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Pacman and Galaga Dimensions 3DS

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    Pacman and Galaga Dimensions 3DS

    Had this delivered this morning from shopto ?27.84.
    Wasnt expecting this from the title but i'm quite surprised by the quality of the presentation and the games on this compilation.The 3d effect is rather good and a lot better than i thought it would be,the concave crt effect it displays for the upright and tabletop arcade machines for pacman and galaga is quite convincing.The sound effects and music also need a mention.
    All the games play really well and the high score ranking is a good idea to see either your personal or friends scores.Pacman plays like a dream off the circle pad as does galaga 3d impact.
    If you are a retro head or looking for something different i can pleasantly recommend this complilation

    looking forward to this Edd. How is pac man tilt? Some reviews have been mixed on that but I like the look of it myself.
    Oh and its ?26.99 at Grainger Games. Sold out at my local but available on their site


      I was in three game shops and HMV today and noticed none of them had this so either it's doing really well and flew off the shelves or they barely shipped any. It is supposed to be out now, right?


        Yeah it was released on Friday. It was deffo in stock in my local Grainger because they have a store stock checker on their site so it sold out by Sat noon at 2 when I went in. Online leaderboards look like a nice hook for score chasers on this.


          It appears to be a growing trend with 3DS games to only send out very limited amounts.

          I still have not been able to get a copy of Williams Pinball Classics, even though its been out for 4 weeks. I was also thinking about getting Naruto with a game voucher but was told they were not stocking the title (lucky escape looking at the reviews).

          I have heard that Pac Man Championship Edition is the star of the package is that true? If so may give it a miss as i have that on PSP/PS3


            Does it have online leaderboards?


              Originally posted by gizmo1990 View Post
              Does it have online leaderboards?
              Yes it does.

              I also read in a review you can filter it to just show your freind list but hope Edd can confirm this featre


                Dave what do think of the two new galaga games?
                I tried every game shop in sheffield and none of them had heard of it - i pointed out it came out on Friday and they were surprised. HMV system says it is suspended (?) while Game and Gamestation had no idea. Bought off Zavvi for ?24.99 if anyone else is looking for it cheap.
                really looking forward to this now - can you give some more impressions Dave?


                  Hi Laruso, I havent got it yet. I just ordered at Zavvi though. Thanks for the heads up on the price there. There is a code for ?3 off ?30 spend too so add a cheap Blu ray or something. I spotted they have 360 wireless pads for ?17.99 so I got one of those

                  Edit: forgot to give code VCCOUKZAV
                  Last edited by davek22; 29-08-2011, 11:38.


                    sorry cant read! lol!

                    Edd - do you have any more impressions for us?


                      Bought this on an impulse buy today, well i say impulse Gamestation did not even stock it so had to go across the road to Grainger Games who did not have it on the shelf, though did get me one out back.

                      The game is very much a mixed bag.

                      First of all Pac-Man Tilt is shambolic, it is the single worst thing i have played in the last 5 years. Lowsy controls, awful level design and jumping physics are as random as the spin of a roulette wheel. Level designs are sparse, overall it is just not fun. It is a shame as it could have been very fun, if they had made it like Pac n Roll or just cloned a 2D Sonic game.

                      However i am pleased to report that is the low point of the package and the others range from ok to fun. As i suspected Pac Man CE is the highlight, the circle pad is perfect for that type of game. Combine with the very good online leaderboards that let you compare all players, just your friends or just you. Though in 3 games twice i have had ghosts travel through me or me through ghosts when i should have been killed.

                      The new version of Galaga is also fun, though i would have liked the ability to turn the gyro controls off. Think Face Raiders as it is a very similar experience.

                      I will post some more impressions after i play some more


                        Originally posted by davek22 View Post
                        Yes it does.

                        I also read in a review you can filter it to just show your freind list but hope Edd can confirm this featre
                        Yes it has a friends list,personal and worldwide
                        Couldn't find it in any of my Asda on Friday that's why I bought it off shopto and it arrived on Saturday morning
                        Still enjoying it Dave I haven't played tilt yet to busy on pacman and galaga
                        Would be good to have some challenge off you guys for the high scores


                          Originally posted by laruso View Post
                          sorry cant read! lol!

                          Edd - do you have any more impressions for us?
                          I sure do laruso
                          I'm really enjoying it but I am a retro nuthavent played tilt so can't comment on the moles views but do agree with the mole about the circle pad is perfect for pacman
                          I really do like the 3D effect for the arcade cabinets and I still say that the 3D in this title is understated.
                          The titles I have played are really fun and sound effects are good.Galaga legions plays well even with a bit of slow down the effects are nice.Galaga 3D impact is fun and plays well enough if a little short on the levels side.
                          Overall I like this compilation and would recommend it to any retro fan or someone who wants something basic but different
                          The score ranking system is good and will be even better when I can challenge you guys


                            My friend code is 382385051580 if anybody wants to add me


                              [QUOTE=The Mole;1881082]My friend code is 382385051580 if anybody wants to add me[/QUOTE

                              I've added youmines 4253-3472-9134 BIG EDD
                              look forward to your scores

