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Dark Souls

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    I want a lightning element and I'm on NG+ and still can't figure it out. May have made a mistake in converting my broadsword to a raw weapon.


      Originally posted by ItsThere View Post
      I want a lightning element and I'm on NG+ and still can't figure it out. May have made a mistake in converting my broadsword to a raw weapon.
      I presume you've attained the specific embers

      large ember from the entry of the depths, near the first butchers table.

      Go to the Blacksmith in the Undead Parish, and reinforce weapon to +5, then go to 'Modify' and it will give you an option to get it to +6, then after that, go back to reinforce to bring it to +10

      Once you've done that, you go to the smithy in

      Anor Londo

      , if you've go the right materials, he'll do the rest.

      This confused me for the best part of the game.


        I gave an amber I found to the blacksmith. He just said could he have it. I didn't get anything in return! WTF


          Originally posted by jimtendo View Post
          I presume you've attained the specific embers

          large ember from the entry of the depths, near the first butchers table.

          Go to the Blacksmith in the Undead Parish, and reinforce weapon to +5, then go to 'Modify' and it will give you an option to get it to +6, then after that, go back to reinforce to bring it to +10

          Once you've done that, you go to the smithy in

          Anor Londo

          , if you've go the right materials, he'll do the rest.

          This confused me for the best part of the game.
          Yeah I have, although will need to get to

          Anor Londo

          again now... Although I am rocking a Black Sword +3 with Strength 23 which is decent but slow to swing.


            Originally posted by ItsThere View Post
            Yeah I have, although will need to get to

            Anor Londo

            again now... Although I am rocking a Black Sword +3 with Strength 23 which is decent but slow to swing.
            Because strenght also affects how fast the attack animation is performed and 23 is barely above the minimum requirements for the weapon. I'm using the same sword and at strenght 33 it's quite damaging, though it doesn't really become "fast". You have to be good at rolling (but in this case a faster weapon is better) or have a good shield.

            Opened all shortcuts in

            Anor Londo

            and I'm ready for the boss there...hopefully I am, though I'd like to level up a bit more to get strenght at 34 to use the shield that came with the black iron armor set. This set doesn't look as cool as the elite knight or the silver knight sets but surely gives you a lot of protection. Sadly I still can't use Havel set because I'm unable to run with it.
            Also killed

            Lautrec after the black eye orb started to vibrate. Invading his world as spirit of vengeance was satisfying, especially when all three came straight at me after I hit the spear knight with an arrow. They tried to gand on me but a standard attack with the great sword hit all of them, second swipe too, third swipe the sorcerer was down and with the fourth the spear knight too.
            Lautrec kept rolling near me, a couple of steps backward and he ate steel for the fifth and sixth time, killing him. Nice drops, though he didn't left behind his armor.


              Ornstein and Smough

              are history! I desperately want the former's armor as it looks incredibly cool (and I'll be ditching it because it doesn't compare to my current set, I'm sure of it).

              I brought up strenght to 34 but haven't factored equipment load in, so I'm forced to use

              Havel's Ring

              to use the tower shield...but it's amazing, even Silver Knights' attacks bounce off the shield and has a great magic/fire/lighting cutoff rate (of course 100% phisical). So I've begun pumping on Endurance to get rid of the ring, but I think it will take quite some time.


              O & S. The first part is difficult because you have to take care of two enemies at once, but Smough's attacks are slow and easily dodged (or blocked, thanks to the shield). Ornstein can cover great distances quickly and his lighting spear is bypass shields, but alone they wouldn't be a problem. What you need to do is to take one or two swipes at your chosen target and then check the area to see where's the other guy.
              I killed Smough first and found the empowered Ornstein extremely easy...I beat it on my first try when the duo took its fair number of attempts. Ornstein gains Smough's size and buttjump attack (plus area lighting damage), but its newfound size is detrimental to him. If you stay too far away he won't be able to reach you, same thing if you stay too close. I basically spent my fight with large Ornstein between his legs, taking a couple of swipes, him jumping away, me running toward him and repeating the whole process. Now I'm curious to see how's Smough in second phase.

              The encounter with

              the Queen of Sunlight was...well, I've never expended her to be this big. Or Framps to "teleport" you to the Lordvessel altar. Also near Gwynevere I found Lautrec's armor, though its stats aren't particularly good; haven't checked for special effects but couldn't be bothered with it. In the bottomless box it goes.

              Off to

              Darkroot Garden.

              As I've beaten the
              previously (and still have to buy the Crest), I went for the loooooong stairs from the lake,

              only to notice a crystal golem deep into the lake...never seen it before, let's kill it! And the crystal golem dropped a NPC.
              OK, I'm getting accostumed to weird things here. The NPC opens up shop near the lake and sells a catalyst and some spells.


                Found out that the merchant

                in the depths moved to Firelink Shrine

                and he's selling


                armor. For now I've just bought the chestplate and by the end of the first run I'll go for the full set, but I doubt I'll use it.
                It looks incredibly cool, it's lighter and give slightly more protection than the black iron set but poison/curse/bleed and poise are almost half, and cannot be upgraded.


                  From start of a new game to first bell in under 12 minutes. wtf! I think I did it in just under 12 hours
                  UPDATA:2011/10/14 05:00#2: for

                  If you want you can watch him complete the whole game in 1hr 26. Insane.

                  I'm out of swamp and blight and now back onto the overworld grinding and sorting out equipment before I head into Sens. Currently level 52 and walking around with the cool looking Eastern Armour and also the massively powerful Black Knight Halberd. In the space of around six hours of grinding I've gone from struggling to almost being overpowered. In your face Dark Souls.

                  Anyone else get an occasional delay with hitting the attack button? I don't mean running out of Stamina, this is a delay of several seconds when your character just does not respond, then (usually when you least want it) it'll spring back to life. This has killed me so many times, very frustrating as I don't feel it's my fault.

                  Also all the NPCs around Firelink have just vanished. One seems to be story driven but I've also lost the first knight you see and most annoyingly the pyro seller.
                  Last edited by PeteJ; 16-10-2011, 20:35.


                    Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                    Also all the NPCs around Firelink have just vanished. One seems to be story driven but I've also lost the first knight you see and most annoyingly the pyro seller.
                    Petrus (the cleric) should still be there,

                    his fellow clerics and the lady they're escorting depart from Firelink when you ring the second bell, IIRC. The sorcerer freed near the Capra Demon doesn't move, too. The knight will wait for you at New Londo Ruins entrance and will attack you

                    . I've killed

                    the pyromancer

                    (by mistake) so I wouldn't know about him.

                    Anyone else get an occasional delay with hitting the attack button?
                    Yes, and not only the attack button, but also the Estus Flask or thrown items. The character can still move and the "refused" action will be triggered by the next button input. Not good when you are trying to cure yourself and in desperation you bring up your shield hoping to weather an attack.
                    I've also encountered a bug with the bonfire

                    below the red drake in Undead Burg

                    , I lit and kindled it long time before me returning there and when I got back the fire wasn't lit and I wasn't prompted for any action (rest or lit) until I moved away; I heard the sound of the bonfire being lit and it was functional once again. Weird.


                      Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                      Anyone else get an occasional delay with hitting the attack button? I don't mean running out of Stamina, this is a delay of several seconds when your character just does not respond, then (usually when you least want it) it'll spring back to life. This has killed me so many times, very frustrating as I don't feel it's my fault.
                      There is no delay when pressing buttons, or well there shouldnt be anyway, but it is worth pointing out that a button input never comes into effect until the last animation of your character has finished.

                      It is also worth pointing out that you can cancel actions by rolling.
                      Last edited by rmoxon; 16-10-2011, 21:51.


                        Urghh the Tomb of Giants is hard! Its dark!


                          Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                          There is no delay when pressing buttons, or well there shouldnt be anyway, but it is worth pointing out that a button input never comes into effect until the last animation of your character has finished.

                          It is also worth pointing out that you can cancel actions by rolling.
                          There's a proper bug regarding this though - It's kicked in for me several times now in really awkward circumstances. Input buffering is occasionally ****ed - You can press a command, and it won't do anything until you then try to input your next command. IE: drink estus, won't work, put up shield, then it works and knocks your shield down.


                            Had a great session on this today. I did all of Blighttown in 1 sitting, that was hard work. Luckily I had some humanity when I got to the boss so I could summon someone and

                            the NPC that invades you there also put down her sign near the boss

                            . Even with 3 of us it was still hard work, I think this fight would've been really tough if I would have been alone.

                            After the fight I continued on and

                            joined the spider woman covenant

                            . A little further in the same place I decided to try my luck against

                            Ceaseless Discharge (great name)

                            which I somehow managed to cheese. Still not sure what happened but I hit a few times and then he just died. Picked up a great set of armor down there as well.

                            Annoyingly there didn't seem to be a shortcut there so I had to backtrack all the way back to Blighttown. Because I had entered through the valley of the Drakes I decided it would be a good idea to exit the other way, which turned out to be a rather long and annoying trek but somehow I made it through and ended up back in the Depths.

                            And now it's 1:30 AM and it's way past my bedtime. Been a while since a game made me forget the time like this .


                              Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                              There is no delay when pressing buttons, or well there shouldnt be anyway, but it is worth pointing out that a button input never comes into effect until the last animation of your character has finished.

                              It is also worth pointing out that you can cancel actions by rolling.
                              There is a delay sometimes. I've had it happen today in the Tomb of the Giants. I rolled back, walked further back then tried to use estus, he used it 2 seconds later and I got clobbered.

                              Originally posted by Sane View Post
                              Annoyingly there didn't seem to be a shortcut there so I had to backtrack all the way back to Blighttown. Because I had entered through the valley of the Drakes I decided it would be a good idea to exit the other way, which turned out to be a rather long and annoying trek but somehow I made it through and ended up back in the Depths.
                              I spent like 2 hours trying to get out that way, and gave up and found the shortcut near the bottom. I hated blighttown worst area in the game IMO. Just like the Valley of Defilement.


                                Originally posted by Sane View Post
                                And now it's 1:30 AM and it's way past my bedtime. Been a while since a game made me forget the time like this .
                                Aye, me too.

                                A relatively mild session today revisiting dudes I'd previously belted it from. Finally got the Drake Sword and have managed to level it up twice. It's well good.

                                Beat Pinwheel in the Catacombs too...Which was easy to start off with, then madly unfair in the middle when

                                about 8 replicas surrounded me flinging sorceries of woe from all sides

                                , then back to nice and easy at the end. I then popped into the Tomb O' Giants.

                                Ran off.

                                Did a bit of grinding in Blighttown and braved the cavern of poison dart tooting ne'er do wells.

                                I really do love this game, even when you're treading old ground you'll doubtlessly find something new and cool.

