and Dungeon Hunter Alliance I reckon this could be the better game. The plot and event sequances seem a hundred times better and the characters are a lot more interesting. There's been a great deal of work into making this a simple game, I just hope it's not too simple in the long run. The interface is very tidy and the camera works! it's like a breath of fresh air after playing Sacred. I like the stances, they should keep the fighting from becoming a hammer X button affair.

                I hope equipment changes your appearance a bit more in the full game, on the female character (Anjali?) all I saw were palette swaps.


                  Played through the PS3 demo and didn't like this at all. The graphics are rough, the levels drab and the framerate's not good either. Combat didn't feel satisfying and the skills don't seem all that interesting although it's hard to be sure from a demo. The enemies and bosses aren't too interesting either.

                  Maybe it all gets a lot better later on as you develop your character and encounter new enemies but this demo has given me a bad 1st impression. I enjoyed Dungeon Hunter Alliance and the Torchlight demo much more than this.


                    played the demo seems ok but have to say much prefer dungeon siege 2 the combat felt a lot more visceral

                    i think for loot collecting games sacred 2 and torchlight were alot better

                    have to say though on my pc it runs silky smooth though the graphics are not anything special


                      Pre-ordered this on Steam just because it gives you the first & 2nd game for free. Can't wait to tuck in!

