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Crimson Skies

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    I'm popping on for a few rounds tonight before I dive into some Ghost Recon: Island Thunder fun.


      Bah, but you didn't play GR:IT though, did ya!? I can host around 8 players on there, in teams... co-op seems to hog the bandwidth a bit, with all the 'bots running around (well, not running around until some lagged point later then everyone dies ).

      Good game(s!) though last night, some skills starting to shine through although team based play in CS is often terrible with more than 3 aside and then it can be unbalanced with less... dogfighting all the way baby! Although, I think I'll ban players from using that stupid electric-attack plane... hehe

      Anybody know if the "All Time" scores reset every month??


        Lol, we played yesterday (in split screen with guest bla bla) the wild chicken mode with some people and i must say i had more fun with that than dogfight. Team battles like the Chicken and Capture the Flag modes seem to me the future for the online mode of CS. Dogfight is too much all for yourself to last much. Well, i'm addicted.

        "your team have the chicken"


          Aye, the chicken mode seemed to be alright. We had a quick two-vs-two match and it played OK. The guy I was with was really good, lots of comms between us and we had a chance to cover each other; that's what it is all about. Just a shame it doesn't happen more frequently...


            Originally posted by Azelpds
            Team battles like the Chicken and Capture the Flag modes seem to me the future for the online mode of CS. Dogfight is too much all for yourself to last much. Well, i'm addicted.
            Yeah, Flag heist is probably my favourite mode, but you do need the right balance to play it. I was playing a 3 vs 3 game last night and it is impossible to capture the flag. You'll always end up being engaged by the opposing side at either base to the extent that no-one can get the flag for long. It was just impossible to protect the flag and make a decent run for the enemy's flag especially without backup.

            I think the ideal balance is at least 4v4 with 2 on attack and 2 on defense (1 plane at base, 1 patrolling between the base and a midpoint on the map). Problem is joining a game where players are more concerned about the team winning than upping their own scores, and where you can discuss tactics without sounding like a git


              Originally posted by Commander Marklar
              Bah, but you didn't play GR:IT though, did ya!? I can host around 8 players on there, in teams... co-op seems to hog the bandwidth a bit, with all the 'bots running around (well, not running around until some lagged point later then everyone dies ).

              Good game(s!) though last night, some skills starting to shine through although team based play in CS is often terrible with more than 3 aside and then it can be unbalanced with less... dogfighting all the way baby! Although, I think I'll ban players from using that stupid electric-attack plane... hehe

              Anybody know if the "All Time" scores reset every month??
              I was gonna put on GR:IT but I had a "quick go" of serious sam and got sidetracked!

              I had a few crappy games last night but overall it was fun... I still think team games are a pain in the arse with strangers. The games I played on your server were decent though although from my point of view some players, esp Riskbreaker kept freezing in mid air for a split second! I blame my stupid internet connection!!!

              That electic plane must die!


                lol yeah, sometimes i noticed things become frantic. Specially in the old Ruins, that is a little map, and with many players the chicken was always changing. But on the Wind City map we had a blast. I think this kind of modes depends much on the map you choose. After yesterday, i say no to 6vs6 or higher in the old ruins map in Flag or Chicken mode But put there a desert or Wind City match and things become really cool.

                For now i am loving the game, also had finished the single player mode, now online its the way to go.

                In a off topic matter, anyone knows where i can buy (Online stores) the Soul Calibur II Universal Arcade stick? I think it was supposed to came out in August but i can't seem to find it on sale.


                  You mean the American stick from Nuby? I don't know of anywhere with it, but it is definitely out as I know at least one guy with it. Personally, I don't like the stiff US-style sticks, and far prefer the looser ones made by Hori for the Japanese SC2 release.


                    Hmmm, it seems gamestop have them, but your words now make me curious about the japanese ones. You know a place where i can see or buy the japanese ones? Many thanx for the help btw

                    Oh, and the japanese ones by Hori are universal too or system specific? sorry again for being a little off topic here.


                      Originally posted by Commander Marklar
                      some yanks started playing and they had some weird rank and they... pwn3d us.
                      Har! When your orange fireball of an aircraft reaches the ground in so many charred parts, tell'em Airman One sent ya, courtesy of the USAF. 8)

                      Anyone like Nathan Zachary's character as much as I? He's like an airborne Indiana Jones.


                        guess this is as close to propellor arena as I'll b getting :/


                          Finally my copy arrives from postal hell...

                          ..and sod's law, I'm supposed to be out tonight and tomorrow...bah! ft:

                          Well I think tonight may have to be cancelled so I can get some play in, we shall see. Either way I shall catch up with a few of you lot for some decent dogfighting very soon. If a 'LenH' friends you up, don't be scared!

                          At last it's chocs away...


                            holy ****, why have i only just bought this game? it's ****ing awesome!! me and a mate spent a good couple of hours just blitzing everyone online... dogfighting is superb! i got this for less than a fiver from game's big 'our prices are wrong, it's actually cheaper' sale.


                              You're tempting me to buy it now- I always knew it was good, but PGR2 dominated my life back then.

                              I feel like I've really missed out on something great- hope they make a 360 sequel!


                                scrounge ?5 from somewhere and scarper into game and demand they give you a copy...

