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Uncharted 3 MP Beta

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    Uncharted 3 MP Beta

    Now that this appears reasonably stable, thought we might get some first impressions up?

    Mine: it's a minor improvement over UC2 multiplayer, with small but significant plusses like being able to respawn on your buddy and incorporating treasure hunts into the deathmatch. The menus are much richer now as well and look like they'll offer a more attractive range of perks (2 'boosters' and 1 'kickback'). Getting to unlock those perks, however, looks likely to be as much of a slow grind as it was in UC2, but I may be wrong there. Weapons: exactly the same. Also the same is the gameplay, with its strangely sedate, almost treacle-like flow of play. Folks still just jogging around, turning or rolling sedately when under fire. Remains oddly relaxing for a combat game. I think I would've preferred a small boost to the overall speed of play, albeit not to CoD levels. Graphically still terrific of course, and almost too busy with lots of detail and disorienting contrasts from light to dark. (Played the Chateau level) Gonna give it some more time later.

    EDIT: played some more, really liking it. Buddy system is cool, especially in the new 3 Team Deathmatch mode. 3 teams of 2. That's the standout mode for me so far. Love the way the levels alter over the course of play (scripted/timed, I should say). Not a good idea to get caught on top floor of Chateau when the fire's raging, or on the floors below when it all comes down. Improvement that you don't have to stop and press a button/go through animation to pick up grenades. Getting onto ladders is still a bit N64 era Zelda, which isn't good. Like the fancy Uncharted TV thing on the dash and hope this gets used to stream random games in progress rather than just the usual publicity junk that's filling it now. Lots and lots of tweaks, then, to what was already a solid MP.
    Last edited by Golgo; 30-06-2011, 09:04.

    Had some fun on this. I like the treasure hunting during the match as it keeps you on your toes. Don't like the interface they have in place. It looks like an old version of windows, no personality.

    The team deathmatch at the airstrip on the moving cars/plane was awesome.


      i have a spare beta code that came with infamous 2 if anyone wants it pm me, first pm gets code etc etc


        Had a couple of games last night and it was alright. It looks massively better though I recently went through UC1 and haven't played UC2 for a while so I could do with booting that up for a comparison but seems very sharp. The 3D mode is quite nice too. Took me a bit to get used to the controls and pace again but once I did my kill count started to rise. I'm not that bowled over by the Chateau level, very standard and very similar to the maps in UC2 though the airfield staged one is great. If the other maps in the final game are like that then it could be a decent distraction... still... I PLAYED UNCHARTED 3!!! WOOO!!!


          Meh its not that good, but then again I'm not a big fan of deathmatch games anyway. Havent played chateau as everyone votes airfield!


            Dare I ask how you get this beta?


              Its in the Plus section for everyone with the 30 day trial.

              Its kind of okay, UC3 does a better job than most single player oriented games with a filler MP added in. But I wouldn't buy UC3 because of it, and I am not going to play it actively.


                Originally posted by englishbob View Post
                Dare I ask how you get this beta?
                if you can't be bothered with PSN+ sign-up you can redeem my still unused (I think?) unlock code from Infamous 2: C3BL-QRNR-HKQH.


                  Think most people vote for airstrip because chateaux is bugged, alot of the time you can be stuck with no objectives because the game wont tick over to the next round (coop). Also in team death match modes, you get the moving plane and car chase sequance at the start on Airstrip


                    UC's multiplayer is the kind of thing that's fun and you play it until you've collected any bonuses you're after but it's not got the compulsion of other mutliplayers. I'm not going to lie though, for me, this is far more fun than the Gears 3 beta


                      plays pretty much the same as UC2 multiplayer as far as i can see - *astard hard online too, some of the guys i played are almost ranked maxxed already?!?

                      and there was a fair bit of spawn-die-spawn die going on


                        Yeah some of the spawn locations are rubbish, I was on a mounted machine gun on Chataux and had people spawning infront of it heh. 25 is the max isnt it? If it's anything like U2, that's pretty easy to get to especially if you play coop modes alot, you get loads more exp doing that. I'm 17 already :S


                          beta code gone to mrkirov


                            The unlock ratio in this is utterly bizarre. Goes at breakneck speed in co-op mode, at a snails pace in competitive modes. Up to lvl 17 now and the perks further up the scale are a bit underwhelming and unimaginative, I'm finding. Smoke bomb vanishing act is fun, though.


                              Well just played co-op Adventure, the map is Syria, it's Drake, Sully and Elaina , wont give anything away but its awesome.

