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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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    Originally posted by FSW View Post
    Seems it's just an overpowered 'fortify magicka' for use during a particular mage college task i.e. not a bug and not something you can re-use. That's the general consensus at the moment anyway.
    You get it from activating a fountain, you can only use it once but can do it whenever you like.

    I activated it without prior knowledge and initially thought it was a bug, After I discovered it was just a temporary status effect I immediately went dragon hunting.


      Ah, thanks for the clarification. As usual, the whole of the rest of the internet has failed me whereas to correct information can be found right here.


        Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
        Don't know if you realise or not but the protection spell needs to be used by holding down the button, not by simply pressing it.
        Yeah, I am holding it down, so either the trigger isn't working or I don't have enough magika to charge it for long enough (haven't been increasing magika more than a couple of times, mostly health and stamina).

        Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
        I feel like my 25 hours is pushing it, how the hell have you managed 45?!? Good going though .
        I took Friday and Monday as hols and played it fairly solidly

        Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
        I had a similar one but with only one dragon, two mammoths, two giants, two mudcrabs, my horse and me! My horse deserved a bloody award for Bestest Creature In Skyrim. What a trooper! Ended up reanimating a mudcrab to fight on my side but it didn't last long. Team Horsey took down the dragon but the giants and mammoths were too much, so I ran to the hill laughing all the way to my new Shout power.
        If you think the normal horses are great, wait till you get

        Shadowmere the demon Dark Brotherhood steed - making the return from Oblivion, but now looking even more deadly

        Last edited by MartyG; 15-11-2011, 13:29.


          Originally posted by MartyG View Post
          Yeah, I am holding it down, so either the trigger isn't working or I don't have enough magika to charge it for long enough (haven't been increasing magika more than a couple of times, mostly health and stamina).
          The spell is activated as soon as you press it, it's a shield that you use to deflect magic by holding down the trigger.

          Are you standing on the circle that has the arrow pointing to it? Once you do the teacher should tell you to use the spell and he will immediately fire at you when you do.


            So just to confirm, does this statue which gives you infinite magika only work the once, or can you revisit it once the effect wears off?

            The 'you can do it whenever you want' bit threw me.


              Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
              Are you standing on the circle that has the arrow pointing to it? Once you do the teacher should tell you to use the spell and he will immediately fire at you when you do.
              Yup, and it's not triggering - sounds like it's definitely an issue then.


                Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                So just to confirm, does this statue which gives you infinite magika only work the once, or can you revisit it once the effect wears off?

                The 'you can do it whenever you want' bit threw me.
                You can only use it once, but at whatever point of the game you want.


                  I've reached Level 13 and I'm having a weird enemy levelling issue (in my eyes anyway). I'll go to a dungeon and get through ragging everything. Then I'll come up against the end guardian and get my backside handed to me. Most noticeably this happened at

                  Black Cove where Jee-ra was piss easy but Captain Halgred (or something) nearly tore me a new one (must have used a gazillion healing potions)


                  Hillgrund Tomb - this is where I'm at now. The magic dude at the end summons about 3 draughr at a time and seemingly completely disappears. I face wave after wave of these relentlessly and just get worn down. Gildor dies in seconds and then it's goodnight nurse.

                  The discrepancy between the dungeon baddies and the 'final boss' seems well off. I'm going to have to investigate my potions and load up on attribute boosters I think.
                  Anyone else noticed this?
                  And - while I'm asking questions - do others have dragons overhead which they can't get to land and fight? This has happened a few times to me now. I go chasing after them but they won't put up their dukes!!


                    Bethesda have programmed an anti-bellend code into the title, whereby the much-vaunted dragons will NOT lower themselves to land and fight against lame skanks. You are in that bracket.


                      Originally posted by Plough Boy View Post
                      I've reached Level 13 and I'm having a weird enemy levelling issue (in my eyes anyway). I'll go to a dungeon and get through ragging everything. Then I'll come up against the end guardian and get my backside handed to me. Most noticeably this happened at

                      Black Cove where Jee-ra was piss easy but Captain Halgred (or something) nearly tore me a new one (must have used a gazillion healing potions)


                      Hillgrund Tomb - this is where I'm at now. The magic dude at the end summons about 3 draughr at a time and seemingly completely disappears. I face wave after wave of these relentlessly and just get worn down. Gildor dies in seconds and then it's goodnight nurse.

                      The discrepancy between the dungeon baddies and the 'final boss' seems well off. I'm going to have to investigate my potions and load up on attribute boosters I think.
                      Anyone else noticed this?
                      And - while I'm asking questions - do others have dragons overhead which they can't get to land and fight? This has happened a few times to me now. I go chasing after them but they won't put up their dukes!!
                      The "boss" type enemis are alot tougher than the normal ones. I dont find it a big deal in itself but there is nothing there to let you know that one of those superpowered people is gong to attack you so you usualy end up unprepared and dead.

                      You need to save often really and then its not much trouble, becuase once you know they are there you can prepar yourself. The trial and error element of it isnt great though.


                        This is the business! Love the weather changes. The area where the


                        are reminded me of Ico for some reason. Have resisted urge to decorate house for the moment.


                          I need some focus, I have spent the last two days just padding around the land exploring. I decided to do a small bit of the main quest but realised I was miles away. So I bought a horse, which I immediatley regretted. I then ended up in some sort of strange marsh land and I thought I saw a statue so went up to have a look, turns out it was a
                          who caved my head in.
                          The sheer size of the game is almost overwhelming. I have nearly 20 side quests on the go at the moment! Tonight I will have the time for a good long play. I love this game.


                            Horsey is awesome! He can climb mountains like Sir Edmund Hilary. Nothing but a vertical face can stop him. And he tried to take on a frost troll on his own bless him.


                              With all Bethesdas previous games I've followed the main quest and picked through the side quests I've come across as I've gone along which has typically led to a meaty run through time and me levelled up somewhere around 35/50 without the game going on too long. This is the complete opposite and I'm going to have to change approach with it. I'm only 6hrs in at level 7 but I'm already literally half way through the main quest I'm going to have to go out my way to do side quests to pad it out just for the experience, I'm playing on normal and grinding is worthless as despite my low levelling I completely own most enemies anyway. Still, it's a fun test run for Fallout 4


                                Be warned, horses can die.

                                After grinding away and shelling out a grand on a horse, we had some good times. The mare was a legend in battles, having a go and at times single handedly ruffing out various vagrants. However, last night, on a journey to another place entirely, we chanced upon a "something" tower (can't remember the exact name), which branched across the river, high up across a thin path with no barriers. At the ground level entrance, we were met by bandits who attacked. I dismounted to repel them.

                                Unknown to me a couple of bandits where high up on the tower and path above and starting firing arrows at me. As I attempted to despatch the trouble below, those above attempted to fire arrows at me. The next thing I saw was my horse, high above my head, attacking the bandits! Good on her I thought! I returned my attention to the ground attacks and killed them off. Afterwards, all became quiet. I assended the stairs to join my horse, but there was no sign of it. I continued along the path on high to the other side of the rocks, thinking she'd be there. No sign.

                                I searched around trying to find her, after all she had a habit of wandering off. I glanced all the way down to the river, and found her. Lying dead on the rocks. She'd obviously taken a tumble in the battle and fell to her death.

                                The most gutted I've been during a videogame since I cannot remember. This is the best game I've played since Mass Effect 2.

