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Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (Demo)

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    Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (Demo)

    I'm quite upset at how bad the demo is for this.

    Firstly the plane model in 3rd person (3rd planeson?) view is fooking massive. Literally about a third of the screen is obscured by the "cinematic" view of the jet you're flying. It's not possible to see where you're going half the time. Yes, you can fly in-cockpit or without a cockpit, but it's still a bit odd. MORE JET MEANS MORE DRAMA. No.

    The controls are also mince - even with the assists off the plane tries to auto-roll back upright when inverted and there's constant nudges on the controls to try to "correct" your input. It just feels a bit rubbish. The advanced controls in HAWX, however ridiculous, are far more effective at delivering a bit of arcade fun.

    Biggest disapointment though is the dogfighting mode - triggered by pressing RB and LB - which pulls you into an almost automated rail shooter version of the game as you weave behind the enemy trying to bring the guns/missiles to bear. It doesn't work. There are scripted paths the enemy follow, so suddenly once engaged the enemy might dive down into the city below and start weaving between skyscrapers - but it all looks so forced and unnatural it's rubbish. It's like you're being spoonfed moments of high drama, which, ironically fail to have any impact at all as they're being spoonfed. I'm sure LB and RB do things individually too, so if you fail to press both at exactly the same time you can trigger something else, which is a bit rubbish.

    Even the Burnout-esque shattering of the enemy when they're destroyed (and indeed the graphics in general) are pretty poor. Certainly no better than Ace Combat 6 or HAWX. It's a decent idea, and better than a little camera view inset in the screen, but considering it's their big selling point "MAKE TEH METALZ BLLLLEEEEEED!" I'd expected a little more. Ground graphics, as ever, are photos with some polygon boxes on them that look nice from 20k feet, but like vomit close up.

    The helicopter mission in the demo was awful as well. Apache was miles better, here the controls are wonky, the weapons feel lightweight, the graphics are awful and once again there are too many control input restrictions to make it feel fluid and complex. It's was very, very dull.

    OK, there are only two missions in the demo, but the splash screen promised a story written by a top author (or something) and the plane mission was "more enemies approaching from the North/South/East/West" for 20 minutes over an American city and the helicopter mission was shooting up towns in Iraq, so you know.... may not be true.

    What little bits of the story you saw seemed to be a little more credible than the GRACEMARIA! stuff in Ace Combat 6, but I actually enjoyed the story in that because it was quite Japanese and odd. Here you just know you're going to get an American invasion by Russia/North Korea/Aberystwyth plot of limited credibility.

    Very, very disappointing.
    Last edited by cavalcade; 02-10-2011, 10:06.

    I'll look forward to your impressions on day one!

    fwiw, I thought the dogfighting was a bit daft too. It just didn't seem like the player earnt the kill.


      I've gone from Day One, to Day NONE baby!

      I'm copyrighting that by the way. If you want to use it a ?38 licencing fee per use applies.


        I hated the helicopter mission but had no trouble with the jet mission at all. Controls seemed responsive enough for me and the mission was built to ensure there was steady action throughout. That said, I'm not really a fan of the series and have always found the earlier games quite boring so the simple Sega-esque arcade style shoot outs might be what won it for me in the end, lol


          The demo left me largely unimpressed, not only in game mechanics, but in the technical department as well. Models were fine, but textures were grainy and the lighting very steryle, opposed to the screenshots I've seen for previous Ace Combat games.
          I'm saying screenshots because I've never played an Ace Combat game before, so I approached the game hoping for some mindless dogfighting fun where firing four MRMs within visual range is not only possible but encouraged...only that missiles seem to hit when the game is scripted for them to hit and that it's possible to guide enemy aircrafts where you want during the close-range engagement mode: having all those Su-35s (or Su-30 MK/MKIs, can't remember) break left and the unload the gun on them was way too easy.

          And then there's the escort mission. I don't care about the helicopter, it's an escort mission in a demo for a game about dogfighting.

          I guess that if I have to play an Ace Combat I'm to chose the one with the highest flying aircraft carriers count.


            Hated the demo. Nowhere near as awesome as I remember the PS1 games being.

            As Cavalcade rightly pointed out, the size of your jet/camera relation to it, is utterly insane. So much screen real estate wasted on your fighter.

            Anyway, the worst thing is the cities. They're actually less detailed and interesting to fly through than on the PS1.

            But you know what the absolute worst thing is? I intentionally tried to crash into the water, and it turns out the water is SOLID. It just bounces you off as if you'd hit solid earth, damaging you quite badly. Now that is ****ing rubbish. I expect your jet to disappear below the waves in a torrent of cascading water.

            After that I immediately exited the demo and deleted it with extreme prejudice. If the demo is anything to go by the game must be trash.


              It's a shame nobody seems to like it too much, I have the demo but haven't checked it out. What's the best Ace Combat game, then, according to you guys? I only have the last one on the 360, which I liked but never finished, also it got quite hard in places.


                04 is easily the best one. The pre-recall JPN version to be exact.
                Kept you waiting, huh?


                  PS2, I suppose? Would the Japanese one be playable without a FAQ or translation, text and audio wise? Thanks for replying.


                    That's correct. It's fully playable. The audio and 99% of the text is in English, so you can't go wrong. If you have a BB Navigator it has zero load time too.
                    Kept you waiting, huh?


                      It sounds sacrilegious, but I think the first HAWX and maybe the second at a push (though that seemed a little rough around the edges) are probably the primary flight combat sims of recent times. The co-op is a nice addition, and the advanced controls are genuinely something different in the genre and work pretty well. Tail sliding jet fighters is always good.

                      You could probably get the pair for less than a tenner.


                        OK, thanks for the suggestions, will get all three some day. I do like more arcadey games than pure sim type games, though.


                          Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                          04 is easily the best one. The pre-recall JPN version to be exact.
                          Recall? Why was there a recall? I'm fascinated now!


                            I think that Zero is the best, it took the good things of AC5 but removed a lot of bull**** from that game (Choppers banter for example, or singing the unsung war song).

                            I also hold AC2 in high regard. It still had this minimalist, near non-existent Ps1 era storytelling but pure gameplay which is what counts. It holds up really well, plays like the Ps2 games but just with worse graphics.

                            AC3 Electrosphere JP is great as well for the packaging and the non-linear storyline, crazy Ps1 graphics as well. But the dual shock controls are fairly borked.

                            Assault Horizon, aka CoDified AC. Its not that good it seems. I liked the cinematic stuff but the dog fight mode felt like win button and the heli wasn't as bad as I expected (somehow felt good to barrel roll with a frickin heli!) but I still don't want it in an AC. I probably end up liking it more than AC6 (and 1), but less than the others. For me it went from day one to someday after its being reduced in price. Because of BF3, Rage, Crysis 1 etc all comin' out.

                            OP didn't mention another ridiculous thing in this game: Health regen! Its stupid as hell.
                            Last edited by saturn-gamer; 04-10-2011, 19:42.

