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Red Faction: Armageddon

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    Red Faction: Armageddon

    It's been a while since I've had to set one of these up so you'll have to excuse the generalisations, lol. Last night I started this up thinking I'd give it a quick look over having picked it up primarily due to the shortness of Duke. I'd played the previous game Guerilla and found that to be a solid open world game that was mainly brought down by the repetitiveness of it's missions and locations, for some reason though this hadn't grabbed me in the trailers by comparison.

    I'm working through the PS3 version of the game but I haven't heard of any major differences between the different versions (someone else might be able to shed light on those though it looks like few on here have picked this up). Perhaps most intriguing about the game is the shift in genre, THQ has mentioned a few times that they see the series as being able to straddle different genres though this seems to mainly lead to something of an identity crisis. Based on what I've seen the intention seemed to be to marry the work done in Guerilla with the more structured narrative approach of the first two games.

    So far (though no expert on this) the game seems to be running around 60fps and plays incredibly smoothly and responsively. The weapons feel like you're in control of them and weighty whilst also packing a punch and there's around 12 of them ranging from plasma rifles to mine throwers and a magnet gun. The third person view can be a bit awkward at times and many of the environments are corridor based meaning despite being over the shoulder the camera can find it difficult to squeeze in a space with you. What this does mean though is that you are always in the heart of the storm when it comes to the destructable environments.

    This is where the issues start to arise as whilst the destruction works the same as in Guerilla you are also gifted with a device that lets you rebuild any structures in seconds meaning seeing enemies take out walkways and buildings you're in has no consequence. This feature is selective as well, you can be blasting through door after door until you reach one which is no different from the others but can't be destroyed because the developers want you to face off with enemies first. Any who found Duke's enemy waves off putting won't find help here as there are only a handful of types on offer and they are thrown at you in wave after wave, at times it can be somewhat relentless and if you stray from the area too far you'll be presented with a countdown to return to the battle despite there being no narrative reason as to why this happens meaning you have to stick it out till it's over. The game is essentially a run and gunner which is highlighted in the sections when you control an XO suit or a walking battle tank (the only vehicles in this) which barely differ from the on foot action.

    Visually the game is a mixed bag, there's some lovely lighting on display at times which coupled with the framerate makes it feel quite slick, on the flip side of things it features some of the lowest resolution textures I've seen in a long while. Audio wise there's not too much music and nothing remarkable to comment on beyond the lead voice artist who us giving his best Nolan North impression throughout.

    Overall, it's good fun, I haven't been bored for a second of it. However there's very little to it meaning it's the definition of a game you'd consider if it appeared cheap in a sale (likely soon). I'm 3hrs 30m into it according to the stats page and I'm over 60% through the game meaning you're likely looking at a full play through time of 5hrs 30m roughly. Hopefully, THQ will see fit to return to the ground work they did for Guerilla when time comes for Red Faction 5.

    1 - Assaulted by Rebels
    10 - Rebel Assault

    Well, I finished this last night at exactly the predicted 5hr 30m marker making this quite the breeze through game. There's nothing really to add to the above with the latter parts of the game being almost entirely comprised of pure enemy wave sections. There was one first person flight mode however it's entirely corridor based and the player is massively over powered throughout so it too passes by in minutes. Watch for those bargain bins


      Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
      There was one first person flight mode however it's entirely corridor based

      Pretty sure that was put in the game to be a homage to the old PC Descent games. The crosshair's exactly the same to the one used in Descent too. Makes sense seeing as I think it's the same team... Descent 4?


        Funnily enough I did think think of that game when I was on that section

        Minus the disorientation, lol


          Did they fix the fact that there were almost always too many enemies, and the enemies were incredibly dull?


            I've been quite enjoying this, whacked it on the easiest setting and have been just leaping around having fun with the physics. I like the fact they give you plenty of fancy weapons to play with from the offset, so you get to play.


              Picked this up shockingly cheap a week or so back. ?22.99 in Gamestation, then ?6-ish knocked off with the XP card thingo-type-jobby.

              Been putting the odd hour in when I have the time and I'm really, really enjoying it.

              Dead Space: Arcade, in a nutshell.

              The game's obviously focused on fun action rather than being cinematic, and I like that.

              Most of the weapons sound and feel superb and new additions are added at a nice pace, so I'm changing the way I play quite often. Weapons like the plasma beam and magnet gun are awesome because there's just so much satisfying feedback from the visuals. Amazing looking destruction and giant technicolour enemy explosions, some dead cool looking attacks on the enemies part, too.

              I think the visual style is quite nifty. The designs are generic, but I like the pitch-black gloominess, and how it further emphasises the many explosions, twinkling LED's and ultraviolet glow of the enemies. S'the tops.

              Great fun above everything else, then, and I think I'd go back to it on a tougher difficulty just because it might force me to play more creatively. Which is when this game's at it's very best.

              It does make me wish Volition were doing the new EDF with this engine, though.


                Finished this earlier today after picking it up when Game were dumping copies.

                Beyond breaking stuff and charging in the mech suit it's a completely forgettable shooter that takes place in a bland world. At least it was short.


                  Playing this now, know it's gonna be a short game but nothing is quite as fun as tw@tting stuff with the famous Red Faction sledgehammer, plenty of masonry there to satisfyingly burst.

                  Liking the mix of darkness/neony lighting, don't like the fact that headshots aren't particularly meaningful (these guys must have reinforced skulls).

                  Set to be a comfy 7/10er, mark my own words...


                    Finished this last night and I think crocky-chocky is pretty much bang on the money with this, it's all just very rock-SOLID, graphics n' gameplay and fun-factor are all uniformly consistent and the only real weak point is that most of it revolves around killing bugs and their 'generators', Starship Troopers-style, there's not really that much more meat to the game...and its predecessor was a better Red Faction experience, this isn't quite as good as that game.

                    A quick re-playthrough to mop up a few cheevos *does* reveal the level designs to be sorta uninspired and a tad dark n' samey but also highlights the versatility of the character control and how easy it is to use his various destructive abilities. Call me sad, but I also enjoyed the ability to 'fix' things, it really added to the gameplay, at least for me.

                    Like CC's said, it's like they took RF: Guerrilla and transplanted the Dead Space experience right onto the forefront of this game's 'dashboard' (even some of the incidental music seems lifted straight from DS!). This works generally very well, but the massive, hammer- and plasma-based destruction of Guerrilla is still in this game, yet you don't really get much of a chance to use it to its full potential, which is a bit disappointing - no more bringing down huge, 100-foot towers anymore, though in theory Mason can still *do* it.

                    (The latter is rectified, slightly, by 'Ruin mode', whereby you have a limited amount of time to bring down as many structures as possible. However, this is included as a DLC code with the game, and once used means it's redundant to future players, unless they wanna pay for it (having used the code, it's good but not really worth paying wonga for). It's a very simple, fun mode, and SHOULD have been included in the vanilla version of the game. Bah!)

                    Lengthwise, I took about 13hrs, with OCD collecting of salvage to upgrade my suit and abilities (got to the end needing about 4000 more to max out, so had to do 'New Game Plus' for an hour or so to get the cheevo). It's actually a longer game than I expected, the general consensus seems to be that it's about 7-8 hours long but that seems ridiculous for a first playthrough, unless you miss out on attempting to upgrade).

                    GAME were shunting these out new n' sealed for a fiver a month or so back, and I was lucky to get one - for that price, this was a steal but for ?20 it's maybe a bit too limited/unambtitious to justify that price tag. For the fiver I spent, and the watertight solidity of it all, it gets a 7, as predicted.
                    Last edited by JazzFunk; 11-02-2012, 18:30.

