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Bleach: Soul Resurection

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    Bleach: Soul Resurection

    So im pretty surprised that there isnt a first play for this already, its been out in the US for a couple of months, and came out here a few weeks ago. Doesnt seem to be many copies around though, I literally went to three different local towns to get one!

    Being a massive Bleach fan, I knew i'd be getting this, even if the reviews were bad, and it turns out they are pretty much in the middle, although GamesTM's 4/10 is overly harsh I feel!

    The game is pretty much Dynasty Warriors starting around the Hueco Mundo arc and ending with Aizens defeat. You get the idea, run around a map with lots of enemies, getting your combo up as high as possible which causes more souls to be dropped, which then you can level up your characters with.

    The story mode is short at only 14 levels, but the main gameplay is in the mission mode, where you are given set directives to complete, but sometimes with debilitatin effects - such as defeat three bosses at once, but not allowed to block or jump.

    ive spent a good 8 hours with it so far, and can happily say that its not as short as made out- I havent finished the mission mode yet, and the difficulty ramps up a fair bit. there are 21 characters including unlockables, and they can all level up to lvl 150, which is alot of gameplay should you feel the need.

    The game is pure fan service and I love it, theres the japanese and english voice track, all the characters play completely differently, all with their correct move names, styles of play and finishing moves. I cant understand why any Bleach fan wouldnt be happy here!

    On the downside, I guess the game could get repetitive, although i'm not feeling it yet- maybe because I'm playing so much else inbetween- but I am enjoying it immensely. The story mode is a wasted opportunity, minimal cutscenes, minimal exposition, and sadly misses alot of the stories and key fights during the time span- hopefully to be improved in a sequel!

    Anyone else playing this, or is it just me?

    I'll be picking this up as soon as site's start knocking it out at ?17.99

    I love Bleach myself but really can't justify the sort of money that's being asked for a niche title.

    I still feel they need to start bringing the Heat the Soul games over to the PS3

    Apart from the 'Cube & Wii game's Bleach is crying out for a proper Fighter on a home console.



      Fair enough, that was my plan, but after struggling to get hold of a copy, I gave in and paid ?40. Honestly, I don't feel short changed at all, and I'm the first to have buyers remorse!

      It's very spoilerific though, I'm only up to the English dub, and this goes Faaar beyond that!


        Originally posted by MrKirov View Post
        Fair enough, that was my plan, but after struggling to get hold of a copy, I gave in and paid ?40. Honestly, I don't feel short changed at all, and I'm the first to have buyers remorse!

        It's very spoilerific though, I'm only up to the English dub, and this goes Faaar beyond that!
        Normally I'd happily splurge stupid cash on Bleach stuff but with the current backlog & a raft of pre-orders on the horizon my spare cash is pretty much well & truely accounted for at the moment so unfortunately this will have to wait till the bargain bin

        I'm the same as you I had downloaded the first 180 ish episodes but once the UK DVD's started arriving I gave up & I'm currently only on season 6 so expect this will involve many many spoilers, so waiting might be a bit more beneficial for me



          I'm up to ep 225 on the English dub, all the captains are rucking with the espadas, this games pretty much starts there haha, so yeah, may be best for you!

          I wouldn't have spent ?40 on it, but had spare money left after holiday, so why not!

